An Open-Source Tool For Security Scans Of Container Images — Vilicus
Ederson Brilhante ????
Tech Lead | Staff at Cisco | Ex-Splunk | SWE | DevOps | DevSecOps | Site Reliability Engineer | Platform Engineering | Lead Developer | Software Architect
What is Vilicus?
Vilicus?is an open-source tool that orchestrates security scans of container images (Docker/OCI) and centralizes all results into a database for further analysis and metrics.
Vilicus provides many alternatives to use it:
Why do scan for vulnerabilities in containers?
A recent?analysis?of around 4 million Docker Hub images by cyber security firm Prevasio found that 51% of the images had exploitable vulnerabilities. A large number of these were cryptocurrency miners, both open and hidden, and 6,432 of the images had malware.
Docker image security scanning is a process for finding security vulnerabilities within your Docker image files.
Typically, image scanning works by parsing through the packages or other dependencies that are defined in a container image file, then checking to see whether there are any known vulnerabilities in those packages or dependencies. - Source
How does it work?
There are many tools to scan container images for vulnerabilities such as?Anchore,?Clair, and?Trivy. But sometimes the results from the same container image can be different. And this project comes to help the developers to improve the quality of their container images by finding vulnerabilities and thus addressing them with agnostic sight from vendors.
Some articles comparing the scanning tools:
Cached Database
Vilicus updates daily the vendor databases with the latest changes in the vulns DBs.
Using a strategy to storage the database data in layers of docker images, the whole platform is ready to use in minutes instead of hours. Starting the sync feed with vulns from scratch can take at least 6 hours.
Do you want to know more about this strategy? Read?my article
Local Registry
Vilicus provides a local registry, so you can build a local image and scanning it without pushing it to a remote repository.
docker build -t localhost:5000/local-image:my-tag .
curl -o docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
docker run -v ${PWD}/artifacts:/artifacts \
--network container:vilicus \
vilicus/vilicus:latest \
sh -c "dockerize -wait https://vilicus:8080/healthz -wait-retry-interval 60s -timeout 2000s vilicus-client -p /opt/vilicus/configs/conf.yaml -i ${IMAGE} -t /opt/vilicus/contrib/sarif.tpl -o /artifacts/results.sarif"
GitHub Action
GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want. - Source
Vilicus provides a?GitHub action?to help you to scan container images in your CI/CD.
Container scanning
A scan can be done using a remote image and a local image. Using a remote repository such as the image will be?
- name: Scan image
uses: edersonbrilhante/vilicus-github-action@main
image: ""
And to use a local image its need to tag as?localhost:5000/image:tag:
- name: Scan image
uses: edersonbrilhante/vilicus-github-action@main
image: "localhost:5000/myimage:tag"
Complete example with steps for cleaning space, building local image, Vilicus scanning, and uploading results to GitHub Security:
name: Container Image CI
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Maximize Build Space
uses: easimon/maximize-build-space@master
root-reserve-mb: 512
swap-size-mb: 1024
remove-dotnet: 'true'
remove-android: 'true'
remove-haskell: 'true'
- name: Checkout branch
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build the Container image
run: docker build -t localhost:5000/local-image:${GITHUB_SHA} .
- name: Vilicus Scan
uses: edersonbrilhante/vilicus-github-action@main
image: localhost:5000/local-image:${{ github.sha }}
- name: Upload results to github security
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v1
sarif_file: artifacts/results.sarif
Results in GitHub Security
Check an example?using Vilicus GitHub Action
Pipeline example:
List with all vulns found:
Vuln details:
GitLab CI Template
Vilicus provides a?Template CI?to help you to scan container images in your CI/CD and import the results to Gitlab Security Tab
Vilicus needs a VM with ~30GB of free space disk, because that, it will not work with the GitLab shared-runners.
Linux shared runners
All your CI/CD jobs run on?n1-standard-1 instances?with 3.75GB of RAM, CoreOS and the latest Docker Engine installed. Instances provide 1 vCPU and 25GB of HDD disk space. -?Source
You can use your own runner or use a strategy I created to have runner hosted by GitHub runner combined with the GitHub Action maximize-build-space
GitHub Action maximize-build-space
When removing software, consider that the removal of large amounts of files (which this is) can take minutes to complete. On the upside, you'll get more than 60 GB of disk space available if you actually need it. -?Source
Do you want to know more about running GitLab Runners in GitHub? Read?my article
How to use in .gitlab-ci.yml:
- remote:
extends: .vilicus
IMAGE: <image>
- <your runner>
Vulnerabilities imported in GitLab Security Tab:
Free Online Service
Vilicus also provides a free online service.
How does it work?
Displaying an image already scanned by the service:
Scheduling a new scan:
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