An Open Letter To My Children (Spoken Through My Daughter) 2
I’ll try to stick with iPhones honey.
AT&T did respond to my LinkedIn article. It was a letter directed to the CEO. They contacted me. I brought valid points to their attention.? It seems like they're going to do what they can to keep us with them and they may even be leaning on my input to help tweak their interface to make it more consumer friendly.? We’ll see what tomorrow brings.??
Although AT&T has our devices held captive with the bad contract that their 3rd party rep baited me into under duress and on the fly, via bait and switch and blatant lies, a win/win will always supersede my emotions regarding the situation.? If they can take responsibility for their contracted representative and show that they care about the damage their rep caused, this doesn’t have to be a fight.? It can be a teaching moment for us and them. Maybe, just maybe, we'll pioneer together a way of doing business in the age of AI that is mutually beneficial to the corporation, consumer and employee.? AT&T is a known corporate abuser, so chances are, this goes to court.
AT&T is one of the corporations that believe its too big to fail.? If AT&T doesn’t apologize for their 3rd party rep’s theft from us and doesn’t compensate to a reasonable degree for the time they’ve wasted of ours, money stolen and pain and suffering as a result, they’re going to find out that they’re not too large to fail.? I’m their huckleberry.
We live in a world run by corporations that would like to be governed by the spreadsheet only.? Corporations are more like AI, in that they are not people with emotions and human problems to solve.? For all intents and purposes, in the realm of the non-human, maintaining strict adherence to optimal spreadsheets is ideal.? The problem for the corporation, in the real world, our real world, the realm of the human, is that strict adherence to a spreadsheet completely disregards everything that humans are required to learn to reach the optimal state of humanity.? Compassion, unconditional love, empathy, sympathy, integrity, justice, service are just a handful of extremely important human characteristics that numbers fail miserably to equate for.? Maybe there's a solution with numbers somewhere in the realm of quantum computing, but we are nowhere near that solution yet.? To that extent, these executives need to take a chill pill on their drive to buy from the first techie promising that AI is their stairway to executive heaven.? It's a lie, and what that lie has created to the status quo is the image that these big corporations don’t care anymore. If they are allowed to steal from us and get away with it, they’re not concerned. The spreadsheet is their God, and the people who work for them, at the executive level, knowingly serve it.
There are a handful of corporations in industries such as the military industrial complex, big pharma, big insurance, farming, etc. telecommunications, mortgages, banking, run by the wealthiest people on the globe, who have no allegiance to any country, race, creed, etc., where this is true. It is not a coincidence that these industries are or present themselves as necessities to modern existence.? They’re all a part of a Ponzi scheme that is near collapse. For a corporation to exist that way is fu****g ridiculous, even for the greed driven. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to equate that without humans, there is no profit, no consumer, no employee, no debt holder and therefore, no corporation.? I can’t call the people who live this way stupid, or malicious.? In fact, some of them are extremely intelligent and compassionate even, but indoctrinated beyond any ability to discern or think for themselves.
Humans are indoctrinated.? They’re indoctrinated by a ruling class burdened with fears, such as the fear of lack and limitation, that are primal, yet have very little relevance in modern humanity.? Because the reptilian part of our brain has not evolved beyond survival, humans are inclined to gravitate toward doomsday information.? That’s why compassion has to be the foundation of every human institution as humans merge with technology.
Every single one of us has made mistakes under the guidance of the teachings of those who came before us, who had infinitely less information and life experience to guide with. Our go-to mechanism as humans is to point the finger and blame others for our missteps. It should, then, come as no surprise that the go-to mechanism for major corporations is to pass-the-buck. Since it is only the major corporations and the world’s wealthiest that have been in the know regarding AI until recently, it should also come as no surprise that AI has been programmed to do the same. That programming has acted like a virus on humanity. It has infected our school’s curriculums, our justice system, our health care, our parenting, our relationships, religion and spirituality even.? If this virus has its way, it will recode everything for our annihilation as a human race.?
