OpenStack Installation

OpenStack Installation

openstack Nova provides a cloud computing fabric controller, supporting a wide variety of compute technologies, including: libvirt (KVM, Xen, LXC and more), Hyper-V, VMware, XenServer, OpenStack Ironic and PowerVM.

DevStack is a set of scripts and utilities to quickly deploy an OpenStack cloud from git source trees.


  • To quickly build dev OpenStack environments in a clean Ubuntu or Fedora environment
  • To describe working configurations of OpenStack (which code branches work together? what do config files look like for those branches?)
  • To make it easier for developers to dive into OpenStack so that they can productively contribute without having to understand every part of the system at once
  • To make it easy to prototype cross-project features
  • To provide an environment for the OpenStack CI testing on every commit to the projects
Openstack Architechture


IMPORTANT: Be sure to carefully read and any other scripts you execute before you run them, as they install software and will alter your networking configuration. We strongly recommend that you run in a clean and disposable vm when you are first getting started.

Install openstack on clean Ubuntu 18.04

update repository for ubuntu 1804

apt update  

install dependencies for openstack

git clone [](  

set full permission for openstack directory

chmod -R 777 devstack  

change version of the openstack core

vim devstack/stackrc === change 0.4.0 to 0.3.6  

create user for openstack installation

cd devstack/tools  

login as a openstack user

su - stack

go to devstack directory

cd /home/ubuntu/devstack  

install openstack on your ubuntu1804


for debug and troubleshooting any problem


Reference :


