An Open Letter to the Wannabe Corporate Criminals
(Addressed to all URDS employees, Office of Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office , City of Troy (Michigan) Prosecutor, Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel , Oakland County, Michigan Government Executive, David Coulter, Governor Gretchen Whitmer , WDIV Local 4 News/ClickOnDetroit Help Me Hank, among others… It’s go time…)
Your response is so sad that I don’t have the heart to be as condescending and mean as my anger would allow me to be. I honestly feel for you. You’re far too indoctrinated to understand the hole that you, Jordan Segal , Patrick Stemmler, Stewart Weiner and Kurt Siebenaller, CPA have dug for yourself, your clients and your firm. To that extent, I’ll just say I forgive you, for you know not what you do… at all.
It’s actually mind blowing how you, your firm and your clients’ paper machete egos have suspended disbelief to allow you to carry on in such a manner. It’s as if you truly believe that you’re justified in the mess you’ve created and in the blatant manipulation of our judicial system. I don’t know if the State Bar of Michigan is giving licenses away based on agreed upon levels of imprisonment to a system that has all but completely robbed us of our unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but I hope you’ll use this case as a way to free yourself, rather than confine yourself indefinitely.
Once the foundation of our judicial system, a system that you claim to represent but only manipulate to further your self-interest, rises to the surface and becomes the driving force once again, the foundation of truth, justice, and liberty for all, I hope you’ll hop on that train with the same fervor with which you and your firm have decimated any semblance of it. Truth be told, it’s of no consequence to me. However, I do consider myself a light-worker of sorts and I pray that my patience and effort in handling yours and your clients’ infringement upon me in the highest level of consciousness available to me, manifests the best for all of you.
That being said, in the name of truth, justice and liberty for all, I will inform you that I’m adding all potentially interested parties back on to this email thread. Unlike snakes that slither in the muck, in an effort to hide their intentions and actions from the world, I do everything in plain view. Everything I say, I will say in front of anybody. I prefer to speak my mind in front of everybody, be it good, bad or indifferent. It’s not that I believe I’m always right, but more so that I’m a man who thrives to be the best version of himself he can be; a man who knows that taking responsibility for all of his actions and words, then learning from his missteps, or furthering the righteous ones, can only lead to the peace and serenity that we all crave, whether we understand this universal craving within ourselves or not. I’ve added everybody back on this correspondence who deserves to be in the know.
I will be a lot less gentle with my ex partner and his co-conspirators. To them I say, you all should be feeling nice and comfortable right about now. In fact, I’m confident that what might seem like an opossum act on my part has worked swimmingly to prompt you to feel like you’re in the clear.
To be clear, there was no opossum act on my part. Rather my delay in dismantling you and your counsels’ infringement upon me, by pulling it into the court of public opinion on a larger scale, was a hold out to offer each of you the opportunity to step forward into integrity. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to destroy, against my own will, that which I had created as a tool for the greater good; United Restoration Disaster Services . I was hoping I wouldn’t have to destroy any false perception of ownership and control that I had created for all of you. I had hoped that you’d have all had your metaphorical, come-to-Jesus moments, and realized the err in your ways, if for nothing else, to free yourself from the inevitable negative consequences of your actions. I’d hoped to see you at least feign integrity by apologizing, if only in the name of self-preservation, thereby promulgating the possibility that your self reflection would prompt a hero story that I would have gladly backed, and put you and your counsel on a trajectory that carried the possibility of long-term success.
You’ve obviously failed miserably to do that. I know very well the mind of somebody with a guilty conscience; the criminal mind. Lord knows I’ve possessed one in the past. It’s a mind that oftentimes chooses to play victim rather than take responsibility.
I’m quite certain you will continue to point to everything I’ve done as a slight against you for some misstep of mine that you have failed miserably to provide a shred of evidence for, simply because the misstep does not exist. You’ll continue to imagine that every action of mine is some contrived attempt to steal from you that which I created. This is preposterous to say the least. It’s more preposterous than Patrick’s assertion that he had anything to do with the creation of this company, or more so the management of it once it was created. He knows less than he did the day we decided to embark on this venture. Don’t ask me how that’s possible.
