The open secret to achieving your 2016 goals

The open secret to achieving your 2016 goals

Experts have repeatedly told us to write things we want to achieve down, “CLEAR YOUR HEAD and put it on paper!”, It works.
When something is properly written and clearly stated, it impresses itself upon the brain and continues to condition the brain to think in that manner.
The brain is a product of impressions, the more you impress your goals upon it by visualization, repetition or other creative representations, the more it becomes your reality.
Success comes through focus, channelling your energy to something and putting all of you into it (Talking about it, working towards it, being it). Soon, everyone sees your passion for who you are, and then join you to believe in it.
As powerful as the mind is, it can’t tell the difference between what is real and what you make up. It takes in what you constantly feed it and makes it your reality. (Be sure to think positively in 2016, BAN negative thoughts from your mind).
Focus keeps what you have chosen as your reality, alive. Your goal has to be constantly kept alive, the best way to do this, is to keep your goals visible and a continuous reminder. (Clogging your brain up with all sorts of things won't do).
At times of confusion, when things really get out of hand, like "the shit hits the fan and scatters", you lose all hope and it becomes difficult to think. But fortunately, what you have written down reminds you of who you are (a focused, hardworking, driven person with clear goals) and helps to reaffirm your self valuation to keep you back on track.
The brain and mind work for you, don’t give them conflicting messages, let them have the picture and pattern they like to work with to keep them in sync working for you.
A good way to start 2016 is to take stock of 2015, learn from your mistakes and build on your successes, then plan 2016 based on your deductions.
Download the Inner Guide Goals and Accountability Planner and get ahead with 2016! Remember to leave a comment on and share the post on your social media, to others who might benefit. I would be interested to know how the planner works for you.
Best regards


