Donald Trump Won with a Promise to Drain 'The Swamp,' Because 'The Swamp' Needs Draining

Donald Trump Won with a Promise to Drain 'The Swamp,' Because 'The Swamp' Needs Draining

My last blog, Open Letter to Special ‘Ethics’ Investigator at the IMF, Sabina Blaskovic, explained how not only are financial market on the brink of collapse, with no rebound like the last time, with Christine Lagarde being set-up by the Powers-at-be as the “fall-guy” when they crash. Hopefully, the crash and “wake-up” call will come before Trump’s Inauguration—reminding taxpayers in the USA, that $35 million of THEIR MONEY has already been spent on security detail for Trump and Trump Towers in NYC, since the elections. Imagine what the price tag is going to be at the end of 4 years. The Office of President of the USA is not some “booby-prize” from some sham reality show—and should NOT be considered as such, by those in Power, the press, US Congress, and certainly not by Trump and the Administration he is putting together. Kellyanne Conway’s nomination as “Counselor” to the President is very telling—as is Trump’s silence, except erratic tweets, since the elections. Conway is apparently the only one who can “control” Trump, and his Administration doesn’t want the American people to “wake-up” to the REALITY of what they have created, and realize that Trump is not the Messiah, but rather the Devil Incarnate. Please see the video Michael Moore in Trumpland, advising Madame Lagarde to invite another “Michael” to a “One-on-One” with her, this time Michael Moore,

While my formal academic training in economics is limited to micro and macro-economics, and an international econ. class at the undergraduate level, I did receive a 98% in the intl. econ. class; which as I was told by fellow students, was so difficult “even the econ. majors failed at least once.” Not only did I understand the theoretical concepts in the class as well as, if not better than, the professor I successfully tutored a group of class-mates for the final exam; which they all passed, with high enough grades to pass the class, even with failing grades on the mid-term. It is even possible that my notes got passed around to future intl. econ. students, with his class becoming the easiest, rather than hardest econ course at GWU. The obituary written by some of his former students was far from the arrogant man I met, when I went to reclaim a 1% point on the mid-term exam, which I had answered correctly, given the grammatical construct of his sentence.

For me, the past decade has been déjà vu, with the economists in the IMF and their international economic policies, and my experience with professor Richard Dunn of GWU in ‘85. Not only are economists in the IMF complicating their subjects much more than necessary, and thereby unable to see the “Big Picture,” but many are as arrogant as professor Dunn was in the ‘80s. Most people believe that being highly-intelligent, both intellectually and emotionally, as well as gifted and talented, makes one “advantaged” in life. However, while being highly intelligent, as well as “gifted” does offer an “advantage” in understanding the problems of the world; the predatory nature of capitalism, with no checks and balances to the rampant greed and avarices of its actors, only serves to exploit and oppress the most talented, gifted members, while rewarding the parasites and con-artists.

One of the reasons monarchies developed (with constitutional monarchies still the norm in various European countries), was because it allowed a continuity of governance over generations. This system replaced the more oppressive regimes, under the Romans as well as “heathen” invaders, and excess of the Catholic Church—offering a more “protective” model of government, even if populations were considered “subjects” and not “citizens.” The “patriarchal” construct in western societies—which sanctions marital rape, and even sexual harassment, which predators like Trump being the norm within the “corridors of Power’—finds its genesis (in part) to the rise of feudalism in Europe, and the “protector” nation-states which developed as a consequence.     

It is important that policy-makers in Washington start understanding their rhetoric under human rights standards, as well as how to implement their rhetoric into reality. In 2010, on an IMF Intranet blog, where Blanchard explained the financial crash of ’07-’08, I asked him if, that crash, was not similar to the crash of ’87, to which he responded, “no they were totally unrelated.” However, Blanchard, the much lauded Head of Research at the Fund, is incorrect. The financial crashes, and ensuing economic crises are all part of the same “Game” being played by a close circle of financiers, bankers, lawyers, economists, and policy-makers in Washington and Wall Street, joined by Silicon Valley in the past decades. These “players” maybe changing the financial instruments they are using in the “Game,” but they keep playing the same game with an increasing pool of money from middle-income countries, who are following the same dysfunctional excessive consumer-spending, techy liberalism, and bad governance of the USA.

The IMF was a result of the Bretton Woods Conference after WWII, with the object to provide free markets and stable economies, in order to prevent a repetition of WWII (and WWI, which had been the “War to End All Wars”), and I quote,

The seminal idea behind the Bretton Woods Conference was the notion of open markets. In his closing remarks at the conference, its president, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, stated that the establishment of the IMF and the IBRD marked the end of economic nationalism. This meant countries would maintain their national interest, but trade blocs and economic spheres of influence would no longer be their means. The second idea behind the Bretton Woods Conference was joint management of the Western political-economic order, meaning that the foremost industrial democratic nations must lower barriers to trade and the movement of capital, in addition to their responsibility to govern the system.

