What about individuals who are open-minded? They are curious, open to possibilities, and trying things out.?You can tell who they are because they say things like:
This, in general, is the paradigm of this group of individuals. They tend to see the practicality, workability, feasibility, and viability of things. They are willing to try, instead of looking at why something will not work.
Individuals at this degree of consciousness are often referred to as being strong, energetic, brave, or courageous. They are leaning towards exploration, going through life feeling empowered and allowed, and possessing a degree of freedom to do things, and to take initiative. These individuals are acting the same way that all children do once they start exploring the world. That is, until the adults in their life start to scold, warn, shame or guilt them.
These individuals are determined, especially as adults. They have the courage to be their own parents, having risen above the lower degrees of awareness, including above those of Avoidance, Wanting, Hostility or Defense-driveness. For example, at the degree of Wanting, individuals are usually blinded by what they want. At the degree of Defense-driveness, individuals are usually forced to protect themselves.[1]?These levels of understanding limit individuals’ ability to explore, be open-minded, or have the courage to “give it a try.”
Those at the degree of consciousness of Open-mindedness tend to find life to be enjoyable, thrilling, and exhilarating.[2]?They see life as stimulating, as a form of challenge, and like a puzzle that is worth solving. They are ready to try new things; they tend to welcome life’s challenges as a part of life, and all this, in turn, helps them to grow. These individuals do not, therefore, fall apart in the face of life’s situations. For, after all, they have risen above the degree of consciousness of Defense-drivenness, which is the degree of consciousness that makes people crumble when life does not go the way we think it needs to go. We may also see individuals at the degree of open-mindedness have the energy to do things, try things, learn new things, new skills, and grow.
Individuals at this degree of consciousness do not avoid fear; rather, they face it. These individuals are not blind to their shortcomings. They either choose to improve them or focus on their strengths, without reverting to denial. Lastly, because these individuals at the degree of consciousness of Open-mindedness do not operate from a survival mode, they are not driven by fear, by wants, or by defenses.[3]?Rather, they are able to give to life, as much as take from life. They also do not rely on the boss, the spouse, or the friend, to tell them how good of a job they are doing, in order for them to feel appreciated. Rather, they have their own internal feedback that reinforces their positive actions, leading to more and more efficiency and productivity as they go.
Many individuals at the lower degrees of awareness may see in themselves some characteristics common to those at the degree of open-mindedness. However, for them to really reach this degree of open-mindedness, they will have to stop operating from the lower degrees of awareness.
Open-Mindedness – Inquiries