Teresita Rudon
"Writing Enthusiast & Owner/Consultant T/A SUMMIT SERVICES BELIZE Work in close collaboration with stakeholders to promote Belize as a country of diverse opportunities And a catalyst for sustainable development
As if it isn’t enough, there is now a QUESTIONABLE shift where middle income families, appear to being hard hit by an unusual state of extreme anxiety.
Never before have I seen such an increased number of specific illnesses that are nerve related. And more surprising is the concentration on the middle income section of our society.? Thus I ask myself, I wonder what is happening in the world today? To answer myself, I decided to go back to my yesteryears to compare the social existence of today with what was then.
1.??? The family units were usually of a high number. (approximately seven to be the least).
2.??? Food on the table were balanced – protein, starch, vegetables, fruit.? Most homes had a small vegetable/fruit garden and a chicken coop for a daily diet of fresh eggs.
3.??? Cooking in most homes were done outside the house on an open. Fire.
4.??? Homes were humble and comfortable with bare necessities.
5.??? The parents were always present and much interaction within the family.
6.??? ?Children played outside and frolicked happily with the neighbors’ kids.
7.??? Errands and chores were delegated.? Food was controlled, there was a plenty and it was filling. ?
8.??? There was a health system where nurses and doctors visited the schools and depending on the social health need, parents would be pre-informed on the purpose of the school visits and what would be done.
9.??? As far as I can remember, the common sicknesses were Measles, Chicken Pox, Malaria, the common cold. Now today, the sicknesses are exotic. Curiously, health concerns have changed drastically in our society.? Darn if I ever heard of suicide, drug overdose, dementia, alzheimers, parkinson, stroke, multiple sclerosis, anxiety.? These sicknesses are all stress related!
So, this leads me to believe that our lifestyle has changed drastically -? The socioeconomic situation, the digital age, the exposure now to the trappings of different classes entitlements. The trend now set to be more materialistic and worldly, more meritocratic.? Inequality is born. ?The inter changing of culture and questionable habits, have taken a demanding face!
On top of this, how does one balance sustainable development and conservation without economic suffering. Heads of families are hard-pressed to feed their own. Government leaders responsibilities keep magnifying in these challenging times to protect the land as a source of food for its people, to provide jobs and to develop without destroying. No cut and burn to destroy the atmosphere in this COVID-19 cross puzzle period ???
But coming back to where I started, the illnesses – is it too late to find a real solid solution that works without slow killing us? I wonder, this crazy mind of mine, since in the coming years we will see a population explosion, are we being killed off slowly without realizing it?? I mean folks, the world as we know it is getting smaller and these natural disasters of fire, floods and earthquakes are not helping either.? Is it all a balancing act to accommodate what seems to be a growing population and a shrinking planet?
Now, to close off, what are we eating and how are the foods being cooked? Processed foods, injected chemicals, contaminated waters and so on…..
Is all this worry causing excessive stress and short life spans or worst, are our prime period of life being cut short or destroyed by premature sickness never heard of before in such numbers>>>> the inquiring mind wants to know.