Open letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump
Dear President-elect Donald J. Trump,
This letter might be a little odd for you as I am not an American citizen - neither am I a resident of the United States. I live in Europe. However, the problems afflicting this planet are bigger than just one nation can hope to resolve. The United States of America - though - have the size, the economic weight, and the requisite fundamental ingredients for a possible solution to be an important bellwether for humanity.
But first, please allow me to chime into the chorus of millions congratulating you on the astonishing victory in the 2016 presidential election. The next 4 years - possibly 8 years - will be a time when you will have a unique opportunity to shape American life. I say this being fully aware of the recount in 3 states as I don't expect any change to the fundamental outcome of the election. So, as the US is the leading nation on earth you will also have a stab at giving the world a jolt - in the right direction as I and many others hope.
Let's come clean on an important clarification. Years ago, I wrote to your predecessor as President of the United States, Barack H. Obama. At the time, I was worried that President Obama might block Shale Gas developments that had just gained serious momentum. I was afraid, that Mr. Obama might kill the still fragile plant that Shale Gas was in those infant years.
I am happy to find that President Obama did not outright trample Shale Gas. However, he very clearly showed a strong bias for wind and solar plus e-mobility on subsidies. Those are all options with certain merits and drawbacks. However, proponents of those industries tend to religiously extinguish any debate seeking to promote green and clean solutions other than wind or solar. I deplore this very narrow point of view very much as I am a great fan of a society where free market forces and not some top-down policy worked out by some self-appointed elites shape the economy as well as the daily lives of people.
It just so happened that despite the numerous obstacles oil & gas had to face in North America over the last years, Shale Gas still soldiers on. Together with Shale Oil, it is just about to break the back of OPEC as the guardian of the oil price. OPEC's and other conventional oil and gas producers absolute power over our energy well-being is significantly weakened today. If the shale revolution gets just a little love from inside the beltway, it might be able to permanently rip us out of the stranglehold that those oil producers still have over our lives.
Natural Gas did not find a promoter in President Obama but rather someone who just left it alone while promoting others. The real reason for so little love from DC might be that Natural Gas is fossil and as such lumped together with all other fossil fuels as the killers of this planet. The contrary is true as it looks much more like it’s the key to a clean, sustainable and economically feasible 21st-century economy. What it lacks is an active friend and promoter in the White House and I sure speak for a lot of Natural Gas lovers when I say that we dearly hope you will fill those shoes.
If Americans enjoy bluer skies and cleaner air than in more than a century before, it's not because of all those expensive windmills and solar panels but rather because of Natural Gas than has been fracked out of your own soil. China and India have recognized the very potent green properties of Natural Gas as a fuel which is why there are huge gasification programs for vehicles underway in those countries. They start from a much lower level of environmental protection so there is a feeling of urgency.
I am not worried that you will be unfair to Natural Gas, as everything you have said so far lets me assume that you intend to level the field. This alone will make Natural Gas even more of a star as it performs so well.
However, you might want to go one step further. The world and many Americans expect you to fry the planet because they think you are the enemy of a clean environment and a healthy world to live in. Judging by everything I have seen so far I think they might be colossally wrong.
How about President Trump who becomes known for making America not only great again but for also making it the best place to live again as he shows the world and his own people how incredibly clean Natural Gas really is as compared to many other fuels we use today. You can show the world how decentralized power production and Natural Gas as a fuel can change any economy for the better.
This all needs innovation but that’s not where things fail. What's much more important is that it also needs entrepreneurs, those who go on the hard trek of making lofty ideas hard, job creating, money making businesses. That’s what America has been famous for, for much of its existence. The entrepreneur that goes out and cuts a living and a future for himself, his children and his community. Those are the countless individuals that make a country thrive and who better to be their voice in DC than a self-made businessman who turned into the leader of the country?
Make America not only a country of innovators but also a country of born again entrepreneurs. I am not talking about fancy startups or government subsidized job creation programs but about the countless little businesses that do the unglamorous but vital things that make a community tick. Natural Gas is not a technology game for the slick and fancy, it's much more solid technology that has been around for decades and made its proofs. It just lacked an economic rationale in the past and had some unfair competition plus a scarcity situation to grapple with until the shale revolution made scarcity a thing of the past.
