An Open Letter to Psychedelics - why I walked away and what I learned from my time in "The Occult"
Shay ?? Rowbottom
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I haven't been completely sober - true confession.
Many of you following me have reached out in recent years inspired about my recovery from a life long weed addiction (age 14-29), now almost 3 years clean from smoking pot. A deep daily habit I knew I had to kick.
Over a year ago, I also quit drinking alcohol.
Have I truly been entirely sober?
And I'm not talking about coffee (still something I probably could also kick)...
I'm talking about the deep covenant I've had with psychedelics, dating about 5 years back now, when I first got the call to go sit with Ayahuasca . Which sent me on a journey I'd never imagine, diving deep into what many refer to as "The Occult".
And I spent several years going to medicine ceremony after medicine ceremony, using every possible psychedelic from Psilocybin to LSD in an additional attempt to restore my true self, after having had such a profound transformation through that very first journey with the Grandmother, the highest of all...
No weed 3+ years
No alcohol 1+ years
Though it's been years since I have done the "spiritual cult" community thing or any truly high doses / deep "medicine journeys" with organized groups and a Shaman... I need to let you in on a behind the scenes that some days, I have still dabbled. Namely just micro doses of Psilocybin (Mushrooms, my absolute favorite, and I'll share later why).
From time to time, every couple of months for the past couple years "sober" and out of "the cult" - I'd still take myself on a moderate journeys. (Solo now, as I've had enough experiences with guides to trust myself fully, but disclaimer here... but don't try this at home.) I can't deny a good MDMA indulgence alone in my space with my cat has still been an experience for me and one I now realize, simply a habit and a vice I don't need, but one I grew accustomed to look forward to.
Through a series of supernatural events occurring in and around the time I wrapped up my sabbatical in Key West (summer 2024) - I was suddenly faced with the reality that though there's much to be proud of in my own progress of sobriety - these last little lingering habits tying me to psychedelics...
they too, gotta go.
I've recently come to realize the hold and energetic ties these substances have on me.
I felt and began the process of mourning that felt oh-so-familiar, just as I grieved leaving behind cannabis, and alcohol summer of last year. That energy is here again... and it's God informing me there's another wave to let go of.
Writing is a way of me processing things. And in today's memoir, it's my intention to share with you all, my experience with each of these substances, as I make the decision to close the door...
for good.
Read on or share with someone you know who may be interested in an education on medicine/"drugs", because with the exception of Ibogaine (and hard drugs of course like meth, heroin... etc)
I have literally tried everything.
And I know my way around the block.
This article is not meant to demonize drugs. This article is not meant to make blanket statements in the name of right/wrong - do this/don't do that... rather an honest, open diary into my personal story and what I experienced.
Call it drugs, call it medicine...
these things are neither good or bad.
They are merely tools.
You can use them to heal, to gain answers, memories, or access to a higher power. I certainly cannot knock one for such a choice and exploration. However-
at some point they start using you.
That is my realization as of late -
and that is where I draw the line.
is where my journey ends.
So thank you, psychedelics, for the past 5 years of experiencing and engaging in relationships with all of your differing entities/spirits/consciousnesses... which have no doubt brought me clarity, healing, and ascension. But today -
the only drug left for me is this higher consciousness I now possess, my direct relationship to Source (God), and my sober-minded self. Which I'm in a deep state of gratitude to finally, fully-
truly prefer.
Here's my journey with psychedelics, and what you need to know.
Where it all began.
What can I say?
I start with the good stuff.
DEFINITION: Ayahuasca is a hallucinogen commonly made by the prolonged decoction of the stems of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub. Originally restricted to areas of Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, in the middle of the 20th century it became widespread in Brazil in the context of the appearance of syncretic religions that use ayahuasca as a sacrament.
Ayahuasca is basically the mother of all mothers when it comes to psychedelics.
The intelligence of this entity is unmatched - and if you're someone who's experienced a "good time" tripping on a milder psychedelic before, like LSD or Mushrooms... don't expect anything of the sort.
Ayahuasca is nothing to play with.
