An Open Letter: A War the West Cannot Afford to Lose, What is a Hero

An Open Letter: A War the West Cannot Afford to Lose, What is a Hero

Dear friends,

I write to you today with a heavy heart, compelled to address a matter of utmost importance—a war that is draining our resources and tearing apart lives. The conflict in Ukraine is not one that the Ukrainian people or the Western nations can afford to lose and not one they can win. Despite sporadic peace talks, it has become painfully clear that these efforts have served as mere stalling tactics, not by the Russians but also by the West and Ukraine themselves.

In a recent counteroffensive, Ukraine suffered severe losses, with nearly 30-40 percent of the armored vehicles and weapons supplied by the West being decimated. These alarming figures were reported by The New York Times (, underscoring the enormous financial burden amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. Let us not forget the immeasurable loss of human lives and the soldiers who will no longer be able to participate due to debilitating injuries.

It is disheartening to learn that there are discussions within the United States government about potentially providing cluster munitions—a weapon banned under the Convention on Cluster Munitions. This convention, adopted by a majority of nations, seeks to eliminate the use, production, and transfer of cluster munitions due to their significant humanitarian impact ( It is deeply troubling that such discussions are taking place, as the use of cluster munitions further endangers civilian lives and contributes to the devastation.

From the very outset of this conflict, I appealed to President Zelemsky to earnestly seek peace. Today, I ask you all, what does true heroism entail? Is it someone who fights until their last breath, or is it someone who saves a million lives? The cost of living amidst this war affects us all, while oil, gas, and weapons manufacturers reap record profits. It is worth noting that certain Western companies stand to benefit from the continuation of this conflict, as they have a vested interest in the sales of arms and supplies. I implore you to question your local politicians and Members of Parliament about their connections to these companies and their stance on the war.

Let us employ our collective wisdom to recognize that escalating the conflict through the use of banned cluster munitions, as both sides have done, is not a desirable course of action. Envision, if you will, Ukraine dropping cluster munitions on Moscow—would it then be justifiable for Russia to retaliate by deploying them on Kiev, London, Los Angeles, New York, Washington, Paris, Frankfurt, and other cities? Can we truly fathom the unimaginable loss of life such actions would entail?

The truth is that most of us cannot even begin to grasp such horrors. War remains an abstract concept, distant from our daily lives. We have never experienced the terror of shelling or the anguish of losing loved ones. Those who call for war, who dismiss peace talks—what losses have they endured? While they sit comfortably consumed by entertainment, perhaps only losing a few brain cells, they fail to comprehend the true trauma of war.

The West grapples with the overwhelming financial implications of this war. Consequently, we can only anticipate further escalation unless we, the people, rise up and say, "Enough!" We must refuse to let taxpayers' money be spent on perpetuating bloodshed. We must reject the insatiable greed of the global elites, who stand to profit immensely from massive infrastructure projects in the event of Ukraine's victory. These elites have already invested billions of dollars upfront, utilizing taxpayers' money to secure those contracts. I implore you to demand answers from your local politicians regarding the source of this funding.

Do I find solace in funding a war when peace remains a viable option? The resounding answer is no. Why would any of us desire to witness the daily spectacle of men and women perishing before our very eyes? What purpose does it serve? If such devastation were unfolding on our own streets today, we would cry out for a peaceful resolution, not more bloodshed. We would demand an end to poverty and refuse to allow the pockets of oil, gas, and weapons manufacturers to grow even fatter.

If you genuinely stand in solidarity with Ukraine and its people, I implore you to join me in calling for an immediate halt to any discussions of providing cluster munitions. Instead, let us urge the United States and other Western nations to actively pursue peace. Sending more men and women to die in a war that cannot be won does not exemplify heroism; it represents the epitome of toxic masculinity. In the months since the Ukrainian great offensive, they have barely advanced 6 kilometers, failing to breach the first line of defense against the Russians. Are we willing to continue sending them into the fray, knowing that it won't be us enduring the relentless pounding against an impenetrable wall each day? Yes, our actions may leave a small mark, but at what cost?

When will we, the people of the West, unite and proclaim, "No more!" No more funding a war that brings us no benefit, no more sacrificing the lives of Ukrainians and our own people, all to fill the coffers of oil, gas, and weapons manufacturers.

Thank you for your attention, and may peace prevail.




Tyrone Talbot-Kennedy CCNA, CCNAV, CCNAS, CCA的更多文章