OpenLoop Content Recap - May 2024

OpenLoop Content Recap - May 2024

Happy May!

As we step into the heart of spring and all its unpredictable weather, we've got a list of rock solid digital health content for you to tap into.

What you can expect this month:

  • How To Cut Costs and Scale Using Healthcare AI
  • 5 Quality Metrics to Measure Value-Based Care Success
  • Defining Employer Health Plans: PEPM vs. PMPM
  • 5 Ways Virtual Care Benefit Plans Can Aid Your Employees


?Featured Content

How To Cut Costs and Scale Using Healthcare AI

Did you know that roughly?30% of healthcare spending?is considered waste? Excess administrative spending and unnecessary medical care negatively impact healthcare organizations' bottom lines across the United States.

As a result, healthcare executives are looking for innovative ways to scale their services and bring down costs. However, the question that often lingers is:?How can this be successfully done without compromising quality of care, patient satisfaction and burning out your workforce??The answer to this question could lie with artificial intelligence (AI).?


Whitepapers & Resources

The Complete Fundraising Checklist For Startups

OpenLoop CEO & Co-Founder Dr. Jon Lensing has raised over 60M in funding and spoken with 250+ investors. This FREE checklist contains everything you need to build a rock solid investor pitch and raise capital for your startup.

Download Now >>

State-by-State Medical Licensure Requirements (Part 1)

Tap into our comprehensive guide to state-by-state licensure requirements. In this whitepaper, you'll gain access to the physician licensing specifications for Alabama through Missouri.

Download Now >>

??Must-Read Telehealth Content

5 Quality Metrics to Measure Value-Based Care Success

As more healthcare organizations look toward value-based care programs, we’ll discuss five ways you might measure value-based care success.


Defining Employer Health Plans: PEPM vs. PMPM

Discover how employer health plans, like PEPM and PMPM, differ. Plus, learn about their advantages, challenges, and how to overcome them.


5 Ways Telehealth Insurance Benefits Can Aid Your Employees

To stay competitive, employers are looking to telehealth for employee benefits. We've identified 5 ways employees and their organizations benefit from virtual care coverage.


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