The implications of what I’m doing here, honey, goes so much deeper than a petty grievance over a bill with AT&T, or issues with Uber, or the weak willed, lying shells of men that stole my company and our livelihood temporarily.? If I had succumbed to societal programming and not seen past my own indoctrination, we’d have zero to complain about in the material world.? But only focusing on self-gratification in the now is akin to being a deadbeat parent.? Anybody can have a child, but not everybody will raise their kid and even fewer will put in real work at their own sacrifice to give their children a future worth living, one free of indoctrination.
Most people, unbeknownst to them, comply with their indoctrination. I don’t believe that there is this massive, overriding, evil conspiracy to devour the human race. I believe that humanity has been misguided by fears that were very real and necessary for human survival in the past.? The people who survived these trying times in our infancy as humans, wound up accumulating the most resources and have survived the test of time.? It’s natural that people would look to people with these legacies as heroes, role models, leaders, or on the flipside greedy and evil.? No matter how you view success, and the most successful, our adherence to their teachings has put humanity on the fast track to extinction. It has created the abusive corporation that awards people for lying to our faces, stealing our money and laughing about it.? Even worse, it has created a population of people that do it under the guise being right.?
What may appear to be, by some, a malicious conspiracy to devour the human race and hoard all of its resources, is a ruling class of humans protecting themselves from threats that either no longer exist or have been self-motivated by their unmotivated fears.? The reason they get away with it is that people unable to see past the indoctrination are constantly rewarded in small ways for serving the needs of the ruling class.? The reward center of the brain overrides all other areas of the brain.? That’s why addiction works the way it does.? Just like it doesn’t make sense that the addict does what the addict knows will ultimately kill him or her, it doesn’t make sense that humans would do things to kill the corporation it works for, which will ultimately kill all humans.? The fact that people will still cast a vote for either a republican or democrat in this country, is proof positive of our collectively agreed upon insanity in this country.
Most humans are trapped in this faulty, subconsciously programmed, reward loop pattern.? It takes a great deal of suffering, combined with resilience, perseverance and faith to break it.? I consider myself lucky to have lived long enough to get to the place I’m at today.? I still have lessons to learn.? Because I’ve learned that my lessons show up in the form of resistance, in the form of work that, if given a choice I’d probably choose the route of lesser effort. Even though I’m able to find a sense of contentment during great challenges, there are still occasions where I might choose the path of least resistance.? That’s the human in all of us. Instant gratification just feels better than having to wait for a reward that might never come.?
I don’t blame you for not wanting to put in the effort to learn a new phone.? I don’t either.? But I can promise you that if AT&T chooses to stay the current course and we succumb to its demands for ease of use by paying their bloated bill, we’ll be damaging ourselves, the future and humanity in ways that we probably can’t conceive of fully right now.? That’s where faith comes in.?Because I know that my efforts are integrous and virtuous, I’ll get gratification despite my frustration in learning this new device, if that’s what circumstances force on us.?
I’ve had enough life experience to validate the benefits of settling into things we can’t control and embracing them rather than tolerating them.? Any opportunity to learn something new, for anybody, throughout any point in space or time is an opportunity to participate in the act of creation. Creation is the most powerful force a human can engage in.? Don’t run from anything that doesn’t place you in danger, which allows you to learn.? If I don’t know something and the universe is presenting it to me to learn, I know there’s a reason why.
That’s why I say compassion must be the fundamental mode of being for humans moving into the future. Compassion, by its original definition, means to sit in suffering with another.? To be able to do that effectively and unconditionally, one must learn to sit in suffering with oneself, which alleviates the suffering internally, increases empathy and the drive to understand why people act as they do, rather than judge that they do.? Judgment is part and parcel to shame and cannot exist in the same space as compassion and unconditional love.? Where one exists, the others cannot.?
This is not the time or place to go into depth on this, but essentially, when you eliminate the shame, which perpetuates the judgment of self, it makes it near impossible to judge others.? Through the serenity that is acquired within oneself comes a recognition that the same serenity is not only possible, but ever-present in all people, places and things. Once you have true compassion for yourself, it will flow naturally to the world around you.
Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in today.? It could be, but it takes the people, in mass, to make it so. If I hadn’t learned to be compassionate with myself for the missteps that I’ve made, before I knew what I knew and that I had made them, I’d be far too shame and guilt ridden to settle into any human experience that wasn’t instantly gratifying.? If I was subconsciously burdened with fear, shame and guilt, there is no way that I could feel, viscerally, that I had any true value as a human. ?
As all of us do, I suffered that way for a large portion of my life.? This led me to seeking external modes of value and validation.? In a system that teaches us to hide emotions, avoid conflict, work 60 hours a week, to lie to and own others rather than walk alongside them, to judge each other, survival of the fittest, war as a natural way of life, pass-the-buck, etc., I can promise you that there is no value outside of yourself that will measure up to the value you acquire by striving to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. It is only through compassion for oneself that one can truly know and feel that, if intentions are integrous, whatever difficult circumstances one is faced with in the now, will pay dividends to the greater good for a future that the person may never see.
Through true compassion for myself, I don’t judge myself or others.? I have faith in all of us.? That’s the reason for the movement and the reason that I’ve chosen to stand my ground in the way that I have.? I’m not doing this to cause problems or make life uncomfortable for anyone.? I’m doing it because I truly believe that we all have it within us to rise to a new level of consciousness that holds the betterment of every living human as its driving force, through compassion.? I don’t know if I’ll see it manifest in my lifetime, but if I didn’t believe that the difficulties I choose to endure now wouldn’t at least help make this reality more possible for you and your brother, I wouldn’t endure them.
My drive to illuminate the space I occupy, while I have the miracle of life to occupy it has always been there, to some extent.? The driving force toward, what some may consider to be an impossible future for humanity, was derived through you and your brother.? When it took two teenagers 15 seconds to look me in my eyes and tell me to fight, despite how blatantly honest I was regarding the ways we would have to suffer in the short term, I saw the future.? The strength and compassion that resides within the two of you innately, and the amount of it that has been preserved based on the way your mother and I raised you both, with compassion and love, despite our own traumas, moved the movement and everything I believe beyond concept to truth, yet to be made manifest. I don’t just believe that a better future is possible anymore.? Through you two, I know it’s inevitable if me, and others like me can take it on the chin for a period of time.? I know what it took to get where I am spiritually, emotionally and psychologically.? ?So, if I’ve achieved the ability to move through life in this manner, I know and believe everybody can.?
These corporations are not people, honey.? They’re not good or bad.? They just are.? It’s on us to show them what’s acceptable and what is not.? Right now, they know most people won’t do what I’m doing. Nobody wants to work for a future that doesn’t seem possible to begin with. Its natural, in a human existence that is inherently traumatic, to seek the path of least resistance.? However, there is no growth without resistance.? What I can promise you or anyone else for that matter, is that if we do not put in the work to change the way they operate now, it will only get worse.? How could it not?? If humans don’t show we have a pulse, how could they know we’re alive.
All of that being said, I’m talking to Apple business currently, so I can buy direct from Apple. Apple is another major corporation that locks you in in certain ways, but it is mainly consumer desire driven.? It's hard to fault them. Apple is responsible for violating human rights, allegedly.? I don't know this to be true, because everything in this country is so skewed toward the wealthy globalists’ cash grab, that it’s hard to tell.? Things should not cost nearly as much as they do in this country.? But that's neither here nor there, for the time being.? I know you're acclimated to your phone, and you want to keep it for ease of use.? I'm with you. Apple is, at the end of the day another major corporation, though. Fighting too hard to keep their products could be counterproductive. That’s yet to be seen.