America can be a leader not only in LNG exports but even more a leader in distributed cogeneration technologies, small-scale logistics, storage and use of gas. Gas lends itself to small businesses equally well as to big corporations as the financial and the technological entry barriers are very low. The technology is mature and well tried and tested.
E-mobility on the other side is big corporation business as the technological and investment barrier is colossal. How shall a small mom & pop business crack that? But it's small businesses that are the backbone of the social fabric and its also the myriads of small businesses that ensure social peace and welfare, not giant government programs.
So, Mr. President-elect Donald J. Trump. The world expects you to pollute the air, the water, and the soil in the name of profits. It expects you to cook the planet for short term gain. It expects your worst and I just think that many, really many people don't yet know the real Donald J. Trump.
Nobody is better placed to show them that an entrepreneur is someone who cares about the environment, social peace, the world, and jobs just as much as his P&L statement. Nobody is better placed to promote an energy source and carrier that lends itself to the needs of small business, big corporations, homeowners, city dwellers and tech junkies just as much as to Greenies and Silicon Valley startups. Nobody is better placed to show the world that there is more than airborne Carbon that comes out of an exhaust shaft of a vehicle and that those other things are infinitely more dangerous than CO we have been living with since before the dinosaurs.
The US has all the raw materials in place to become a real Methanopolis - that's what I call a methane-based economy that is clean, balanced, energy independent and decentralized. Now it is important to use those assets and this technological and entrepreneurial advantage. And it's also important to show Americans and the world that Natural Gas and LNG are solutions, not problems. We need you to lead us here.
Your predecessor did not put those assets in place. He did not cause or support the shale revolution or support those technologies actively. He was only stepping out of the way of American entrepreneurs so they can do what they do best. Make America great again.
The original post and many others like it can be found on
LNG SME, Production Engineer, Design, Commissioning and Operations Consultant
5 年The amount of methane and CO2 emissions in developing countries is great compared to their energy consumption. Has anyone seen the smoke haze over African villages at sundown cooking time. As they ramp up their standard of living and consume more energy, this gets serious. Developed nations can provide efficient electricity to help out. Easiest is gas at source to electricity by trucking CNG or LNG. If we're not doing these things, then we're not taking it seriously, and all the tree huggers that want to try to force everyone to not use hydrocarbons are only making it worse by confusing the problem with the solutions.?
LNG SME, Production Engineer, Design, Commissioning and Operations Consultant
5 年First and foremost, of course the world needs to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. We do, but we're not going to die in 12 years. There are, however, ways to do it. Reducing flaring is already taking place, even in Nigeria, or at least they intend to, though this is difficult. It is an easier target to reduce methane emissions from bio degradation in various places, even using micro-LNG to capture it or CNG. Piled up hydrocarbons, wood or dumps, emit methane, which is 26 times worse than CO2. Then switching to natural gas from fuel oil, diesel, and gasoline also greatly reduces CO2. In the end, we know that the deep, cold oceans are far from CO2 saturated and can hold a lot more CO2. And we know that peridotite absorbs it (new tech needed to get microbots to bring this up using solar).?
LNG SME, Production Engineer, Design, Commissioning and Operations Consultant
5 年There's a lot of misinformation. E.g., some people a few years ago got an atmospheric methane detector (trace amounts) and measured the air on hilltops around some fracking. Then they concluded that fracking was resulting in very large losses. This was grossly wrong. See this article;?!ArEWRcIfAKykhc51tNBMF0Jye1W8Lg? That gas is leaking into water is not credible. There were some instances many years ago, when, at the opening of the fracking industry, the specification for distance between the estimated gas reservoir and the water aquifer was 200', but when it was changed to 600' that stopped. That's not to say that some people don't bypass some of the rules, but then people drive too fast, too.? There are many examples of misstatements by some that do not understand energy in the least bit, but who are convinced that all hydrocarbons should be mitigated, e.g., in favor of electric. And that is really dumb because electric solves nothing.?
Before POTUS gets too excited about fracked gas, he should spare a thought for those thousands of Americans who rely on groundwater/bore water for their drinking & washing supplies.? Fracking irreparably destroys underground aquifers that convey this water to the bores.? Moreso, they destroy the dividing, impervious layers of rock that separate drinking water from unpotable toxic water, thus destroying the lives/livelihoods of future generations of Americans.? Worth a second thought.