No doubt you're unaware that that the most prestigious legal body in Ireland is using your title, to train upcoming adherents of ‘legal corruption’ in Ireland. I refer of course to the Kings Inns which trains the legal profession in skulduggery. I know the words ‘Legal’ and ‘Corruption’ cannot normally be used together to describe one entity, but this is Ireland where cover up and legal corruption reigns supreme. This especially applies to various Ministers of Justice who darkened the halls of the corrupt edifice which bears your name.
One of the past Justice Ministers and the most well-known, is Michael McDowell. He is being mentioned as the next President of Ireland and in this he will be well fitted. While he was Justice Minister I left a video into his office, I wanted to hand it to him personally, but he wasn’t available. This was made by UTV about how Belfast Dockers were ordered to discharge Asbestos without protection, or be sacked. Needless to say he ignored this shocking abuse of power. I say well fitted because the last three Presidents of Ireland, including the present one “whom I told personally” about this corruption at his first garden party, have all ignored this scandal. This also includes one President who hails from Belfast.
Also, Charles, in this so-called Republic whether you know it or not, the ‘King’s Inns’ is training barristers who conform to the censorship of anything which will upset the order of the day - either legal or illegal. This is factual and everyone from the top to the bottom of the so-called legal profession know - that I cannot get a solicitor to expose, and take the case of dead and dying Belfast Dockers into a Courtroom. While this is disgraceful, none of the supposed Free Press will expose this corruption either, because they’re too afraid of the repercussions. Also, Charles, ask your legal team to enquire of the leading newspapers in Ireland, including the Irish Times and Sunday Times, why they won’t expose this corruption?
Charles, unless you wish to be associated with this Legal Corruption, you will investigate the charges I’ve made, and immediately rescind the title of ‘Kings Inns’ from them. This as you well know is throw-back to colonial days – especially because Ireland is supposed to be a Republic and a King should have no part in it.
Charles, as proof of all I maintain, see my many articles in linkedin – especially my most recent one. Although this is set in Belfast courtroom - up there the forces of repression, i.e., the Law - framed me and created a false and malicious record which runs to five pages. This resulted in me being treated as a pariah by all law enforcement agencies.
Charles, after I was sacked from the Docks, for refusing to discharge Asbestos, I took up playwriting, and my first staged play ‘Justice’ was supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. This was about my Mickey Mouse trial where my barrister, the prosecutor and the Judge had a heated debate in SILENCE, in a supposed open court. The stenographer sat for five minutes with her hands poised about her machine, unable to type because she couldn’t hear a word. Reluctantly and with his face like thunder the Judge stopped the trial. This play toured NI and was in the Belfast and Dublin Theatre Festivals, 1992, and a week at the Tron in Glasgow.
However, when I wrote ‘The Judas Goat’ about the Belfast Docks corruption a blanket of censorship descended upon me, and my writing. This happened both in the North and the so-called Republic. Obviously because I write the Truth, which the champions of democracy don’t want to hear - I was and am Censored by an illegal conspiracy of trade union, employers, government, and… the so-called independent theatre people.
Charles, this obviously is because my play shows the union and employers sacking Dockers, in a Union and Employers Court, because they wouldn’t discharge Asbestos without protection. Gary Hynds of Druid asked me ‘in writing’ not to tell anyone that she wouldn’t stage the play – and Cian O’Brian of Project Theatre thinks it’s a great play but won’t stage it. See their comments in the file DOCOO4 which I attach. There is a lot more but of which I have no documentary proof.
The union chairman Jim Austin ordered the Dockers to discharge Asbestos without protection to save the employers money. However, when the dockers refused to do so there was little he could do. Then a decasualising scheme was designed and implement by the union chairman which the dockers were looking forward to. On the morning it started the chairman was walking about ordering dockers to work and the men protested and wanted to know what was gong on. The chairman climbed onto the old foreman's platform and announced that he'd left the union and joined the employers as Labour Controller. Pandemonium broke out and many shouted sell-out. As usual he sweet-talked the men telling them he'd always be on their side. This only lasted until the next asbestos laden ship arrived. Anyone who refused to discharge Asbestos was given a letter which was a summons to appear before the Union and Employers Court. If the docker promised to be of good behaviour and not to refuse to work at any cargoes he was just given a reprimand. Anyone who refused to do so was told they'd be sacked, and this is what happened. Below is the official name of the union and employers court.
Charles, as prosecutor in the above-named corruption Jim Austin and his union cronies carried out their new duties with a vengeance. To continue to be allowed to work the majority of dockers accepted that they must discharge Asbestos or be sacked. I told the court in no uncertain manner that I would not be discharging Asbestos for anyone. What happened next was that the court found be guilty 'in my absence' [because I refused to attend the Court] of a series of silly offences, and sacked. I maintained then and still do now, that my Union had no right to sit with employers and sack me. Before I was sacked, when the ex chairman was allocating work, the other dockers stayed as far away from me as possible, so not to be sent to the shit job that they knew I’d be getting. This abject corruption has been juxtaposed into the conspiracy of silence from all the legal bodies, Theatres and so-called newspapers in Ireland which will not even respond to me.
This attached file also contains details of the ‘Union and Employers Court’, which they named ‘The Joint Disciplinary Committee. I.e. ‘joint’ as in the Union and Employers against the Dockers. Details of my trial are in the file. The file also contains details of the Belfast solicitor Norman Shannon who was bought off by the employers. After I was sacked I eventually got a solicitor to take my case, a Mr McCann. He allocated it to a junior solicitor Norman Shannon and I received weekly updates. Then Shannon left Mr McCann's practice and set up on his own, and my case stopped dead. He sat on it for seven years until it became Statute Barred. When he phoned me with the news very angry I went to his office and demanded to know how this happened when he was my solicitor. He kept saying the other side wouldn't enter a defence so there was nothing he could do. I know now this is nonsense and if it happens then the case is won. To keep me quiet he offered to get me a barrister's opinion, which I agreed to. See this opinion in the file. It obvious the barrister was only told of the early solicitors who would do nothing - and nothing about Shannon sitting on it for seven years. See the barristers opinion.
Charles, while you can do nothing about the legal corruption in the Republic, you can certainly do something about Norman Shannon - who is a HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER IN BELFAST. By getting this corruption exposed in Belfast, you will give courage to the Mickey Mouse lawyers in the Republic to speak out. However, if you wish to be associated with the Legal Corruption that emanates and is controlled from the ‘Kings Inns’ so be it, but at least now you know about the corruption that uses your name.
Hugh Murphy – ex Belfast Docker