Open Letter to My Daughter
Dear Little Nupur,
It seems like yesterday – the 31st Dec, when I was weak-kneed, tensed, thrilled (cocktail of the emotions flowing) waiting outside the operation theater without any discreet knowledge how the world is outside that small hospital. It was a ‘once-a-lifetime’ moment and mostly every father has this privilege. And then you gave a new status to me and your mother – “Parents” – and we were blessed to have you ‘gudiya’.
Fifteen years later, you’re on the brink of womanhood – a rarest blessing. In next few years you’ll get ready for college, work, and other apparent roles. May be then you may not want me as your benevolent authoritarian and manage most of your decisions but you will want me to be your Life Coach. But before I miss reigns of everyday Parenting, I’d like to share with you few of my thoughts for you:
- True Independence is achieved when you’re no longer dependent on anyone else. But always remember that we’ll always depend on God.
- Your life is a priceless Gift and it is your primary duty to protect it from all the vices around and keep yourself healthy.
- Value Time as it comes with an expiry label. Use it wisely. There are those who look at others’ accomplishments and say, “I had that idea, “or “I could have done that.” But ideas are cheap and intentions are just that. If you don’t invest the time needed, you don’t achieve the expected results.
- Your ethics and family values will play a dominant and crucial role in building you as a person. Uphold their importance. Initially the circumstances may discourage you from following them or they may get under attack but remain committed to your ethics and family values throughout your life.
- Choose your company wisely. If you hang out for a long time with someone who has a different value system, either you will change or she/he will change.
- Respect, Compassion and Understanding in any relationship is of paramount. Good relationships don’t happen overnight and ideally should last forever. Hence do not take any of them for granted.
- Beta, learning doesn’t ends at 22 my cutie pie but it’s a life-long process as it is essential for growth in totality.
- Most of times, you will decide, how others are going to treat you. Earn the respect you want and try to reciprocate it. This will be applicable in every aspect of your life – be it personal (family), professional or spiritual.
- Never give up. Disappointing circumstances often open doors to new opportunities. God forbid if you happen to go through not-so-favorable circumstances, look around for the hidden opportunities. They’re waiting for you, if only you have the vision to see them.
- Nupur, always accept the defeat & mistakes gracefully. Owning up to your faults is the first step to improving them. Allow these experiences to guide you in your life-long journey.
- Be courageous. Throughout your life, you will face times when you are scared. No one is immune to this experience. Both cowards and heroes face this. Their responses to fear and uncertainty, however, define who they become. With courage, you do what’s right regardless of what’s popular.
- Try-n-live in the real world with real people. I am not advising you to do away with all your digital life but use them as source of information and communication only as it (social medial included) will not contribute at all in strengthening in any of your skills, values and character.
- Everything under the sun matters. Not only does this day matter, but every moment within this day is important and generates its own future consequences of some kind or another. What you think matters. What you say matters. Live fully, appreciate spontaneity, experience carefreeness …Love it
- Choose a socially acceptable lifestyle which suits you. Remember, it is far easier to become a moron or a nerd by botching up everything around than to become a sensible composed person in the society.
- Live your life with head held high. Lead such a life that your honesty, integrity, determination and affection for others is naturally reflected. It takes character, lots of it in-fact, to not succumb to any pressure from life. You have a very large reservoir of character. Don’t forget it. Tap into it at every turn of your life.
- As long as you are earning and saving, it is absolutely normal to aspire for the luxuries and brands around. However, revere the sanctity of these material possessions up to a certain extent only.
- Beware of “Over” everywhere – over-react, over-estimate, over-possessive, over-sensitive, over-aggressive, over-enthusiastic…the list goes on…
- Do not compare, compete or concern yourself with others beyond the necessary. Everybody here is unique. Do not forget it’s just you, wandering through the streets of joy and happiness.
Bear these things in your heart and life will never be cruel to you, and neither will the people in it. Remember Nupur, you are a God’s Master Piece who came at HIS will with the potential to change this world for better. Do it ….
May God bless you Nupur….
Good Luck and loads of wishes …
Your Popsy ….
Management Advisor at Own practice
7 年Edited and shared for wider benefit ! God Bless !
Management Advisor at Own practice
7 年Great ! May All Fathers Be Blessed To Be As Open To Their Daughters As Unfolded Here ! God Bless !