Open Your Eyes ??? to the Power a Refined Style ????

Open Your Eyes ??? to the Power a Refined Style ????

Thank you to?LegalEase?for sponsoring this episode.

Amanda discusses the importance of one’s style and how it can affect their success. 89% of what people learn about someone is visual, and the first three to seven seconds of meeting someone are crucial for either connecting or disconnecting. Dressing the part and having the right mindset are key to connecting with people and opportunities. It’s not just about clothes, but rather about how someone feels wearing them. The conversation then shifts to increasing earning potential and growth for our future selves. Amanda emphasizes that dressing the part and having the necessary confidence and authenticity is essential for achieving the desired goals.


“Change Your State Through Style and Be Your Next Level Success.” – Amanda Weil


  • Style can be a useful tool to help move forward in life.
  • Activating your crown chakra can open you up to divine inspiration, with the color purple being representative of this chakra.
  • Meditation is a powerful practice for strengthening your seventh chakra and quieting your mind.
  • Indigo, navy, and dark blue are great colors to wear when making major decisions or listening to your intuition.
  • Journaling can be a helpful way to express yourself and share your beliefs.
  • The third eye chakra is linked to intuition and finding answers within oneself.]+89++of+Your+Clients++Buying+Decisions+are+Visual


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