An Open Letter to My Former Spiritual Community, Renaissance Unity and Oakland County Sixth Circuit Court

An Open Letter to My Former Spiritual Community, Renaissance Unity and Oakland County Sixth Circuit Court

Thanks to the actions of the wannabe corporate criminals who committed bank fraud to steal my company, the recent decision from Oakland County 6th Circuit Court to silence me and allow Maddin, Hauser, Roth & Heller, PC , Patrick Stemmler, Kurt Siebenaller, CPA and Scott McKenna the tools to carry out their theft, and the abandonment, for the sake or remaining conflict averse, by my spiritual community leaders at Renaissance Unity , and people that I thought were friends who could have offered me tools to better navigate the legal process I’ve been forced into, I now find myself in the deepest, darkest emotional flashback triggered by my condition, PTSD, that I’ve experienced in over a decade. The fact that I am able to write through this flashback, while processing the dark thoughts that coincide, teetering on the edge of fight or flight, only validates and exemplifies the beacon for truth and justice that I have become and offers me solace in that I will navigate these tumultuous waters and return to higher ground. This too shall pass.

To the leaders of my formal spiritual community Brett Tillander and Glenn McIntosh - Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. You have proven to be snake oil salesmen at the level of Divine Consciousness. I do not detract from the good you do for your communities and your immediate surroundings. I still look up to you as luminaries in this regard and wish you the best. Your community still needs you in the same way I did when you came into my life. Unfortunately, and fortunately, I’ve transcended this space.

Change makers at the level of Divine Consciousness you are not, however. Your indoctrination has allowed you a blissful ignorance that has prompted conflict aversion in the name of personal comfort, while confined to the prison of the Corporatocracy. This is a prison where its policies and its minion’s chip away at our unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on a daily basis. Considering the centuries of psychology the creators of this system have had to enforce indoctrination, I consider neither of you bad people and even move to say, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

To this extent, neither of you, including Oakland County Executive David Coulter, a former leader of this community, are miracle manifesters, other than for yourselves. You are all talk. Corporate puppets. Purveyors of the prison of the corporatocracy, while you preach the works of Jesus and Martin Luther King. You should consider adjusting your message if you fear the front line.

On a personal level, my disdain stems from the knowledge that, with your connections in Oakland County, the abuse that you’ve stood by idly and watched me endure in the name of the greater good could have been minimized with tools you have readily at your disposal to help me navigate the system’s red tape. Instead, I’ve watched you shrivel away into silence as I stood on the frontline, enduring the magnitude of lumps in the fight you assured me was mine to engage in; Not only mine to engage in but all of our responsibility. Our Declaration of Independence demands the same. Your silence is a form of violence and abuse that is appalling, disappointing and heart breaking beyond words.

To Oakland County Executive, David Coulter - David coulter, your county has just granted the people who committed bank fraud to steal my company from me the tools to carry their theft forward and continue to profit from my company by silencing me. Rest assured, my former friend, I will not be silenced by the Plaintiffs, the court, money or anything, or anyone else, until justice is served. If they want my truth, they’re going to have to pry it from my cold, dead hands. Know that my pain and suffering will be partially due to your silence and refusal to take a stand for one of your own. The fact that you, Glenn and Brett could sit idly by and allow this to happen with your connections in this county is the furthest thing from holy boldness in action. I’m crushed and embarrassed by my naivety in that I could hold you three on a pedestal of sorts.

The fact that I haven’t gotten one response from your prosecutor, Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office , which is supposed to uphold Justice, even taking time to consider the proofs that I have available is disgusting beyond words. The fact that you’ve ignored my pleas for action breaks my heart, more than anything.

To Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald and the Honorable Judge Michael Warren – Prosecutor McDonald, your decision to ignore my pleas for prosecution of the plaintiffs, in conjunction with the decision by Judge Warren, whom I have a great deal of respect for considering his handling of my case while shackled by the same red tape I now find myself risking life or death to take on, head-on, I don’t think I’m left with a choice other than to consider Oakland County Sixth Circuit complicit in the theft of my company. I don’t consider the court to be privy to, or intentionally supportive of the conspiracy by the plaintiffs, but rather complicit in the choice to turn a blind eye to truth for the comfort of navigating a broken system; broken in regard to the greater good of the people who it was promulgated to serve.

I also must consider the court complicit in the further desecration of the American Declaration of Independence and its corresponding Constitution, in the same regard. I’m not sure how the two of you, who’ve secured my support for your seats in that courthouse of the county that raised me, can sleep with the knowledge that your actions will have inspired the tumultuous path I have ahead of me for upholding true justice, with only the goal of equanimity for all being my primary driving force. I suppose that is neither here, nor there.

Unlike the facades, whether intentionally perpetuated, or as the direct result of the blindness caused by indoctrination, of the positions attached to the individuals mentioned in this letter, my drive to uphold truth doesn’t fall into oblivion at the first sign of life-altering discomfort. I’m going to continue fighting for what was stolen from me and for our collective unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Although I deeply respect the time and effort Judge Warren has put into his opinion, I still know that it is my Creator bestowed right to protect myself from the theft of my property, to wit, protect my unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; a right that the Plaintiffs have obviously infringed upon.

I conceived of, created and managed, despite my ex-partner and current thief , Patrick Stemmler's. incompetence and failure to live up to his end of an "equal" partnership, United Restoration Disaster Services. The company thrived through a pandemic on my sheer passion to see it through in the name of integrity. The company became a beacon for integrity in the otherwise sludge of the overreaching pool of big insurance. When the staff was big enough to, in the delusional presupposition of the plaintiffs, compensate for my absence, the plaintiffs committed bank fraud to steal it. Under every premise of the declaration quoted by Judge Warren himself, I don't see how Oakland County Circuit allowing the Plaintiffs the tools to carry forward with their theft and quiet me is constitutional, nor my drive to uphold the justice to prevent it for me and others a civil or criminal matter worth even considering.

The Declaration of Independence cited in Judge Warren’s opinion not only affords me the right, and further, responsibility, which demands action on my part to uphold and stand against any actions that might desecrate the sanctity of this declaration. I will continue to do so. Give me equanimity and liberty, or give me death.

I sincerely hope that what I perceive as cowardice and an abandoning of post by most of the individuals mentioned in this letter is only my perception. Only cowards shrivel in silence when one of their own stands on the front line to take it on the chin for the greater good. If cowardice was, in fact, a choice, the chooser of such should be ashamed of themself. If that is the case, may whatever God you pray to have mercy on your soul(s).

I know the tone of this letter may sound aggressive, mean, disparaging and defaming. If it appears that way, it is only made so as the direct result of the voicing of the truth has allowed it to be. It is not through my intent to promulgate any of the above. In truth, I am hurt; devastated to my core that the truth I hold so dear and have spent a lifetime standing for, despite my upbringing, obstacles and character flaws, is so easily brushed aside in the name of preserving a system intended to crush us all. Make no mistake it is tears that fall on my keyboard as I type this open letter; not venom. But break me, you will not. Still, I rise, still, I rise, still, I rise. The opportunity to rise with me and with the people you claim to support is afoot. Will you rise too?


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