We've heard of DMT, The-God-Molecule - (and I'll be getting to my experience with various forms of that too) but DiMethylTryptamine (the active component in Ayahuasca) takes on a much stronger form when ingested through this tea, also nicknamed as "Aya". Usually lasting anywhere from 6-12 hours.
When I say the intelligence is unmatched, I mean that unlike other substances where you're likely to have a pretty good idea for the kind of mind-altering journey set to occur, and is often (more or less) the same for everyone in the room...
Ayahuasca treats everyone differently.
I've been in ceremonies where some are blasted completely (my first experience) and others said they barely felt a thing.
The point I mean when I say it's "intelligent" is - she only gives you what you're ready for.
This is scary, intense, and it's my belief that should only be used in dire, serious situations in which you are really, really...
needing a break.
Well, mid April of 2019, shortly after I lost my first company and moved to Miami...
that was me.
I was on the brink of suicide when a man appeared in my field who told me about a shaman he knew facilitating this medicine. I didn't think much of it, got his information but went on with my life. It wasn't until another catastrophic meltdown about 2 weeks later that I hit rock bottom and suddenly got the piercing download, like God screaming directly in my ear...
"Go call that Shaman, and do Ayahuasca."
"This is crazy!" I thought - I knew intuitively how scary and intense that medicine was. But- if I was already fantasizing about jumping off my 19-story balcony and ending it all, I was actually in the perfect place to go give my psyche up to this powerful plant...
and fully surrender.
F*ck it!
I went in with one question-
"Why am I always such a victim?"
I had had it. I saw it. I was finally owning my immaturity and coming to terms with my debilitating low self-esteem, and I wanted answers. I knew in my gut I was missing something drastic, and as I said...
this plant was calling me.
I can't share the full story as, well... it sucks - and I've done it before. The details of exactly what went on when I recovered blocked parts of my psyche through the assist of this medicine aren't necessary... all you need to know is:
I remembered repressed sexual trauma.
and A LOT of deep, dark, disturbing things about the way I grew up.
I still don't know what's more traumatic, the trauma itself, or the coming to terms with the reality that our brain is powerful enough to block things like this out entirely.
Needless to say...
I got answers.
But it certainly came at a price.
The pain of reliving those memories and rolling around in a puddle of my own puke for hours on end is a weekend I will never forget. I "purged" (also what the plant can make you do) so much energy from my body in the form of vomiting, bowel movements, and interestedly enough, even a massive NASAL purge in which I was somehow producing endless snot and blowing my nose through half of the night.
Believe me, there were many times on this medicine I just wanted it to STOP and be done already!
The pain was excruciating.
The color I saw/felt/got when on Aya is "purple". She's like a purple colored entity that goes straight for the truth and punches you with the force of a thousand knives. Like a good beating from your mother, in real life, when you've done something wrong.
She is not a nice teacher... but-
she is highly effective.
Like I said, this medicine can affect everyone differently. So it's hard to say what one should expect when deciding to take a walk with Ayahuasca. In my case... it was 100 times more powerful than any other psychedelic, and you really have no choice but to surrender.
Because you're gonna be taken.
Words cannot describe the intensity of the places you can go and the insights you can recover while under the influence of this powerful spirit. Thankfully, I had incredibly experienced guides and one hell of a Shaman to look after me. I was in a very safe space, and to this day I am grateful to God for guiding me to that ceremony...
and yes, I do believe it was God who sent me to do this.
I don't believe I would have recovered these memories through prayer alone. I think God created all - including these medicines. And I think I was right where He wanted me to be at that time, using an agent of the earth to help me recover this tragedy.
The memories still aren't accessible, and they aren't meant to be. This level of trauma isn't safe to be remembered. For whatever reason, God, and His sacred feminine helper... Aya,
chose me strong enough to regain this information.
It changed my life. It finally gave me context for healing, unlike 7+ years of talk therapy which had marginal impact on my ability to unpack my issues.
I have no regrets. I do believe it was divine intervention. To this day I have great reverence for the plant, and God, for sending me there that very weekend.
My mistake was not going to do Ayahuasca...
my mistake was continuing to dive into the occult, after my experience with Aya,
was finished.
