Open plan offices to be proscribed in a Post Covid world
Dr. Mansoor Agha Siddiqui
Academic Head at IvyLeague Career Services, Master Trainer for Teachers at ETS, Visiting Faculty at IMS and Raus IAS Study Circle
Open plan offices - Once hailed as a step towards better communication and lowered costs has turned into a failure in many companies. Rising real estate prices and a preference to be located at certain prime locations has led corporations to go for Open plan offices. OPOs have been justified on the basis of lowered barriers to approach and communications, they increase collaboration and are the right way for projects requiring quick consultations. But except for the top dog, who has a much-envied and aspired to corner office, rest have to contend with a cramped up work station in an open office. The next stage in densification has also arrived with people being told to work on whichever workstation is available. Marketing and sales guys are worst hit as some reporting managers do not want to see them in office because they are supposed to be in the field booking more clients and their mere presence in office is taken against their effectiveness.
Freud believed that the subconscious has a stronger impact on our lives than the conscious mind, but subconscious is more atavistic. Mark it - Deep inside we are still that scared but hungry animal with a DNA ordering it to mate. So like an animal in the middle of a jungle, we are always wary of predators, looking for our prey and potential mate. We still have a specified “Distance of closest approach” which gets violated in overcrowded places, making us tetchy and tense. We are comfortable with marking our territory by clawing at trees and pissing to mark the borders of the territory.
The air-conditioning, bright lights, a water hole and keeping us caffeinated are ways to make employees deliver more. But Covid-19 is making us revisit our assumptions and smell the salt. The governments are leading the way with recommendations and fiats on working from home and physical distancing in offices. Air conditioning would have to circulate more fresh air and windows would be created and opened.
The new rules are:
- To fight against the deadly COVID-19, the second phase of nationwide lockdown began in India. As announced by the Prime Minister, the Centre issued fresh guidelines for workplaces amid national lockdown. IT, IT-enabled services (ITeS) and e-commerce companies are asked to work with up to 50% strength. Several offices and factories are allowed to operate during the lockdown if they follow the new guidelines.
- All workplaces must ensure adequate arrangements for temperature screening. Sanitizers must be provided in all offices functioning during this period.
- For workers coming from outside, special transportation should be arranged by the office. Public transport must be avoided during this period. The office vehicles should be allowed to work only with 30-40% passenger capacity. Thermal screening is mandatory for the employees at the gate. Any vehicle or machinery entering the office premise should be disinfected.
- Social distancing norms must be stringently followed. There shall be a gap of one hour between the two shifts. All offices must sanitize the work places during that time. For manufacturing establishment, there should not be any overlap between two shifts. Even during the lunch break, the employees must ensure adequate social distancing.
- Large meetings with 10 or more people amid the coronavirus lockdown are strictly prohibited. Employees must sit at least 6 feet away from each other while working. This distance must be maintained even during the meeting and training sessions.
- Seniors citizens, especially those with co-morbid conditions are encouraged to work from home. Parents of children who are below the age of 5, should also use remote-working facility.
- All the public and private organisations should encourage the employees to use Arogya Setu application. Arogya Setu is a mobile application designed to track COVID-19 outbreak in India.
- The non-essential visitors are banned at office premises. Usage of tobacco, gutka are strictly prohibited at the workplace. More than four persons are not allowed in lifts.
- The organisation must identify the nearby hospitals and clinics which are authorised to treat COVID-19 patients. A list of those hospitals must be available at the work place. Medical insurance is mandatory for each and every employee.
I have been hearing the chatter of my peers – plans on cleaning their cubicles themselves and not trusting office staff, carrying their own lunch and coffee, going to office on odd hours to avoid contact with others, avoiding ACs and opening windows, and no physical meetings.