However, the present state of affairs in economies around the world demonstrates to what extent the IMF has failed in its mandates since its creation in ’45, as well as it bad-faith of career IMF economists and managers to fulfilling that mandate. Not only have IMF economists like David Lipton, Mark Plant, and Olivier Blanchard been negligent in understanding the complexity of economies around the world, but have been instrumental in promoting an oppressive “Global World Order” to economies and societies around the world—assisting in the creation of exactly what they were created to prevent—WWIII. After WWII, the “Powers that Be” realized that if they did curb their blood-thirsty warmongering ways, and realized that instead of literally raping and pillaging their neighbors for “loot” and “fertile lands,” they could accomplish the same thing through exploitative and protectionist trade. The policies of the American government since WWII, using institutions like the IMF, World Bank, and United Nations, to “legitimize” all the manipulations and conniving of the “ol’ haired men” (and their accomplices) in Power in the USA, culminating in a Trump win, and the construction of the Fourth Reich—noting this time around ALL the major (and some minor players) already have Nuclear Bombs—with Trump asking “if we have them, why are we not using them!!!” If the world was ever at a OMG!! HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!, IT IS AT PRESENT!!! A Trump Administration is NOT GOING TO BE OK.

Amnesty International estimated that I had a ? of 1% chance of survival in Spain in 2007-08, and statistically speaking my chances of survival have not been getting any better, because EVERYONE in the “development community” are too busy playing the same games as the likes of ICD’s Office Manager, Adrianne Thapa, in collusion with the HR Team of ICD, Senior Personnel Manager (SPM) Gina Paone, Ana Daie, and Kate Philips, and the front office queen-for-a-day ol’ guard nepotism secretaries, Elizabeth Elliott, Imel Yu, Carla Cullatti, and Jocelyne Vanderhaegan. The “game-playing” of these “ladies” (and I use the term very loosely) are exactly the same as the “queen-for-a-day” domestic violence and women’s rights “experts” (ie. Ana María Peréz del Campo, of Mujeres Separadas y Divorciadas in Spain, and Ruth Glenn, of National Coalition of Domestic Violence, Terry O’Neill of the National Organization of Women, and Eleanor Smeals of Feminist Majority Foundation in the USA) are playing with victims—waving their PhDs and MBAs around like Ladies and Lords did in “yesteryear.”

Not only have I been documenting the elevated level of “game-playing” (with the lives of citizens everywhere) in the IMF in the past 8 years, but also all the “game-playing” of the “experts” and “public authorities in Spain, the USA for over a decade—and as the Nuremberg Trials demonstrated, civil servants and public authorities DO NOT enjoy IMMUNITY FROM CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. And, while the protectionist racket that all those in Power in Washington (aka The Swamp) have been building for the past 70 years is “protecting” the criminal elements that infest Washington, the House of Cards will eventually fall, and come crashing down on all these “experts.” And, as we have seen time again in history, these people will be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for decades of negligence and criminality, which is just as grotesque as that found under Hitler and his Nazi regime. The cruelty of the women within “the system” far surpass that one finds amongst men. At least most men, in their cruelty do so for economic reasons, and dominance—and it is only the most heinous of psychopaths which take pleasure in inflicting pain on others. However, the problem with women, and why they were prevented from entering the remunerated work-force—because of the “power” it would give them—is that even the “pseudo” psychopathic women, take great pleasure in in inflicting pain and suffering, particularly on other women. The PhD and MBA feminists of the past 50 years need to be investigated, instead of given award, after award!!!    

As I previously stated, Christine Lagarde is being set-up as “the fall guy” when markets crash. But, what everyone should remember is that the true culprits are the bankers and financiers, who for decades have been gambling, instead of investing, in exploitative manufacturing goods (from fast-food and “cheap” consumer goods all the way to “luxury” goods), as well as “career” regulators in Washington, and other world capitals, who are so busy playing “The Game” of “bowing-n-scraping, back-stabbing, ladder-climbing” that they are PART OF THE PROBLEM—and why Trump won with a simple promise to “Drain The Swamp.” But, the American people have “cut their nose off to spite their face” and are up for a rude awakening, when his Administration takes office. I just hope when Trump starts jailing his dissenters, I get a jail cell near the likes of Michael Moore and Bill Maher. Anyone who believes incarceration in the USA for political dissent is “impossible” needs a REALITY CHECK, noting that I have already been threatened by Judge Michael Rankin in DC courts with “water-boarding”—a threat I take very, very seriously. And, Maria Jose Carrascosa was illegally jailed for 8 years in New Jersey courts, with Erin Eddy (State Department) being tortured and illegally incarcerated by Arlington, VA courts. (see In Defense of Maria Jose Carrascosa: Rights Are No Rights Unless Protected and Defended and The Right to Truth, the Obligation to Protect, and Universal Jurisdiction – Part 1). If I were as na?ve, ignorant, and stupid as all of the IDIOTS within judicial systems, and the development community contend, I would be rotting away in a Spanish jail cell, just like thousands of women around the world—with the development community sitting by SHAMELESSLY WATCHING. Judicial systems are completely and totally corrupt, with over 60 years of 70-90% negligence rates of the legal community, as well as 0% governance rates by regulators, and legislative and executive branches playing ostrich, and living “fat-n-happy” off the hard work of taxpayers everywhere.