The Aftermath
I'm still grappling with this idea of "opening portals" and have conflicting thoughts about what price I did pay that weekend in exchange for access to my childhood trauma.
I was so astounded by the workings of this plant, and how much I got from it, that I decided to go all in on "alternative" healing modalities, and proceeded to make friends with a bunch of (what I now call) "spiritual junkies" in the psychedelic medicine community.
It would be a full year before I tried Ayahuasca again. And per my previous statement about "she only gives you what you need," something interesting happened.
As I braced for another painful, gut wrenching experience where I'd be blown into parts of self the conscious me couldn't dare have the strength to look at, feel, or even remember...
I was surprised to find, I felt nothing at all.
I barely felt anything in terms of being "out of it" - this time I was fully coherent. I could walk, talk, even smoked a mapacho (tabbaco roll) just kinda like...
Whereas, the original experience?
I couldn't even go to the bathroom on my own.
So, here I was in a state of much surprise to find... a mild and quite peaceful night.
However, my second experience with Ayahuasca was, in a sense, as profound as the first. Because in my night of basically "nothingness", there was still one single, clear-as-day message that came through from the medicine, and this time...
she had a question for me:
"What are you doing here?"
...huh? I thought.
But... but... what we had was so profound! Life changing! Incredible! Engaging with you Aya has changed my whole life... what do you mean, "Why am I here?"
"I know..." she replied. "But I already gave you what you needed. It's done... I have nothing more to tell you...
be gone."
Again, just in complete awe of the intelligence of this medicine. And yes!
She was right.
It's not like I need the memories again - f*ck that. I got it. And if there's nothing more for me to visit her for...
she simply asked me to walk out the door.
So I did.
It is with a lot of cognitive-dissonance I begin to look back on that experience with Aya over 5 years ago now and realize the mistake I had made after the fact:
giving too much power away to the agent of psychedelics, and soon after through the spiritual community I entered there'd be many, many other medicines to be explored in this "ceremonial/healing" type of container.
Truth be told, I should have just taken my insights I got with Aya and gone back to conventional, western therapy.
But I just started to do more and more journeys. And MDMA...
was certainly a favorite.
I always say to anyone interested in experimenting with psychedelics, to start with this.
DEFINITION: MDMA, also called Molly or Ecstasy, is a lab-made (synthetic) drug that has effects similar to stimulants like methamphetamine, although some researchers and organizations consider MDMA to be a psychedelic drug because it can also mildly alter visual and time perception.
Not a huge fan of that explanation, please don't think it's "like meth" (I've done enough Adderall too in my day to know that... Ecstasy simply does not compare).
The reason I would suggest this as a "starter substance" if you're looking to "change your mind" as new-age popular healing resources would call it, is simply because-
it's very difficult to have a bad experience with MDMA.
It's just science.
What this medicine does is basically blasts open your heart and floods you with a colossal amount of serotonin to the point where you are literally overflowing with a feeling of love, peace, and... exactly what it is they call:
To be clear - this medicine is "in the gray" when it comes to uses because, you can find it in the form of pills or "rolls" which usually means it's just cut up with some garbage (like adderrall!) or worse, which really doesn't make for the full, sacred experience.
If you can get your hands on real crystals, like legitimate pure MDMA, the journey hits different.
So - to first dabble with stepping outside of your conscious mind and experimenting with a more gentle mind-altering substance, chances are with MDMA you're going to be able to "dip your toe in the water" unscathed.
Sure, you may have deep realizations, insights, memories even, but it will be much more mild. Light, loving.
And then there's the downside to this rapidly rising medicinal chemical...
Unlike mushrooms, or even Acid (and definitely Ayahuasca!) where after one heavy process you are often glad to be back to your sober-minded state... it's pretty hard to form an addiction to things of this nature.
MDMA / Molly / Ecstasy...
not the case.
Proceed with caution.
This is not only addictive, but it eats at the brain. Too much and you will actually start to permanently destroy your own serotonin receptors. And sadly I personally know some party boys in Miami who had one too many indulgent weekends out raving, that are now suffering the mental repercussions.
