Divino Roberto Veríssimo
Presidente na OPA - Organiza??o pela Preserv\??o Ambiental
Dear friends!
I am not in the habit or habit of attending churches and other cultural structures of the life of the Faith. But I am also not in the habit or habit of attending museums and Awards events as human and industrial cultural structures of history of the artistic world. referring to the lives of men in the free market and competition.
However, I am a person of faith and respect for God and the human arts, as well as a free observer of our dignity, lucidity and reason.
And, in this context, I cannot remain silent in the face of the ignorance and wickedness of human market intelligence, competition and power that operaty devoid of the merit of respect and appreciation of Human Being and Life - the simple economic intelligence that oper the political of force and power warfare. This intelligence that drives disrespect and the attempt to devalue men like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and women and children similar to them in the world.
In particular, I cannot remain silent because this simple and malicious intelligence has been encouraged by forces of power superior to it to cause the global cultural devaluation of Jesus Christ, Krishna and now of the two greatest authorities on Earth who represent them - Gandhi (even dead) ) and Pope Francis.
Brief history
In a reality of Being “Pope” transmitted since the year 30 AD, Francisco is today the living Cultural State authority with greater public legitimacy for the representation of Christ and the laws and alliances of the people and powers of the Earth, historically recorded by the Bible, works , important pacts and treaties generated with humanity and its powers since the Old Testament and other sacred scriptures of humanity.
There is no other authority of his human and spiritual stature of justice, love, peace, libert and democracie.
And, just for the record: in the face of so many new treaties and conventions instituted with the UN generation and multipolar international relations, the Bible, like all the sacred books of humanity, must evolve in its contents. The Pope's sign in this direction is positive and fruitful.
Today Pope Francis is the true personal cultural heritage of humanity after Christ.
What it means to speak of the Pope
To speak of Pope Francis is to speak of an expert on humanity and love above all. An expert not only in one, two or three sciences, in politics, religion, parties, philosophy or humanitarian action. A man for to be diplomatic and conciliator of justice, conflicts and interests on a universal scale.
Pope Francis, like his predecessors, should be respected and honored by his peers and by people of any culture or religion, State, Government, Family and community. The respect is not and never be submission.
In fact, it is necessary to love and respect everyone regardless of wealth and poverty, government, religion, etc. as Christ, Krishna and men of the stature of Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and and many people like them - or UN, with the Human Rights, the Conventions and all declarations and treaties on peace, justice and well-being that guide us.
So, I record a question here for:
1. Those who do not know this dimension of life and mission;
2. Those who only use the vulgar market intelligence, competition, power and economic and political warfare and have been putting into psychological practice a broad attack on the Pope and on men like those mentioned above in search of the fragmentation and elimination of world cultural unity - or who live from disorder, violence and war ...
3. Those who only use the attack, threats and terrorist strategies of defamation and politicization of the direction of faith and human culture of peace, love, tolerance, wisdom and alliance of differences,
What does this mean for you?
My answer:
You never took any action in that direction.
As Christ said:
Father, forgive them. They don't know what they do.
The representation of the Pope
So, let's clarify:
The Pope does not represent any political and socioeconomic ideology, state and national or international government of territories, populations and properties. He represents Christ. And, because of this nature of being and living specifically the representation of Christ, he cannot for any reason, conscience and justice be branded as a communist, capitalist or any other order of political or socio-economic ideology or direction. But it endures this ignorance of many intelligences.
For this reason, as the life story of people and authorities on a mission of peace and defense of human dignity and principles of well-being shows, the Pope is subject to the evil of who can use this ignorance in favor of terrorist powers that be are in economic and political competition for world hegemony.
In fact, the Holy See and the Vatican constitute a Cultural State for the ordering of human relations of life, survival and evolution contrary to war or the destruction of life and the well-being of humanity and the planet.
In this context, the pope represents Christ, the human faith and trust. This is infinitely more than a government or temporal ideology.
The Pope has by word, conduct, role, mission and commitment, a much greater guideline than any political and socioeconomic ideology - namely:
The holy word. The Christ's conduct. The Role of Head of Cultural State. The mission to seek the unity, balance and development of everyone's life in the time and space of their relationships and the commitment to interact with everyone within the space of the Earth and the Universe in this direction.
And the word “all”, in this case, refers to the poor and the rich, to powers, authorities and human beings of any family, government, ethnicity, gender, political and socioeconomic ideology.
For this reason and not because of political competition, the Pope had to receive Lula as head of the PT family. A family of millions of people and their allies, alliances and powers. Because they actually receive, receive and receive every kind of ruler, person or authority from all over the planet in his position as Pope, including American presidents and ex-presidents. , French, etc.
Final considerations
Please, point me to a political or economic state government with this competence and disposition outside the finance interest.
Do you want to verify this direction and competence of Pope Francis?
Read his two encyclicals, EVANGELII GAUDIUM and LAUDATO SI ’.
I end this letter with Paragraph 273 of the Encyclical Evangelii Gaudium and my conclusive opinion - wrote the Pope:
273. ” The mission in the hearts of the people is not a part of my life, or an ornament that I can put aside; it is not an appendix or a moment among so many others in my life. It is something that I cannot tear out of my being if I do not want to destroy myself.
I am a mission on this earth, and for that I am in this world.
It is necessary to consider ourselves as if marked by fire for this mission to enlighten, bless, quicken, raise, heal, liberate. In this, a person reveals himself to be a nurse in the spirit, a teacher in the spirit, a politician in the spirit ... that is, people who have decided, in their innermost, to be with others and to be for others.
But, if a person puts the task on one side and the private life on the other, everything turns gray and he will continually live looking for recognition or defending his own demands.
It will cease to be a people ”.
And I tell you:
The ignorant have the right to speak or express themselves with their character of being, power and right without knowing it. It just has no reason, virtue and real awareness of the action.
With love, peace and light
Divino Roberto Veríssimo