An Open Letter To My Children (spoken through my daughter) 5
I want you and Vinny to know that tonight I have written one of the most important documents that I have ever written in support of a future worth living for you guys and your generation. If it doesn’t have the intended effect now, I believe it will, people will understand it in the future and I believe its premise will become a driving force in altering the course of humanity for the better in our little corner of the universe, and maybe the globe at large. Who knows?
The most important take away that I want you guys to understand is that I would have been ill equipped to have the clarity of vision to write it, had I not had to succumb to the human suffering we’ve had to endure at the behest of industries, entities and people who act in a reprehensible, selfish and cowardly manner, who place their self-preservation and/or greed over the wellbeing of humanity.
Out of respect for the judge in one of the cases I’m currently involved in, I won’t mention the names of the entities and humans that are currently on a crash course into the criminal justice system as a direct result of the aforementioned . However you know them well, and as much as our disgust with them and what they represent is justified, as will be the consequences forthcoming, without these men of ill repute and their corresponding actions, the change that I believe we’re going to make for the greater good of humanity, as a direct result of you, your bother’s and my decision to endure personal suffering for the greater good, would not have been possible.
I don’t know what I’ve done to have been blessed with two little light warriors as brave and compassionate as you two. It may seem weird and even nonsensical that I’m able to thank you both for allowing me to embark on this journey for a better future for you both, a future that is still not guaranteed, considering the position of daily conflict that we still find ourselves in. All I can do to somewhat explain my gratitude is to point to the Buddhist premise which charges the individual to be grateful for its pain. I know that seems weird and stands in antithesis to a society that is indoctrinated to believe survival of the fittest in terms of evolution, and that the success of the individual can only come at the expense of another, due to the lie of an earth suffering the confines of illusory lack and limitation, promulgated by a ruling class hellbent on commandeering our natural resources and utilizing them for their own personal profit. Personal comfort and instant gratification at all costs is the prevailing doctrine, and through that, our planet has become a profit center for human suffering.
Not on our fucking watch honey… excuse my French, which is not actual French, but just a stupid cuss word used for emphasis. I digress…
Through yours and your brothers choice to endure our own personal loss so that we could fight for others, and ourselves, in a way that others may not have the clarity of vision, passion, perseverance, resilience and resources at their disposal that I do, we have started the process of changing things on a mass scale. I realize that a lot of what of what I’m standing for and the outcome that I now see as, not only possible but probable, is ahead of most people’s time and my not be fully understood and accepted until after I make my transition from the human condition. Such is the case for any revolutionary, something I’ve had no intention in becoming, but in my recognition and acceptance of the path laid out before me and access to the resources an human characteristics aforementioned with which to make it a more comfortable journey for you and your brother, I realize that I am that; I am a revolutionary.
Within that context, I have to thank those who have infringed upon us in the human sense, equally to the extent that I thank you and your brother for allowing me a path free of the teen angst that may have immediately placed me back on the hamster wheel of indoctrination. They are still reprehensible pieces of human excrement in my human book, but from a spiritual perspective, as spiritual beings having a human experience, I fully realize, through our current circumstances, three prominent spiritual teachings that have superseded all religious genres any any human perceived suffering.
1) Gratitude for our pain promulgates the lessons and the quality of life that will eventually alleviate human suffering, to the extent that it can be alleviated within the confines of the human condition.
2) That we are all in this world, but we are not of it.
3) That things happen for us, not to us.
I know that you will probably not make it to the end of this letter and it will get filed, for the time being, in the WTF is dad talking about file. I know with great surety now, however, that one day you, your brother and possibly your generation will look back upon it with the great reverence that I’m able to view our circumstances with today and thank the pieces of human excrement for their imposition upon our human comfort. None of what I believe is forthcoming for the greater good could have been promulgated from any state of comfort that I’ve ever operated in.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank them. They’ll still have to pay and more than likely suffer at the hands of the karma that is forthcoming for them. However, without their human missteps, the blow that I’m about to deliver to the industry of big insurance for the greater good of humanity is nowhere near possible.
To that extent, it’s time for us to let go of any ill will. That doesn’t mean that we let them slide in regard to the consequences for their actions. They refused to step into the possibility of integrity. Because their malintent was aimed in our direction, and because of the resources and human characteristics that I possess, I’m still very much charged with holding them accountable for their actions, to the extent that my stance never becomes shrouded in darkness. In the immortal words of who you both know to be probably my greatest influence and spiritual mentor on this journey, Martin Luther King Jr., "darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.”
