Open Our Eyes
Open Our Eyes
Fr. Gregory Gebbia, OFM
The powerful symbol presented in our gospel is light.?Of the many ways we can approach discernment, enlightenment is one way to consider our quest.?We are seeking to have our eyes opened as was the blind man presented today.?Blindness is not just physical.?It is also true that many who are blind see more keenly than those with sight.??An enduring, discerning prayer is open my eyes Lord, help me to see like you.?
It is strange and unfortunate that we too often see only what we want to see.?We wear blindfolds that prevent us from seeing beyond the limits of our imaginations.?We turn our sights away from new ideas that could penetrate the darkness of our unknowing.?Our impulsive judgements and criticisms block us from appreciating the other, whoever they maybe.?Those who make us uncomfortable are often not recognized as Christ among us in his most distressful disguise. ?
Today give yourself an eye exam.?Find the corrective lens that will brighten your ability to become less shortsighted and gain clearer perspectives.?Last, welcome Jesus’ advice, go wash in the pool of Siloam and come back able to see!