But I too - have indulged many times.
I have had profoundly deep meditations on this substance in which I forgave people for things I previously thought unforgivable. I found a love for the universe I didn't know possible. I prayed, I ascended, I fell deep into my relationship with the divine in these ceremonial settings with this sacred, albeit strong and POWERFUL chemical.
I also used it recreationally and danced my a** off a time or two.
Both healing, special, and I have no regrets.
But my mental strength and cognitive health has become too important to me to ever think I need to visit here again.
Thank you, MDMA, for the beautiful entity that you are. For being there to help remind me of the deeper, universal truth we so easily forget here on this earthly plane, in this human meat suit. That in the end, beyond all of these fears and illusions...
all there really is,
is love.
This one is hardest for me to part ways with.
Of all the substances and psychedelics I have tried...
Psilocybin was always my favorite.
DEFINITION: Psilocybin (magic mushrooms) a hallucinogenic indole C12H17N2O4P obtained from a fungus (such as Psilocybe mexicana or P. cubensis synonym Stropharia cubensis).
Oh the depths of the covenant I have had with this plant. Unlike MDMA, this is not anything I would ever do in a public setting. Some enjoy recreationally and can... for me it was always too personal an experience to be around others. I didn't even like going to ceremonies with too many participants if mushrooms was the medicine being used.
It's just... just... well,
I suppose that's what they say.
But I want to be clear, mushrooms is also not a party. It can also be a very, very intense teacher. And while the visuals of the planet sparkling all around you, trees suddenly seeming to speak to you, and the overall feeling that you're one with nature, the earth, and all of that is great...
mushrooms, in my experience,
will bring up your shadow side.
Typically 4-8 hour long journeys - consistently my experience with mushrooms would be roughly as follows ????
I think part of the reason I love this medicine so much, is because first of all,
it's natural.
(unlike MDMA which I mentioned... can damage your brain)
and second of all, you can still get the hard, tough sh*t like you get with Ayahuasca. Only, in a much, much more gentle way without all the pain and darkness that comes with that beast of process, and so much of a strain on the body.
I have had incredible journeys on mushrooms.
I remember one in which, my intention was to go again back to my childhood and gain even more clarity around what went on (per what I originally discovered with Aya). Not knowing exactly what to expect, I was taken on a journey to revisit what it was like growing up only this time, not through my eyes...
but through the eyes of my sister.
THAT was a powerful night.
I suddenly was able to forgive her for the ways she mistreated me. I suddenly saw, point-blank, from her perspective, what she was feeling and the things she was going through. How I didn't know, I couldn't have seen, all the pain she was in and how it was justified.
I cried so hard for her, and I resolved so much in that ceremony.
The next time I saw her (and we weren't very close) I shared with her my experience, and that was the first time I ever saw tears from her eyes.
So, yeah... call me crazy for my decision to keep going with these journeys, these "drugs", and this alternative way of "healing" that went on for perhaps a few too many years after I did Ayahuasca.
Did I need to continue as much as I did with psychedelics? No. And there's many other pointless nights and empty "journeys" I now look back on as just another escape.
That night, however, was not one of them.
Another night of profound impact, was the night I took 9 grams. This was the first time I experienced ego death, and yes I literally thought I was dying. I was sent to another dimension in which these alien-like beings started speaking to me about how they missed me, and they were excited for me to come home. They reminded me why I had to go to earth and the mission I had here, but did express their sadness for me leaving "that family" and informed me one day, I'll be back.
Double whoa.
Yeah, needless to say...
that one was a lot to process.
The desire/call to go deep with mushrooms has naturally fallen away over the years. As I mentioned at the start of this article, I've only ever micro dosed occasionally for 2 years now. I can't deny that a nice little quarter gram dose and a trip to the beach can be quite the afternoon. But wait a minute...
Why am I doing this?
It's just not needed anymore. And the covenant I have had with this plant, kept me attached.
I see it, and I release it with love.
Thank you, Psilocybin.
You truly, truly were, my favorite medicine. Gentle, playful, but also very effective in helping to call me out on my BS.