Thanks to their infringement, and now this reprehensible company, Lemonade ’s, which, from a human perspective at this particular juncture of time and space seems apropos to Murphy’s Law, I've been allowed to embody, in a relatable way, the the driving and maybe only true responsibility any human has or should aspire to. It's a value that I’ve attempted to instill in you and your brother from before the time you even knew what the words I was saying meant. I’ve always told you that our responsibility on this planet is to illuminate the space we occupy, while we have the miracle of life to occupy it. I’ve always taught you that your metric for success in that regard is not found in competition or comparison to others, but rather as an internal competition within yourself to be better than you know you were the day before, while remaining unattached to the good or bad opinion of others, or indoctrinated modes of being. Through their infringement, I was faced with a choice, and still am, of taking short cuts in the name of comfort, or to stand in the darkness and illuminate myself as bright as I'm capable of at any given point, and have faith that what I’ve offered you two as your primary mode of being as the truth, the way, and yes, the light, is, in fact, the optimal pathway with which to transcend the human condition.
Even though others, even you two, may not fully realize it yet, I can assure you that it affords a wealth of character that no amount of human greed could ever afford or be capable of purchasing. And thanks to their and malintent, I know, based on yours and your brother's decisions to displace our comfort in the name of the greater good, without having the life experience to fully realize what it was you were sacrificing and what it was you may have to truly endure, and then to endure in the light-warrior like manner with which you both have, has given me the space to endure the pain, despite my own personal indoctrination and character defects, with light and integrity being the primary objectives. I could die today and rest easy knowing that what I’ve instilled in you both will supersede any legacy I’ll be capable of manifesting within the span of my human life.
Make no mistake, I’d rather live a long life for this cause of a more humane existence for us and the population at large, but because I know from the core of my soul that what we’ve started here, I have zero fear or regret, should I have to die for it, nor should either of you. Rather, should human tragedy occur, let it be a motivator, not a deterrent to honor the legacies of those who stood in the name of unconditional love and truth, regardless of cost. Some of my heroes in this regard are Socrates, Jesus, Joan of Arc, Mahatma Gandhi, Anne Frank, viktor Frankel, John f Kennedy and his brother Robert, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther king Jr. Tupac Shakur, tonnage a few. I know there are more females of historical relevance that a primarily male driven historical record has left as an unmentioned byproduct of history (his story). I implore to seek those hero’s out through your own volition and realtabinlty to create your own story of relevance and empowerment. I know that this leg of my personal journey had prompted me to do the same for whatever remainder of human life I may have ahead of me. But regardless of the span of human life of our heroes, recognize that, in the immortal words of Jesus of Nazareth, when speaking of the act manifesting miracles proclaimed, “these things I do, you can do and more.”
The span of a human life is just a blip in time, but to the extant that one can learn to live it in the name of light and love makes it infinite. Should human tragedy occur in that, always, ALWAYS, let it be a motivator to increase you capacity for illuminating the space to illuminate the space you occupy, while you have the miracle of life to occupy it. In the state or our current human condition, that may mean having to stand in the face of adversity and being militant with out stand on love and light; militant not in that we promote or would impose violence on any other living being that does not pose an imineney and immediate threat to our immediate safety, but rather we will stand in the face of theirs with our fist raised and our middle finger up on the other hand in the face of theirs, should their actions call for it.
I love you guys. Believe it or not, I also love the one’s whose cowardice has promulgated what we may perceive in our humanness to be unnecessary suffering suffering. But I can assure you that without it, the great work that we have already embodied would not have been possible. The pathway to the alleviation of human suffering in our little corner of the universe that I believe it has prompted has only just begun, as it had only just begun for the hero’s that I mentioned. In the case of each of their death’s the human misstep was to settle into perpetual grieving rather than to embody, agressively, the mode of being that they embodied and we revere them for. Had we done that, the world we live in now would be a much different and more enlightening space. In the language of your generation, #embracethejourney #breakthecycle #bethechange
I love you honey. I hope your away game went well and I promise I’ll be at the next one, should you allow parental attendance. Even if you don’t, you might catch me creeper-style, cheering my way-too-self-conscious daughter on from a distance, capturing photos and video of the perfection of what you and your fellow generation of little humans actually are, as opposed to what a social media and AI driven by a ruling class that aims to profit from human suffering attempts to convince you that you’re not. Goodnight.