Contrary to contentions of everyone implicated in my case, or the other thousands of cases which need to be investigated, it is NOT THE RIGHT of civil servants to VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS!!

In her speech at Macro-Economics After the Great Recession, Madame Lagarde, praises Blanchard for his contributions to the Fund in the past 8 years, and “innovative” ideas in dealing with the financial crash of ‘07-‘08. However, what Blanchard fails to understand in his analysis, is that the repeating financial crashes are not “isolated incidents,” but rather trends within financial and banking systems—with Keynesian economics finding its genesis in examining these trends. Unfortunately, while Blanchard may be very skilled in macro-economics during times of crises, he, like other IMF career economists, fails to appreciate to what extent the economic crises of the past 5 decades are all a consequence of increasingly high-risk/high-yields investing “game” started by bond traders in the ‘70s—with monies being increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few elite (like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Trump, Hilton, Milken, Cuban, etc.), with fraud and insider trading the norm within the markets.   

Another “embarrassment” for the Fund and it economists, along with all the other “experts” in Washington, when the world is again “taken by surprise,” by a complete collapse in financial markets and banking systems, will be in regards to former Chief Economist of the World Bank, Nobel Prize winner, and author of Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity, Joseph Stiglitz and his part in the “Midsummer Night’s Dream” of the past decades. While Ms. Keller may no longer be employed by Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), where Stiglitz sits on the board of Advisers, due to Stiglitz being “embarrassed” by the fact that he was duped by the REAL “empty-headed, stupid, ‘trophy-wife’” in “The Swamp,” Ms. Keller. Her termination from KEI is hardly “reparations” for damages of the past decade. Please see Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power,


8.  Offenders or third parties responsible for their behaviour should, where appropriate, make fair restitution to victims, their families or dependants. Such restitution should include the return of property or payment for the harm or loss suffered, reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of the victimization, the provision of services and the restoration of rights.

9.  Governments should review their practices, regulations and laws to consider restitution as an available sentencing option in criminal cases, in addition to other criminal sanctions.

10. In cases of substantial harm to the environment, restitution, if ordered, should include, as far as possible, restoration of the environment, reconstruction of the infrastructure, replacement of community facilities and reimbursement of the expenses of relocation, whenever such harm results in the dislocation of a community.

11. Where public officials or other agents acting in an official or quasi-official capacity have violated national criminal laws, the victims should receive restitution from the State whose officials or agents were responsible for the harm inflicted. In cases where the Government under whose authority the victimizing act or omission occurred is no longer in existence, the State or Government successor in title should provide restitution to the victims.

Victims of abuse of power

18. "Victims" means persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that do not yet constitute violations of national criminal laws but of internationally recognized norms relating to human rights.

19. States should consider incorporating into the national law norms proscribing abuses of power and providing remedies to victims of such abuses. In particular, such remedies should include restitution and/or compensation, and necessary material, medical, psychological and social assistance and support.

20. States should consider negotiating multilateral international treaties relating to victims, as defined in paragraph 18.

21. States should periodically review existing legislation and practices to ensure their responsiveness to changing circumstances, should enact and enforce, if necessary, legislation proscribing acts that constitute serious abuses of political or economic power, as well as promoting policies and mechanisms for the prevention of such acts, and should develop and make readily available appropriate rights and remedies for victims of such acts.

What IMF employees, as well as all the other bureaucratic agencies in Washington fail to understand is that civil servants, and public authorities have an ELEVATED LEGAL OBLIGATION TO UPHOLD THE LAW AND RIGHTS OF CITIZENS, in their personal as well as professional actions, instead of enjoying IMMUNITY FOR GROSS NEGLIGENCE, MALFEASANCE, AND EVEN CRIMINAL INTENT. People need to be less concerned about substance consumption, and sexual activity of their “leaders,” and concentrate on scrutinizing the rampant immorality and illegality of “career” civil servants within government and pseudo-government agencies. 