I don't regret my time with you...
but I know our time is done.
Acid, whoosh.
One of the main medicines you've likely heard horror stories around. Bad trips, stuck in a loop, fights, darkness, permanent brain damage and becoming a glass of orange juice for the rest of your life?
Yeah - I've heard them too.
But that never has been my experience.
LSD to me is like a mix between mushrooms and MDMA. Unlike mushrooms where, you really are the passenger, and (similar to Aya), will find it best to surrender and just "go with the flow", because trying to control the voyage will only make your experience more painful.
But with Acid... it's like,
you're the captain.
I always took to LSD like I gained access to the inner workings of my mind as if it were a computer. Sharp, clear, and very powerful. Almost like you can get sent off on your own ego trip if you're not careful. Though, I must be clear-
I have only ever taken smaller doses (2 hits max) and that could very well be the reason for why I never experienced these super scary, dark trips that many have warned of.
The jury is out on the effects of this one. I do hear some argue for the validity of its safety, that it really can't harm you, and actually can be good for the brain (think silicon valley, built on the micro-dosing of LSD).
Then again - there are those who say it does permanent damage to the brain and is nothing to play with, so best to be careful.
The reason I say it's like a mix between MDMA and mushrooms is because, like mushrooms you do get the visuals. The world looks pretty, you can get lost in the simple awe of the scenery around you. However, more like MDMA, it's an upper and in my experience mainly just feels good. Much easier to face and go through those darker "shadowy" moments of pain, grief, and self reflection, like what can come up using mushrooms.
In short, (per my experience...)
Acid is fun.
As a teenager, I first tried LSD in the form of partying and that was incredible. But, it wasn't until this later phase of my life, post-Aya, and in the spiritual community, I actually found the benefit of doing acid in "ceremonial" settings, alone, or just with a small group.
I'll never forget one night with 2 of my best friends at the time. We were in my penthouse which had an extended corner balcony with an exposed roof. We had a fire burning all night and a slept on a mattress outside. We each took 1-2 hits and intended to have a fun, deep, and reflective evening together.
My oh my, I will likely always look back at that as one of the best nights of my life lol.
We literally laughed for upwards of 12 hours straight. (Oh and yeah... acid can last a long time).
Good memories.
I don't know or have all of the answers to how exactly this chemical works - but I have sure done it, many times, with nothing but positive experiences to share about it. I still am processing, (per what I mentioned before) my cognitive dissonance / hard pills to swallow about:
"Did doing LSD mess up my brain?"
and perhaps am not sure. Perhaps it's not productive to even believe so... but perhaps it was the case. Still, I find peace in knowing my sober-minded health has become to important to me to ever risk it again. And so, while I've had profound experiences, deep downloads, and belly laughing all-nighters that will likely always cause me to look back fondly on this mystical little chemical-
my time here, once again...
is complete.
DMT / Bufo
Afraid of death?
You know... you can try it, and still live.
That's what DMT is great for.
DEFINITION: N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a substituted tryptamine that occurs in many plants and animals, including humans, and which is both a derivative and a structural analog of tryptamine. DMT is used as a psychedelic drug and prepared by various cultures for ritual purposes as an entheogen.
As mentioned previously, DMT "The God Molecule" is also the psychoactive component of Ayahuasca. But unlike a journey with the tea, (Aya), which in my experience, is way more intense and lasts through the night...
DMT only lasts a few minutes.
I only accidentally tried it first in college when my roommate had some and I (like a genius) took a puff, not knowing the slightest of what I was getting into.
One puff (big enough, anyways) is enough to blast you instantly to another dimension where you, as they say, "break through" and are suddenly surrounded in an environment that is not of what you just left.
I remember the moment I exhaled and I immediately saw my arms tracing, like an octopus dangling from my own body. I ran for my bedroom, slammed the door and crashed onto my bed just in time for the breakthrough to fully hit.
I could hear my roommate's record of "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles playing in the background, and quickly my bedroom faded away to that of its most basic elements. All I saw was my window, my dresser, and still a sense of my own body laying there on the bed.
