An open letter to my soul mate client— the woman who dreams of "more"
Hi there beautiful,
My soul mate clients are the dreamers of "more".
Maybe you’ve self-classified yourself as a dreamer, or your friends and family have teased you that you’ve always got your head in the clouds with your idealistic, optimistic views of how the world could be.
You just know that you’re always dreaming about more.
Not more for the sake of more in an ego-driven way, no no no — that’s not your style at all.
When YOU say more, you mean:
More happiness.?
More joy.
More love.?
More peace.?
More fulfilment.
More play.?
More fun.?
More contribution.
More impact.?
More freedom.
More self-expression.
More you.?
More of the best of everyone else.
More of a difference in the world.
Yes, it’s idealistic and optimistic and some may even say unrealistic to expect any of that.
And yet you yearn for it.?
You just KNOW that you can be more, have more, do more. And you have a feeling that those around you can too.?
My soul mate client typically finds themselves in one of two situations:
You’re a change-maker, a transformative and revolutionary leader at your core — even if you’re not embodying that yet.
You have a big heart. Big dreams. Big ideas. Big goals.
And unfortunately, sometimes you also have big fears. Loud voices in your head. Constant internal commentary telling you all the reasons why “you can’t”, “you shouldn’t” and “who are you to do that”.
Unfortunately much of the time you’re in the habit of denying your full power. You feel like you might have a unique gift or purpose that the world is waiting for you to claim but you’re held back by your inner critic which keeps cutting you down to size, telling you that you’re not good enough.
Here’s the thing…
YOU, beautiful human — have extraordinary gifts, talents and potent power within you that is yours and yours only! When you’re tapped fully into that and are living from your full power, everyone around you benefits. Your partner, family, friends, community, organisation (country? WORLD?!)...
Getting caught up in your doubts, fears and insecurities takes you away from your mission and the possible impact you could have on people. Sadly, you get in the way of your own contribution to others!
I’m sorry it if makes you feel uncomfortable reading that. Sometimes facing the truth IS hard. The thing is though, realising this is kind of beautiful too.
If you are the only true thing in the way of you owning the full range, breadth, depth and potency of your power, then you are also able to turn on a dime and get out of your own way!
You are in charge.
You can make a different choice; carve a different path for your future.
This is the kind of journey I support. I work with the dreamers of more. The ones who see a more peaceful and happy world. The ones who want to make a difference, not for their own material gain but for the better of everyone around them.
I believe in what you see inside of you. I believe in your dreams.
I already know that you’re worthy and 100% good enough exactly as you are to be perfectly qualified for the role of being you.
Your gifts are so desired and required and I’m here to connect you with them.
I’m here to connect you to YOU.
I’m here to help you get out of your own way so that we all can benefit from what it is that you’re here to do.
I’m not interested in us working together forever.
I AM interested in being the cheerleader who empowers you to FULLY OWN and BELIEVE in yourself and start taking consistent and inspired action towards your dreams.?
In my programs, I empower you to have:
Overcome the “not good enough” story once and for all and cultivate a real sense of worthiness.
Have trust and faith in yourself that you CAN achieve what you dream about.
Create clarity in your vision and mission.
Develop presence as a way of being, dialling into your intuition in?a way that has you always feeling connected to yourself.?
Cultivate belief in yourself.
Generate courage to take inspired action in line with your vision and your intuitive guidance.??
Emily, thank you, from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul, for hosting such a beautiful space last week in the Be You, Be True private Facebook group. You are a ray of pure, divine love and light, and your passion for all things conscious creation, trusting/nurturing that inner calling and living the most FULLEST, AUTHENTIC, UNAPOLOGETIC life EVER is just incredible. I've gotta be honest - it did feel scary to open myself up and share what was hot and heavy on my heart, but at the same time oh so good and oddly familiar, like I'd known all along who I truly was and what I'm truly all about in this lifetime. Which I have come to realise is totally true - of course I know who I am deep down! I was simply operating from old habits that no longer served me. This process for me was more about un-becoming the things that have held me back and kept me small, rather than "becoming" anything new. Thank you for making me feel less insane and as comfortable and supported as possible in doing this work - you are a fricken EPIC human and a POWERHOUSE of love. This work you are teaching and sharing here is so so needed. I seriously cannot WAIT to see what you have in store for the future! Just sign me tha fuqk up; no need to ask I bow to you. ~ Alaina Scutts
I work with people who are ready to turn their calling into their mission.
What’s inside of you IS real. It is available to you and I’m ready and waiting to support you.
Ready to go? Send me an email at [email protected] or subscribe to my newsletter to receive downloads from my heart to yours.
Thank you for being here and I can’t wait to work together.
Em xx ??
Babes, I cannot thank you enough for Be You, Be True.. You have helped me in ways I thought no one ever could. You have helped me find the inner me, my core, my morals, and the badass woman I truly am. When I first started this course I was lost and I said I wanted to find the person I once was. I found her. She wasn’t far away at all, and I am so happy to have her back. I realised how loved I am, my self worth and how to be the best version of me I can be. I am not afraid to be unapologetically me. I am ready to show myself and to show the world who I am! With the homework we did, the journalling prompts you set, you helped me find myself again, and with my whole heart, thank you! Em you’re a blessing in this world and what you do is amazing and I am privileged to be able to work with for the short week we had. I never knew how much I could learn about all this in a week. I feel like I connected so much to people and myself and I realised I am not alone. So Em, saying thank you isn’t enough for what you’ve done for me and help me do, but THANK YOU! And I hope I get to work with you again in the near future ?????? ~ Carley Pryor