Because of your delusions of grandeur, you will be the ones who are harmed most by all of this. Rest assured, it will only be by your own actions and my reactions to them; not by anything I’ve created. I did none of this. Remember the false accusations, the bank fraud, and everything that has prompted all of this stems from you; not me. I was completely oblivious to your coup, to the point where I had pulled a $50,000 personal loan from a street creditor to fund the cash flow crunch you and your actions had created. Remember that.
You can start the countdown now. Life as all of you know it, Messrs. Stemmler, Siebenaller, McKenna, Creal and Stewart Weiner , representatives of United Restoration Disaster Service’s and Maddin, Hauser, Roth & Heller, PC 's infringement upon me, is about to end.
Don’t view this correspondence as a slip on my part. I know exactly what I’m saying down to the nuance. Nuance. That is something you indoctrinates should educate yourselves on.
You might call this a confession of sorts. Here’s what I know. What befalls you from this point forward will never get traced back to me in any negative form or fashion. What will transpire will be the natural consequences of either your acceptance or rejection of my final offer. I’ve been calculating my steps meticulously, unlike you who choose to throw crap at the wall and hope it sticks. I’ve allowed you the opportunity to step into integrity. You’ve shown that you have none.
I created URDS in antithesis to the boiler room it has now become. In good conscience I can’t allow it to exist with you using the integrity that was the foundation of its inception as a buzz word to fatten your pockets. I’m going to have to end it.
Rather than view this message as a slip of tongue, recognize it as full disclosure. You could also recognize it as a show of pure confidence in that the truth will always prevail.
As stated in my first correspondence in response to your attempts to manufacture a resignation from me with which to carry out your bank fraud, which you and your representation did under false pretenses, I am the truth. I told you that on day one. And as much as I am the truth, rest assured, I will prevail.
My final offer is on the table. You know the number. 3.3 million, which would include me not suing Bank of America Business , who most assuredly would turn around and sue you and your clients for the bank fraud committed which forced this liability upon Bank of America for the actions that it was defrauded into taking against me. That number includes both the settlement I would expect to get from Bank of America and from your clients, Mr. Creal. It’s a low number. It’s a gift. It’s a number that’s just high enough to possibly quash all of your egos into submission so that light might seep in and you see the err in your ways and maybe move you all into a future of higher consciousness and better versions of yourselves for you and your loved ones.
I’m all for a future of higher consciousness for you and your clients, Mr. Creal, should this be a path you opt to take. With my assistance and with an integrity degree in place, earning back that 3.3 million for your clients and your firm would be drop in the bucket, utilizing the system of integrity and the company I created, with my public blessing. I will only co-sign the future use of what I created under a formalized decree of integrity, which guarantees that what I created moves into the future in accordance with its foundation of integrity that I built it with, never to be circumvented for profit.
I want nothing to do with the company from a profit standpoint. I have to move on. This is your last and final offer. Should you not accept this gift, all the consequences that befall you, your firm and your clients negatively are yours and yours alone to take responsibility for. You can attempt to point the finger at me, but the three pointing back will remain the most poignant, whether you like it or not.
This is my final correspondence with you and my final offer. If you reject it, I’ll see you in court in August, if the dismantling process doesn’t prevent you from being there. You have a choice here. The possibility of long-term success under integrity or your complete dismantling under the lack thereof. Choose wisely.
Vince Orlando
We The People NTWR
(No taxation without representation)
#noviolence #nodivision #notwopartysystem
this country but you, my friend, or not my friend rather, have been a resounding reason for me to press forward in the way that I have. You are a detriment to this country along with your firm. Your clients, we know, are the weak little men to be dealt with. But people like you who actually have some form of power, not against me, but against those that are too indoctrinated and actually good, people people like you Need to be stopped dead in your fucking tracks. I’m your huckleberry.
You’re an indoctrinated piece of shit, a beacon of the corporatocracy. Your little mind can’t fathom where this is headed. You’re funny to laugh at little man.
For the record, take note on how I filter out my anger above. You’ll find my visceral response just below my signature.
I’m not playing high and mighty here. I do not like you and I do not like my ex partner or anybody associated with this infringement. But I have a higher spiritual calling so I’m forced by my own higher consciousness to act in a different manner.
I do everything in plain view. Discrediting me will be a virtual impossibility. It’s time for you all to step forward into feigned integrity.