I can't say much about this experience, other than it was intense and thank God I survived... because I certainly was not expecting that.
NOT the way to explore with DMT.
But hey,
I was young.
It would only be years later, during this time in my life I am writing on here - post-Ayahuasca and while in the medicine community, I was introduced to an even more sacred and pure form of the medicine:
Bufo, otherwise known as "5 EmO DMT", comes from a toad.
DEFINITION: 5-MeO-DMT or O-methyl-bufotenin is a psychedelic of the tryptamine class. It is found in a wide variety of plant species, and also is secreted by the glands of at least one toad species, the Colorado River toad. Like its close relatives DMT and bufotenin, it has been used as an entheogen in South America.
And this stronger form you will NOT get your hands on without a shaman or guide present to facilitate you.
It is the mother lode.
Same application. You simply only need to take one large, long hit through what is that of a crack-pipe device, and BOOM -
you're off to another dimension.
The first time I did Bufo was on the balcony of that same penthouse where, my intention was to make more money so that I'd have the move-in-funds to finally live in a house, after nearly a decade of condos/apartments.
My business on LinkedIn was taking off, and I was already making financial headway. But, I knew I needed a large space to fully expand into my creative gifts and have rooms to turn into sets for all the fun videos I was producing at the time.
One hit - gone - blasted.
As I exhaled and fell back on the mattress, I felt my friend who was also present guiding me down onto the ground with her hands. I was suddenly engulfed in pink and white flowers all around me and it felt like I had fallen into heaven.
Then something amazing happened.
I had a future vision.
I was transported into a home - what would soon be my future home... though I'd only ever seen it briefly in a search my realtor sent me on large housing options per my next big housing goal.
I hadn't decided on a house yet, but I knew this one was there. Well... thanks to this medicine,
suddenly I was there too.
Standing in the middle of the living room of this house that I'd viewed on the web. It had a massive spiral staircase and tall vaulted ceilings. It was unreal - like I had just time traveled and I was my future self, here in this house, dancing around and creating videos just like I envisioned.
I came out of the medicine process and I said to my friend,
"I saw the house that I'm going to live in."
But how?
This was on the higher end of my budget. With a rent asking price of $8,500/month and move in dollars upwards of 25 thousand.
I didn't know how I was gonna get it - but I knew it was mine.
I just knew.
Later that week, my sales guy messaged me asking to get on a call, saying he had big news and a big fish on the line.
Sure enough, I had just made my first group coaching package sale for an online program I was selling at the time for a few thousand bucks a seat. Only this business owner wanted to run his whole staff (9 people) through the program - so you know what he paid?
I called the realtor, and the house became mine.
I lived there for a year and a half, and those following me on LinkedIn in 2020-2021 probably remember the many skits and creative productions I put on in that house.
Perhaps you even remember the big spiral staircase.
Oh, and one more cool thing?
When I came out and told my friend, "thanks for catching and holding me as I fell back" she informed me that...
she had never touched me.
The medicine, God, the Divine... literally had me fall in its hands.
What an experience.
I could go on and on about Bufo, I've done it a total of 4 separate times.
In another experience, I was transported back to being an infant, and remembered some of the ways in which I felt violated by my caregivers... even then! Only I was just a newborn.
I remember the look on my Dad's face as he made disgusted remarks at my feces while changing my diaper. I remember how frustrated I felt as a baby, just trying to "go" but feeling as though I did something wrong.
Yeah yeah... I know this memoir is about me saying goodbye and letting go of this phase in my life of psychedelics and ceremonies... but damn, no one can ever tell me these "drugs" don't serve a purpose. (and I'll spare you the very personal details about various digestion issues I've had in my adult life... all tracing back to my infancy.)
I processed so much because of Bufo. I met God through doing Bufo, and I most certainly... definitely...
Do not fear where we go when we die.
Are you here for the party? The ascension? The chase to experience your own divinity?
Great -
Kambo isn't for you.
Less of a psychedelic, more simply just a medical application that causes you to go into a form of well... shock and then purge of all that is toxic within your body.
It's literally poison, and again... nothing to play with.
