Opening Hours
Stan Karameros
Accountant at Stan Karameros Accounting Coaching and Business Consulting
When undertaking a venture such as opening a store it is necessary to determine the hours that the store will be open. This means that it is necessary to have the appropriate staff so that they can actually turn up on time and have the appropriate knowledge to be able to serve the customers. If a business is going to incur the expenses of opening the store and paying rent then it defeats the purpose if the store is advertised open at 10.00am yet the staff are not there to actually open the store. This can potentially lead to loss of sales. This is because if a customer shows up and the store is locked because the staff were unable to pen it then this does not paint a positive picture for the business. Also it should be noted that steps should be in place so that staff can take their relevant breaks. Ie staff should stagger their breaks so that there is someone present in the store rather than closing the store down and everyone going on a lunch break or coffee break together.
?It is also necessary to be aware of various happenings such as large sporting events which can attract crowds from overseas or interstate. This is especially the case where a store is located near that particular event. While there is the potential for potential traffic delay or detour there is a potential customer base which may come through on foot. As such it is necessary to have the appropriate staff present who can turn these potential customers into actual sales.??