Open Letter to my Fellow Conservatives
We are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Open Letter to my Fellow Conservatives

January 23, 2019

Letter #1

Dear My Fellow American’s whom happen to be conservative,

            Most open letters are very well edited and polished. I want to write this letter from the heart and from the hip. So don’t be surprised if you find errors. I want all of you to understand those Americans that for some reason you see as an enemy. Yes, I mean those of our fellow Americans that are seen as more liberal with their thinking. It’s amazing that people have made the word liberal into a dirty word. Well the sad thing about is that we Americans that happen to be conservatives are truly classic liberals. This term was and still is to describe how we see government and how government should work for the people. So, if you are using liberal as a dirty word, stop it now. Because when you point a figure at someone, three fingers are pointing back to you. This open letter will be the first of three for my fellow Americans whom happen to be conservative. Our friends from the Liberal group and Moderates will receive a few letters themselves. Let’s touch on the biggest issue other there in this letter.


            The largest separation between our fellow Americans who are conservatives and whom are liberal is the abortion issue. I’m making it my job to inform you why liberals are for what the call choice, and what conservatives call murder. Many conservatives consider abortion as wholesale murder. Murder of the next generation that is to come, and many believe that a woman, once pregnant, has no natural right to terminate a pregnancy. As many of our liberal friends have told us, throughout history abortion was carried out in many ways that caused harm to the woman that wanted the abortion or allowed so called back alley doctors to perform this sad procedure. Which in many cases the mothers died from infections, blood loss, and other complications noted throughout history. Some of you may say good, this is the punishment for such a decision. If you are saying that, may God forgive you for your hatred. To be honest, there are many reasons why women have abortions. It could be a teenager that had unprotected sex to a woman or a child that was raped. Yet, many of us hate those that support this cause simply on its face without looking underneath the surface. Many in the liberal camp remembered how pregnancy kept women under bondage of men. This was a problem and still a problem today, but at a much lessor extent. They see abortion as a woman having true power over oneself. If a woman can control every aspect of herself, she is truly free. That is how our liberal friend see it. Nothing in there about using abortion as birth control. Yet we know a few will. This is how they see it. Nothing evil here. Just stupid results sometimes by the irresponsible.

Let’s look under the surface. Say if it was 100% illegal today. What are you going to start doing 9 months after? Where are the little Asian, Black, Hispanic, and yes White children go? Will you adopt them? You are not adopting them now. There are thousands upon thousands of children in the foster care system that need parents today. Yet, you go to foreign countries and adopt children instead of taking our kids at home. You all want babies, but a 16 year old child can be your baby too. You want a child to look a certain way, trust me it shows what type of person you really are. Choosing a foreign child and ignoring a child from home. This is a problem that you have no solution. I agree, abortion needs to go in its current form. However, you need to have the compassion to open your home to possible several million children that don’t look like you. Have a clear answer for this, and abortion will go away. Or will abortion go away as we know. Yes Roe v. Wade is case law that has been established, but it only takes a bill from the U.S. Congress to be passed, and a President to sign it. Then it would be done. Why haven’t this been done?

The people we elect to the U.S. Congress and Presidents who call themselves conservatives have not acted on this. Yet we have a President whose fighting for a silly wall. If you take 5 minute google search, you can see through history that a wall stops nothing, but will not take that fight to protect unborn. The reason for this is that the people you are voting for are using you to get elected, or you do not have the moral strength to demand it. From what I see, it’s both. You allow it to continue. This makes us no worse than Judas to Jesus. We talk a big game, but in the end the politicians we elect, and the conservative community as a whole will betray what will save our soul.

You may ask, what would you do about abortion? Easy, this is the law that I would write to replace existing case law:

The subject of abortion in the United States will be, by the 10thAmendment of the U.S. Constitution, will be determined by the states with these few exceptions:

1. No state shall create a law violating these exceptions. Only Federal law with a revision or repeal of this law may make changes to these exceptions.

2. No state will create a law preventing an abortion in the case of rape (all forms), incest, medical necessity for the survival of the mother (at all stages of pregnancy), or be charged with a crime of any kind if said woman goes to another state or country where abortion laws are more relaxed and have the abortion and returns home whose laws are more restrictive.

3. Abortion will be illegal in cases of rape of persons under age of 18 (i.e. Statuary Rape) unless the Rape is against the will of the underaged person, and it has been proven that the accuser was not coerced to choose a specific accused due to family or community pressure (of any form) or embarrassment.

4. Abortion will be legal if under the age of 18 or over the age of 18 is mentally impaired and does not have the legal capacity to consent to sexual activity.

5. If it is determined that a person was falsely accused of Rape so the accuser can receive an abortion. That accuser must serve the same amount of time in prison that the person falsely accused served, or a minimum of 5 years in prison if the accused was not convicted and it has been determined that a false allegation was filed.

6. All forms of birth control approved by the Food and Drug administration will be legal in all states.

This is the law I propose. This will place the responsibility closer to the people. Allow each state to chart their own path on this subject. This should provide enough protection for those falsely accused of a crime and protect those women who want to go to a different state and determined their choice. I know many of you think this doesn’t go far enough, and I know many on the other side would think I’m a tyrant. However, no one else seems to have the courage to speak up about their beliefs and attempt to find a compromise for the sake of us all. This plan could give us what we need.

To my fellow Americans whom happen to be conservative. This is only my first letter to you. It will not be my last. If you want to comment, please do. I don’t want to hear from those of you that just want to yell and tell me what I’ve stated is wrong. I want you to come up with a better solution to this issue. So that we can start putting these differences a side and move forward into the future as a country. Thank you.


Jerry D. Elix, MLA

?Adjunct Professor of Political Science


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