Albeit rare to experience psychoactivity or any form of "being high" while on Kambo, it has still been known to occur in some cases.
Mainly, it really...
just hurts.
DEFINITION: Kambo, also known as sapo (from Portuguese: sapo, lit.?'toad') or vacina-do-sapo, is substance derived from the natural secretions of an amphibian belonging to the Phyllomedusa family. Commonly the dried skin secretions of the giant leaf frog, known as the kamb? in Portuguese, a species of frog, are used for ritualistic purposes with a strong religious and spiritual components. Less commonly it is used as a transdermal medicine, however, evidence for its effectiveness is limited.
I'd make an argument for that last line, as I've literally heard stories from practitioners about people coming in with liver cancer, having tried everything, at their wit's end... to take a chance with the frog and BOOM-
cancer was gone.
Kambo is a powerful peptide.
The practitioner makes you drink TONS OF WATER prior (which is honestly one of the hardest parts about this process) and then proceeds to burn your skin in various points in order to apply to medicine so it may hit the bloodstream.
Within a few minutes you'll feel tingles all over your body. Often, wherever your aliments lie, you'll feel an immense surge of energy there.
And then -
the purging begins.
Again, being realistic and putting out the disclaimer here, once again, that- these medicines can affect everyone differently.
For me?
Every time I've done Kambo I'm immediately on the toilet, releasing toxins from both ends. If you've ever had a night of alcohol poisoning and are sick to your stomach, wishing to be anywhere but in this agonizing state of sickness, that is what a journey with Kambo reminds me of.
Thankfully, this one only lasts 30-45 minutes, but brutal nonetheless.
I literally saw Candida chunks that had been purged out of me floating in the bucket once I was done.
I sweat profusely. But always, always -
feel 20 lbs lighter after a good Kambo ceremony.
This one is legal, and highly effective for addicts looking to recover from substance abuse as well. I've heard stories of heroin addicts going in, doing 3 days of Kambo in a row (while FRESH off of heroin btw!) and by round three completion time, looking up to the Shaman and saying...
"Yeah... I'm done."
It will really, really make you face your own illness and the harm you've been doing to your body. The better you are treating your temple, the less painful this process will be.
I'm glad I tried it. It is ancient, sacred, and I believe to be useful. But for sure... this is one very easy to say goodbye to. Not saying it could never have a use again if, God forbid, I fall ill. But for now it's a very clear: THANK YOU KAMBO....
good riddance...
and goodbye.
That's not the end of the list for me, just the main characters I felt most compelled to share deeper on in this memoir. But believe me... in my 5+ years experimenting with psychedelics,
I have done it all.
San Pedro - a cactus similar to that of Peyote and with milder effects compared to most medicine I have tried. Not much to share here other than, it was used in the mornings after Ayahuasca to help participants integrate, and I didn't feel much from it other than peace, and much relief compared to being on Ayahuasca.
Mescaline - also in the same family as above, can mimic that of MDMA only in a milder form. Some micro-dose it for productivity, some do high doses which can literally last several days... so be warned.
Ketamine - this was the last medicine I would end up exploring, as I always feared ketamine, only being told it was a horse tranquilizer and hearing tales of the dreaded a "k-hole" OD-type situation that can occur, made it a major turn off to me. When I finally came around to trying it, I actually found beautiful, profound insights and realized it's quite the spiritual medicine. But - proceed with caution. As with other substances, this one can either be used or abused, and I've known many people who got addicted to the blissful out-of-body highs that also come from using Ketamine.
Other than Peyote itself (which the top 2 above are similar to... cactus family) the only one left on the list I have yet to engage with is the Father of all psychedelics, the most powerful and intense of them all... even topping that of the harrowing intensity of Mother Ayahuasca...
is a medicine called Ibogaine.
DEFINITION: Ibogaine is an psychoactive indole alkaloid obtained either by extraction from the root bark of the iboga tree, Tabernanthe iboga, one of the plants from which ibogaine is extracted, was first discovered by the Pygmy tribes of Central Africa, who passed the knowledge to the Bwiti tribe of Gabon.
