Open Your Life to Your Deeper Potential

Open Your Life to Your Deeper Potential

In the ancient Indian traditions, there is a convention that people will devote their lives to their work and raising a family and then, in later life, step out of their roles and seek the solitude of a more spiritual way of living.

Have you heard of this idea? It suggests that, if we cannot find the inner peace, calm and enduring happiness that is our natural condition when we are preoccupied with life’s daily challenges, then we should make time to explore the spiritual dimension when our duties have been completed. So, after many years of toil, we might seek the life of a hermit and devote our remaining years to the spiritual quest that brings us the treasures of wisdom and fulfilment.

The problem with this approach is that we might run out of time before we have a chance to explore our potential for enduring happiness. Not a pleasant thought, perhaps, but an important recognition of the fact that none of us knows how long the thread of our lives will run. That’s why we should create space for happiness every day rather than postpone the good times for some undefined point in the future. We should also reserve time every day for meditation and quiet contemplation. The benefits are so profound that every aspect of our lives will benefit from this subtle shift in our daily behaviour.

In a world where the rewards of a lifetime of toil are the elusive lure of a leisurely retirement and a chance to enjoy the fruits of our labours, the fact is that each day where we deny ourselves the gifts of happiness and a deeper connection to our inner wisdom is a wasted opportunity. The only moment where happiness can be fully experienced is right now. By being fully present in this moment where your consciousness is touching these words, you can open your mind to profound states of inner peace, calm and blissfulness. Your happiness is no longer dependent upon the outer world. It’s a condition that flows from within you and a completely natural expression of your potential for a much healthier and more balanced way of living.

Let’s make a commitment today to enhance the quality of our lives and improve our connections to the people around us by opening our hearts to greater happiness. Let’s reserve a few precious moments every day to relax our bodies and breathe more deeply, savouring the richness of this magical state of awareness and discovering how wonderful it is to be truly alive.

[email protected]


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