Open Letter to Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari: Prominent US-Based Business Consultant Calls for National Conference to Unify Nigeria
Ike Lemuwa
Angel Investor|Author of 12 Crowdfunding Campaign Guides|Nationally Recognized Master Hypnotic Mass Campaign Expert
My name is Ike Lemuwa and I am a Nigerian-born American citizen that is asking for your assistance to bring the country of Nigeria together as one. I am asking you to lend your power and support to the people of Nigeria and provide us the ability to heal and become united as one.
Since the early days of your campaign, I have followed the progress of your administration and all that you stand for. I respect democracy and the civil rights of people – something I believe that you uphold with your administration. I want to assist in improving the lives of the people of Nigeria, with your help.
I urge you to build Nigeria into the great nation that it can become by helping the country reconcile its past and restore the faith of all citizens.
I implore you to hold a National Conference to create a New United National of Nigeria. This will allow the country to be transformed into a nation that is able to move forward from its past and reconcile all that has happened to its people.
To develop a nation that is one, the citizens must confess to the sins of the past and let go of the events that have divided us. Through a National Conference, you will begin the healing process and allow the people of Nigeria to join together and begin the rebuilding efforts to create a nation that all are invested in and proud to call home.
With a National Conference On A New United Nation of Nigeria you will give people strength and allow them to seek the forgiveness that has been missing for so long. Allow our people to get the reconciliation they deserve and all those that have wronged our people to confess to their past misdeeds so our country can heal and become a united front that works together and not against each other.
Only through a National Conference that encompasses all people of Nigeria, regardless of ethnicity or religion, can we build a future for our country and have a New United Nigeria.
I implore you to be a president of the people and gain the support of every citizen by making them feel and know they are a welcomed part of this nation. Bring together the population that feels unwanted and abandoned. Without their support, you cannot begin to rebuild Nigeria and create a nation that is unified.
You cannot only seek to please the 1 percent of the population. This only creates a divide in our country and makes our minorities feel marginalized. All citizens of Nigeria must feel like they belong to this nation.
Failure is not an option as your administration needs to define a democracy of government that is inclusive of all people regardless of race, religious beliefs, and economic status. Stop suppressing the press and arresting those people that are expressing their civil rights by opposing your government and its administration. This only prevents the nation from coming together as one and puts a stop to efforts of those that want to make this a better nation for all.
I ask you to listen to the voices of your people and make this a global community where the oppressed are not ignore. Be inclusive and engage us all so we may begin to heal and move forward from the many years of hurt.
Let us begin to start the healing process by enacting a National Confession, Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation Commission. 198TILG Nigeria CEO Networks, USA can help you to start the process and make Nigeria a nation for all.
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Yours Sincerely,
Ike Lemuwa
Toll-Free: 1-888-642-8433