Dear Drew Harris,
I wish to confess [in the Wealthy's opinion] to defaming the following people. The president, Michael D’ Higgins, ex justice minister Charlie Flanagan, and a host of TD’s Senators and various people on the Oireachtas Committees.
These include, the Public Accounts Committee, the C&AG, and various committees including The Justice Committee. One of my most outrageous examples of defamation - to which he never replied - was - to ask Charlie Flanagan, while still Justice Minister “is censorship against the law”. See my many articles on linkedin
Alongside the above, I have defamed ex president of the High Court and Supreme Court Peter Kelly. This article is to long to include here but you can see it on linkedin. On the same occasion I defamed the ex editor of the Irish Times, Geraldine Kennedy. She refused to answer a simple question I posed, which was 'Why will you nor Irish Times report on the Asbestos corruption at Belfast Docks'. Besides this, I have also defamed RTE and their supposed ‘investigative department’. Alongside this I have also defamed Miriam O’Callaghan and a host of TV presenters. Miriam, quite rightly sued over false allegations that she used some product on the web - but she refused to expose the Belfast Asbestos scandal. However, on twitter she recommended me to go to Utv or BBC. Shortly afterwards she was given a medal for her Investigative Reporting. The Wealthy must have had a good laugh at that.
To the above and many others to whom I've defamed, I have went further and have done this in print - in writing on linkedin. This obviously makes my accusations Libellous. [See my many articles] So why have I not being sued? While I have no money, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin have plenty. This proves, if proof were needed that Wealth rules this so-called democracy. As stated in several of my articles censorship rules the roost in Ireland. How can Ireland be a Democracy - when in my last open letter on linkedin - I pointed out to both Law Societies that they have corrupt lawyers in their midst and they will do nothing about them. Maybe this is because they both are Human Rights Lawyers. [Sic]
Besides the august so-called champions of free speech - the supposed newspapers, The lawyers I've defamed are solicitors Norman Shannon, Michael Farrell and every human rights body in Ireland, including the IHRC. This was before it acquired the ‘E’. This defamation was because they refused to investigate corruption which occurred many years ago at Belfast Docks. I deal with this a lot more in my articles on linkedin.
Drew Harris, why will the movers and shakers who run Ireland and the Arts not sue me for defaming them? Is it because they don’t want to draw attention to the fact - that it’s the Truth that defames them - “for currying favour” with the wealthy who really control Ireland.
The answer below, from ‘Lawyers for Justice’ on Facebook - suggests that they made enquiries - and were given a ‘stock in trade’ answer as to why the ‘champions of free speech’ suppress the Truth. The Justice lawyers state: ‘that exposure of the behaviour of this trade union could wreck the entire trade union movement’ etc. This is utter nonsense and entirely wrong. If… it was the case the Wealthy would’ve done it long ago and buried the scandal. The real reason is - that the descendants of the owners of the Asbestos that killed a still unknown number of Belfast Residents, don’t want it exposed that they profited from Blood Money.
Details of how the Dublin Wealthy corrupted the Union and formed a Union and Employers Court in Belfast… to persecute and order Dockers to discharge Asbestos without protection - is on and in my first book - The Judas Goats’. For the so-called Irish Newspapers to censor this Truth - for the Wealthy - is a crime against humanity. This is why I’m pleading guilty - not to defaming the people who run Ireland - but to exposing them. Obviously to them I am guilty - guilty of telling the Truth. They have used all in their power with CANCEL CULTURE to silence me and will not allow the Un-free Press to report on anything I say or write. That is - all except Linkedin.
Drew Harris, are you a puppet of the Wealthy - or will you instigate a cold-case into the crimes of the wealthy and their crimes against humanity? For more details see my recent book, ‘Memories and Observations’ and my many articles on linkedin
Hugh Murphy
Hi. We are sorry that you have had this experience. It is a shocking story.
We just wouldn't have the time or resources to look at something so complicated and time spanning, as we are only a few. It would appear also that too much time has passed in any event, and it is a NI case concerning employment in NI.
Did you make a complaint or sue Shannon for negligence? Did you make a formal complaint to the Law Sociéty?
Not every lawyer is corrupt. Many, for example, wouldn't touch what would appear to be a mess when they weren't instructed in the first place. Many also wouldn't have either resources, time or knowledge to take on something of that complexity.
How long ago did this happen? When was the case taken and where? Either way, we believe that there will be a lot of exposure of corruption and possibly the end of trade unions. These are changing times. Perhaps you will have your vindication. It is great that you are still writing. Will try to get time to have a look when I get a chance.
Regards, Jacqui
1 Apr 2023, 14:57
You sent
I do not want to see the end of Trade Unions, in fact I agree with them - but when on sides with Employers and persecutes and orders Dockers to discharge Asbestos without protection - that Union should be exposed. Obviously this Union was not doing its job - and likewise, the so-called Lawyers who know about this Travesty of the Law and do NOTHING are not doing their job. ALL I WANT- is for you or some other decent lawyer to take my case in front of a Judge and ASK FOR A JUCICIAL REVIEW? If as you claim you are LAWYERS FOR JUSTICE - this is the least you can do. The facts are there for anyone opposed to CORRUPTION IN THE LAW to see. Surly you know of a Pro Bono Lawyer in Ireland who who wants to vindicate the so-called Irish Legal System?
1 Apr 2023, 15:27
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Forgot to say, if you really believe in Justice for Ireland you may want to look into this. I related the Docks case to Judge Peter Kelly ten years ago at a conference called to debate changes to the Defamation Laws. While he gave me five minutes to outline my case - he did nothing - and neither did the room full of high ranking Lawyers and Barristers. And guess what, the so-called Democratic Free Press who filled the two back rows printed nary a word of what I said. This was particularly nauseating as the Editor of the Irish Times at the time, Geraldine Kennedy made a fool of herself. She point-blank refused to answer a question I asked her. Which was, why will Irish Times not report on the Asbestos Corruption at Belfast Docks? The reply was "I cannot answer that until I've spoked to Fintan O'Toole". For more on this and other exposures of so-called Democracy in Ireland, see my memoir. This has many details on how the Nod -Wink so-called Democracy - just like the Legal System works - Sorry - doesn't work - unless you have money.
Tues 15:18
5 Apr 2023, 17:51
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Is anyone available to chat?
Lawyers For Justice Ireland replied to you
Original message:
Jacqui - this is about corruption by Irish Lawyers, North and South.
Hi Hugh thanks for your message. We are a voluntary group of lawyers and associated professionals who do this work for free and do not have capacity to take on large cases at present. Have you tried to apply for legal aid? Regards Siobhan
Sat 12:37
You sent
I have a question. Can you help?
You sent
Yes, I was refused legal aid. In the same post as their rejection was a letter from Jack O'Connors Own solicitor, one John O'Neill of Thompson McClures, Belfast. He told O'Connor that his Union had indeed sacked its own members at Belfast Docks. Armed with this I appealed but the Legal Aid Board still turned me down. O'Connor had engaged solicitor O'Neill to "sue the arse of me" because I had accused him of being corrupt and of covering up corruption. This happened at a large public meeting during the Irish Ferries dispute. See my posts on linked and my open letters to the both Law Societies. I accused O'Connor twice more of at large meetings - of being corrupt and covering up corruption, but to no avail - he refused to sue me for defamation. AS YOU AND ALL THE LEGAL PEOPLE IN IRELAND KNOW - THE TRUTH IS NEVER DEFAMATORY.