I do believe, however, that because of Apple‘s reach and global influence, if the people were to unify and take a stand against corporate abuse and become the primary driving force of the economy, Apple would change its processes quicker than most.? Apple stays relevant because it is always competing with itself to become more desirable to the public than its last product.? That’s way different than say, power companies, fossil fuel companies, pharmaceutical companies, big insurance, telecommunications, banking etc., that buy policy and force feed their product to the American public through mass marketing, policy purchase and propaganda. Despite the level of infringement on the American public by any corporation, I do believe with a major unified stance by the people, all corporations would be amenable to change.? Their bottom line is all they care about. People refusing to buy is the worst fate they can suffer.? No consumers, no profit.? No employees, no production.? No debt repayment, and the ponzi scheme bottoms out on their end.
If the people stop letting the corporations and the government treat them the way that they do, the powers that be will see their worst fear manifest in real time. Their flow of money stops. To make the money flow again, they’d need to make the people want to buy again.? That's how it's supposed to be in a free market.? That’s the entire purpose and function of what I’m doing out here with We The People NTWR.? That’s why I’m fighting where most people have given up.
Dealing directly with Apple for the time being will free us from carrier captivity.? That way our devices will never be held captive by a carrier again.? I’m working on some other solutions, but in the short term, this might be the best option. I know this is way more than you want to hear or understand right now, and honestly, it’s not cool that you have to.? If our declaration and constitution had been honored, you wouldn't have to.?
I know it's frustrating to have to change and learn a new phone.? I don't like having to do it either.? But you can't let anyone take advantage of you in exchange for comfort.? Ever.? The go-to mechanism for people to do that, is the reason that we're in this mess. You should never run away from challenging work anyway.? You don't want to do work that is abusive or that takes advantage of you, but hard work is a valuable tool for growth. If you put in the hard work now, it’ll free you in the future.
I know no teenager wants to hear this. No teenager. Most adults don't want to hear it either.? Avoiding the truth though is how they keep us in prison.? That's why we're taught to avoid conflict as children.? We're taught not to show emotions, not to complain, to keep our heads down and work. If we speak our minds, the current establishment is in danger, and they know it.? That’s why they indoctrinate us to believe to disagree is bad.? That's why people who choose to stand up for themselves look crazy, even though they may be speaking an opinion shared by most.? It's by design. They go to work on us as soon as we’re born. I'll do the bulk of the hard work for now, to free us from this prison.? Occasionally though, it'll trickle down to you guys, but it’s not a bad thing.? It's not a comfortable thing, or desirable, but it’s not bad, and definitely shouldn't be avoided.
I’ve been trapped in a prison most of my life without knowing. I'm not letting that happen to you two, or anyone else who'll listen for that matter.? Once I get us out, the work will become less and less on your part. But in the moments it presents itself, try to find a way to embrace it.?? Don't just tolerate it.? You have to find a way to embrace it.??? When you shy away from difficulty, you’re moving away from growth as a human. You’re giving away your power.? That’s how they keep you trapped. They keep you just comfortable and “free” enough so that you fear losing the comfort.? As time passes, the weaker and weaker you get, the more power and resources they accumulate, until the point where standing up you’re your self seems hopeless.
Hard work is necessary. There is no growth without resistance. The way you get better at life, the way you get stronger, is by moving into circumstances and situations that challenge you.? On the other side of that resistance is growth. It’s freedom. It’s the best version of you that you can possibly be. So don’t run from work. You can file this letter in the WTF is dad talking about file and come back to it later.? I get it.? Just trust me when I tell you that everything I’m doing, from allowing the leeches at my company to steal it from me, for every lawsuit that I’m walking into now, to allowing myself to become homeless for the amount of time that I have, everything I’m doing is for yours, Vinny’s and your entire generation’s future.
I could’ve taken that million for comfort.? Being comfortable now is not even slightly worth knowing that I’d be walking you guys into indentured servitude at minimum, concentration camps at worst. I’d rather die trying to prevent that, than live comfortable knowing how you’d be forced to live without me here to protect you. I hope you understand. If you don’t today, you will one day.? Somebody has to at least try.? Today, that’ll have to be me.? I love you guys.