Open to Listen
Every year I audit my interactions, it is a way to track, double efforts, reconnect and readjust.
One of the items on my to-do list last year at this time was to make myself more available, say yes to the sales pitch, donate more time to the SMEs reaching out asking for some pro bono help, questions about a process, contract, grant program, CRM, SOP, DLA, QA, market data, call center development, sales support, M&A opportunities, etc.
I fell short of my goal on the availability side, and for this, I am truly sorry. The good news is that I have some cycles available for my extended contacts and network. For those of you who I have not circled back with pertaining to any of the topics listed above, feel free to reach out.
I'm here, I'm listening, and I will make the time. For those who just want to get acquainted, please feel free to reach out. Time is finite, I try and extend a hand, an ear, and my expertise anytime I can. Sometimes you just need 48hrs in a day.
I appreciate you all and I look forward to the conversations.