An Open letter from HR to the rest of the world
"HR is not supportive, HR does not understand us, It’s HR’s responsibility, why doesn't HR make this happen for us?"
I am sure most HR professionals have heard these umpteen times every single day and can relate to this...the everlasting cold war between HR and the rest of the world.
And I am here to tell the truth. I hold no qualms about it, but by far, HR is a tough profession to be in. With a strong personality, unwavering nerves of steel, an iron fist (to clench, not hit) and a strong digestive system (to hold confidential information) is what resonates to me a sound HR professional should have apart from people management, emotional intelligence, professional understanding and knowledge of course. While this may sound like a description of the Terminator, the HR professional does no less (except for killing others of course, because that's just wrong)
.... Here goes….
Dear Colleagues,
We feel that you are an integral part of the business. That’s why you are in the business you are in. Its about time we had a heart to heart with you… so you know….
We write this letter to you in the hope that we can express our true selves to you..
With a plethora of expectations that you have with the HR department; those which keep building with time, ferment and turn into something else when they are not met (for genuine reasons), it is very important for you to understand one universal fact:
The Human Resources department is there to facilitate you and the business.
It is there to ensure the Organization and people agenda is being followed through via the line managers contributing to increased productivity, high morale, positive environment, happy teams leading to enhanced output, increased profits and organizational growth, and so, the department will ideally do everything to ensure this happens for the business. But you have to make it happen....Make it happen for yourself and for others; we are there to facilitate.
Lets face it, teams across the entire business spend more than 80% of their time with the line manager and amongst each other. Therefore we do recognize that the line manager is the one who knows you the best and understands you. However, if you feel you cannot come across to your line manager, our suggestion would be to still sort it out with him/her first, have an open discussion with him/her; and not make it such a news event with your team members or across the business.
So I hear you say, what is the role of HR then? Well, the role of HR is to ensure that the organization is run in a professional manner. A business partner for the business; a guide for all the people. But do bear in mind, that it is the prerogative of the business to take any decision (beyond any human intention or due to any business reason) pertaining to employees or their benefits; come what the situation, it is our (HR’s) role to ensure it is handled professionally.
No we do not give evil suggestions to businesses on how and when to let go of people; Lets not forget the cliché, “people are the organization’s biggest asset”, whether the organization believes in it or not, they are.
But it is for you to understand that a business exists to be productive and make profits. And when the question of viability comes, there is nothing evil about it.
The fact of the matter is, if at all we are hardcore professionals, we don’t like to mince our words, and we don’t like to lie. We are managing your expectations to ensure that you do not get distracted and do well at your job; and when the time is right, you will be rewarded.
We want you to be your productive best. When we talk of restructuring, we don’t mean any harm to you. But we see that as a chance for you to hone yourself and prove yourself.
If we suggest re organization of a department, we want you to develop and we want the organization to grow. If we feel that you can contribute well in another role, we give you another opportunity. Its not that we have something against you. Its because we believe in your capabilities to deliver; and most of the time it’s your line manager who discusses with us also.
Yes, we do get requests from line managers to promote their team members. We are not saying they are invalid requests. We just want them to justify why they feel you should be promoted; and when we don’t get that support from the line this way, its frustrating.
When that request for you to have that expensive training comes in, it is our role to ensure how that training will contribute to your growth and development in your current role, and your future. The business wants to know very frankly. Because they are investing in you. And for those who think its an unfair request to ask for more information, no its not.
And no, we are not supposed to tell you everything before hand. Ever heard of confidentiality? We do at most times know a lot more than anyone else in the company. Sharing things before hand does nothing more than causing unrest.
You will get to find out when the time is right. Incase God forbid for whatever reason it does not get materialized, we don’t want you to feel disheartened.
We listen to you, absorb the comments, remarks, rude emails at times (sorry) grievances; we know you feel angry, sad; which is your right; we are there to listen to you. You must understand that everything has to happen within the policy framework.
At times you may feel we tell you stories, there are a lot of times it may come across like that because we can not share why is something not happening; because we cant. But despite all that we still carry on. However, too much cribbing and complaining all the time, does not put you in positive light.
The point is, focus on what you can achieve and do your absolute best. Don’t cut corners, don’t put the blame on others for work not done, don’t slack. Because it is all talked about in top level meetings; and it is always the ones who exhibit consistent behavior, who get rewarded. Yes, we know, the same applies to us and we acknowledge that.
No we don’t feel bad about you. We never have. We always wanted things to be in your best interest and the organization combined. However, you have to understand yourself a little better also and address your short comings.
Please, we urge you to get to know feedback about yourself, from your line manager and peers. Observe what high performers do in your organization.
There is no US and Them in business. There is only US. And to be honest, we are not that bad you know. If you understand that, well and good. If not, even then its ok. We are not here for a popularity contest.
Being hated so widely means we may be doing something right.
We want you to flourish, we want you to grow. we are not bad after all, just so you know…
from yours (really) truly,