Even though I've been called to fully mourn and put this chapter of my life behind me, even though I've practically done IT ALL, and medicinal ceremonies are simply no longer a necessary tool in my healing journey, or serving me in any way...
I won't lie,
it does still feel like a bucket-list wish of mine to climb this here tree (no pun intended).
But Ibogaine is nothing to play with.
Its popularity is rising per its effectiveness to treat crippling drug addiction and severe PTSD, but many will argue against this controversial medicine. And I understand why.
The point is: these medicines ((ALL OF THEM)) are still, in fact...
The harsh truth I must accept about myself the past 5 years, even up until recently, (though the lifestyle HAS dwindled...)
is that I too fell victim to the very black/white thinking I so often detest. That I too fell victim to this "Oh, psychedelics can do nothing but good! Don't be a skeptic! Everyone would do better off with a journey!" philosophy.
I was projecting my own quantum leaping and the answers I did in fact miraculously receive through Ayahuasca, among other medicines, onto the world, when...
that simply. isn't always. the case.
These things too, can be dangerous.
You ARE - opening up your spirit and your soul to other dimensions. It can be damaging. it CAN be addicting (though many spiritual junkies will argue they're "not addicts..." just "healing"... sure sure.)
I see another side now.
and it can, at a certain point...
begin to swallow you whole.
I don't regret my time with medicines. The only thing I regret, perhaps, was using them long beyond when they were actually needed. I think, in truth, similar to my 15 year journey with marijuana -
I did, at a time, need it.
I did, at a time, USE THEM.
but it is with great grief and challenging self-reflection I now look back and admit...
at some point along the journey-
these substances started using me.
& that's been a hard pill to swallow.
The new drug, the true drug, as I mentioned before...
is the self-actualized me.
My older, more conscious self. The parts now online that were buried before... that yes, I do think these medicines had a good hand in helping to recover.
But my consciousness has risen to a place where journeying with psychedelics, at this point,
would now only be bringing me down.
Careful not to have so much reverence for a person, place, experience, or thing, that... you falsely believe you must stay in its grips long beyond the point of when it did positively influence you.
I get it, we are sentimental beings and what worked once...
often sticks with us as a habit.
Choose wisely folks, the wild world of psychedelics and alternative "healing" does not come without a cost. Use or be used - or in my case:
simply. know. when. to. get out!
Like the gambling chips serving their purpose at a poker table - when you're up, know you're up. Because if you roll that dice one more time... and keep playing the game?
Don't get mad when you find yourself further down than where you even began.
I have seen the best and the worst of the medicine world. The cases like mine in which parts of the psyche never meant to be recovered, are restored. Perspectives of other loved ones I grew up with were found. Future visions casted me into belief in which I manifested my dream house and got to live like a princess for 18 months while I catapulted my brand...
all amazing.
But there are also cases in which this world becomes very sad.
People who know no direction to God other than through ingesting the medicine.
People who use shamanistic practices and what are supposed to be, safe spaces to abuse and manipulate others.
And worst of all,
People whose psyche just appears to be... irrefutably damaged from way, way too many nights on the medicine.
And that I don't know if you can ever come back from.
I have seen the dark side of the spiritual community, and through it I have also found the light.
Let it be known that everyone's life path is different, and it's not yours to judge. Ultimately the call to enter into covenants with these medicines is only yours to know and to understand. But be warned...
this is my story,
and I do wish I had gotten out sooner.
#Shayshine ??
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Helping Creative People Transform Emotional Pain into Strength, Purpose & Passion through Trauma-Focused Inner Healing
1 个月Inner healing may not be as "potent" as these portals you describe, but I help many of my clients achieve these same states you describe through intentilnal and dynamic imaginative practices. Thank you for your article, and using your experiences to help others.
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1 个月I loved this almost as much as I loved your podcast Shay ?? Rowbottom
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3 个月Here comes your 19th nervous breakdown….
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4 个月Shay. I read a lot of your “story” and want to encourage you to find some Christian songs and sermons that will give you a better “high” than any drugs, alcohol, psychedelics, etc, etc. ? ?