My case study of the IMF is a perfect example of how all of the “game-playing” of “experts,” where “intellectual property theft” is considered “normal” and even a la mode, is preventing them from fulfilling their mandates and missions. If IMF economists, policy-makers, and HR personnel had not been so busy looking down their noses at me, then it would not be the “stupid, trophy, divorce” who was once again predicting the next collapse of financial markets, as well as an ensuing Global Depression, while all the “experts” are scratching their heads, hoping to “giggle” away their complicity with “Oops! Maybe next time we’ll get it right.” The BILLIONS of dollars going to pay “experts” in Washington to send the world to its demise is truly grotesque. See my open letters to Stiglitz, Cost of Corruption: Open Letter to Joseph Stiglitz, Time to Start “Re-writing the Rules,” Instead of “Playing the Same Old Game!,”and Open Letter to Joseph Stiglitz, Time to Start “Re-writing the Rules,” Instead of “Playing the Old Game!” – Part 2.

As I explained to one of the Millineals in ICD, taking a course in “Lobbying,” at George Washington University (GWU); “Don’t waste your money on some stupid, over-priced GWU course. Lobbying is simple. You can buy them, or you can shame them. I have no money (since everyone keeps stealing it from me), so my only recourse is SHAME! I still haven’t figured out who are better at SHAMING, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, or Hindu mothers—but, my Catholic mother taught me the ‘fine arts’ of SHAMING, very, very well!” I don’t like to “shame” or “nag” anyone. But, if necessary, so be it! These guys are going to get such an EARFUL, from a NAG, that they will give up just to get some “Peace and Quite.” As Michael Moore explains, women don’t shoot men, unless they deserve it, lol—meaning we are not as physically violent as men. But what we lack in physical strength, we make up for in our ability to make life “living hell on earth” for men (and other women) if they PISS US OFF. The narcissitic nags become viperous menaces to society, while the “non-psychopaths” become the MORAL AUTHORITY within the society. And, I am one PISSED OFF MOM, with the ability, as my mother would say to “argue with God.” While I agree that everyone in Washington in Power thinks they are “God,” and therefore, invisible; they are up for a rude awakening. I don’t think I am God, but I know how to argue with him, or her, and bring them DOWN.

As Susan Faludi explained in her book Backlash: The Undeclared War on Women, whoever controls the rhetoric controls the “Game.” Nancy Reagan set the rhetoric, with the assistance of socialites like CZ Guest, and her daughter Cornelia Guest in the ‘80s. Paris Hilton is a Millineal nouveau riche version of Cornelia, but promoting the same dysfunctional paradigm as Cornelia—who has most recently “retired,” selling the family home on Long Island in exchange for an animal shelter farm, in NY or Connecticut… 

What is telling about Cornelia’s story (see my blog Fractured Fairytale Deb vs. Deb of the Decade: Observations of a CSO Rep at IMF/WB Spring Mtgs – Part 28) is that she dropped out of high school to become a professional horse-rider, as well as “Debutante of the Decade.” When I heard that Cornelia was “dropping out of high school” to “ride the circuit,” I was shocked, as was one of our fellow classmates, who remarked, “if her father were alive, he would never have let her drop-out.” However, after Cornelia’s mother (who was as manipulative and back-stabbing, as her “copine” Nancy Reagan, and who would “use a garden hose on Cornelia in the mornings to wake her up, after a night of cocaine snorting and partying to the wee hours of the morning”) passed away, Cornelia sold all of her horses, and stopped riding permanently.

I am an avid “rider,” and even talented enough to be a professional one, if I had been blessed with a big inheritance. I even “dream” of “retiring” to a horse farm, far, far from the Maddening Crowds, with my two children at my side. Unfortunately, it appears Destiny has other plans for me. However, for someone who dropped out of high-school to devote herself to becoming a professional rider, but sells her horses, and voluntarily renounces riding upon her mothers death, is inconcevable to me—unless of course, it was Cornelia’s mother’s idea for her to “ride the circuit” and become “Debutante of the Decade”—living what was to become a lifetime of a hedonistic, and empty existence. After the life Cornelia has led, I do believe she understands the frivolity and emptyness of the culture her mother, along with Nancy Reagan, helped to inject into the ‘American Dream’ perverting it into a ‘Fractured Fairytale.’ My “Plan” to turn the “Titantic” around, includes Cornelia Guest, along with other ‘crofties’ (noting Harriet Fulbright is an alumnae of Foxcroft)—finding poetic justice in that what Nancy Reagan and CZ Guest used in their successful efforts to inject narcissism and a bullying culture into Washington and New York society (Cornelia Guest), can be used in reversing the psychopathic culture which permeates Washington. People throughtout Washington keep telling me that “at least you have passion,” but what Washington fails to understand is that they were lobatimized by Nancy Reagan in the ‘80s, with “This Town” presently over-run with Stepford wives, and Stepford husbands—and why Trump won his bid for Presidency.  


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