OpenLab CDS Deployment in the Cloud
Over the past few years Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platforms have reached across the technology adoption chasm and gained acceptance as a technology for many enterprise IT departments, Agilent’s customers are increasingly willing to install their CDS applications in one of the big three leading cloud platform providers. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud. The willingness across organizations to move to a cloud platform is typically driven by IT expertise and business drivers to centralize services and reduce capital expenditure. When corporations move to a cloud platform, it enables them to outsource more of the routine maintenance of traditional datacenter type operations to a cloud provider, as well as move the cost of operation from a capital expense to an operating expense.
Intended use of this document
This document serves as guidance for customers interested in moving their OpenLab CDS system to a cloud service provider. The reader should be familiar with the cloud solutions offered by Amazon and Microsoft.
– Amazon Web Services (AWS)
– Microsoft Azure