Open Letter to Bill Maher: The House of Cards Built by the Phools is Going to Crash-n-Burn

Open Letter to Bill Maher: The House of Cards Built by the Phools is Going to Crash-n-Burn

In my last blog, Open Letter to Amal Clooney: Capacity Building, For Whom & For What?, I examined to what extent “capacity building” by NGOs as well as government agencies in Washington are building the ‘capacity’ of their employees in bullying, abuses of power, oppression, and economic instability—and why ‘The Swamp’ needs Draining. Please see the video below of Bill Maher—in which I totally agree, that one of the main problems with Congress, and all of the personal attacks and bashing, as opposed to “debating” that is going on, on the Hill—LACKS “CLASS!” What Maher, and everyone in ‘The Swamp’ fail to understand is to what extent the break-down in the rule of law within the American government, as well as throughout Washington and the USA, has been caused by the alpha rhetoric and extremism ideologies of the American feminists (and European counter-parts) for the past 5 decades—with Ann Coulter a perfect example of what the western feminists have created and empowered in the her interview with Bill Maher, who I commend on his constraint in interviewing this woman. The way she dismisses allegations of sexual assault against Trump as nothing but ‘lies’ “just like in divorce courts”— is why an estimate 58,000 children are handed over to sexually and physically abusive custodial parents in the USA alone, and approximately 1 million in the rest of the world. This means currently governments around the world are sanctioning the rape and physical torture of an estimated 20 million children, with untold tens of million more suffering psychological abuse. This is the Holocaust of the 21st century.   

The “women’s rights” ideologies, that the western feminists have produced and promoted for decades, is like the Klu Klux Klan having been given free reins, in develop the ideologies for the Civil Rights movement of the ‘60s.

The rhetoric that the feminists have developed in the past decades for lawyers to use in the courts against women and children, has been like giving a “chain-saw” to a serial-killer. The civil unrest and conflict area zones of the world are a direct consequence of a break-down in the rule of law in the West, due to a break-down in due process in court systems everywhere—starting with the US and “litigation-by-death” traditions which found their genesis in the ‘70s. And, the break-down in the rule of law in courts worldwide is in part a consequence of the alpha-feminist movement, which began in the ‘70s after Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique. However, what is all too often over-looked, is that Friedan published another book in 1981, The Second Stage in which she vehemently criticizes the “alpha” construct and rhetoric the feminists were developing—explaining to the feminist that they had ‘warped’ her original message and rhetoric. And, I quote from my blog, Dressing for a New Type of Success

The idea that a woman can only be ‘successful’ and ‘valuable’ in her role as an employee, a revenue-generating source for her family and the economy, is so ingrained in western cultures and mentalities that this premise is not even questioned. The idea that a woman might be of social worth, possess an identity, and totally fulfilled in her role as a mother, wife, family-manager, and all of the jobs that go with them – and very happy not being part of ‘the rat race’ – is totally foreign to the politically-correct mindset of today.

After all, how do societies judge a person’s worth or value? Is it determined by what we do? Or how much we are paid to do it? Unfortunately, in terms of political expediency, and within the political arena, the answer is crystal clear; you are as valuable as your bank account is big -- no bones about it.

While this attitude has its roots in western feudalism and industrialized societies, it has been perpetuated – rather than challenged – by the feminist movement of the past 50 years. As Ellen Goodman wrote in the Washington Post in 1980:

 “Through the 1970s, we argued about what kind of equality we wanted. Did we want equal access to the same system or the power to change it? Can you change the system only by becoming a part of it? Once you are in it, does it change you instead? We discovered that it is easier to fit in than to restructure. When the “male” standard is regarded as the “higher” one, the one with the most tangible rewards, it is easier for women to reach “up” than to convince men of the virtues of simultaneously reaching “down.” It has proved simpler – though not simple – for women to begin traveling traditional (male) routes than to change those routes. It is simpler to dress for success than to change the definition of success…”

The feminist movement of the past decades, all too willingly jumped on the proverbial wagon of political expediency, perpetuating and encouraging a dysfunctional system, and the social norms which sustain it, by concentrating almost exclusively on rights that enable and empower women to work outside of the home (reproductive and labor rights). But, amongst all of the rhetoric, speeches and campaigns, the movement has remained all too silent on women’s rights within the home and marriage – and the rampant violation of those rights within the courts and societies at large.

In 1981, Betty Friedan in her book, The Second Stage, was already questioning the path of the feminist movement, warning of the dangers that lay ahead:

“There is a danger today in feminist rhetoric, rigidified in reaction against the past, harping on the same old problems in the same old way, leaving unsaid what’s really bothering women and men in and beyond the new urgencies of personal economic survival. For these is a real backlash against the equality and the personhood of women – in America, as in Islam and the Vatican… Dangerous reactionary forces are playing to those unadmitted fears and yearnings with the aim of wiping out the gains of equality, turning women back to the old dependence, silencing women’s new voice and stifling women’s active energy that threatens their own power in ways we do not yet clearly understand. In the name of the family, they would destroy the new equality that gives the family strength to resist dehumanizing forces that are emerging in the seeming impotence of capitalist America, in the resurgence of fundamentalist religion, in neofascism... We must ask new questions or we could lose, in the economic and emotional turbulence, the measure of equality that is essential to strengthen human life – and the future of the family”

The forewarnings of Friedan have gone largely unheeded for the past 30 years, and in part are responsible for the present state of affairs in economies around the world. It is high time that women and the women’s rights movement move beyond their fixation with women filling men’s shoes and dressing for success in the work-force, and concentrate on remaking and redefining the rules of the game – a game which for centuries entrapped us all, men and women, in a world built on stratified social roles, oppression, domination, corruption, prejudice, and chaos.

While men are more physically violent than women, they are more ‘linear’ in their ‘attacks.’ As a species, women are physically weaker than men, and therefore, needed to develop more ‘manipulative’ skills, than men, in maintaining their place in the social order. And, while this has had its negative effects on society—producing ‘cackling hens’ and ‘nags,’ whose primary function in life is to spread ‘gossip’ and be a nuisance to society—it has also produced the rhetoric upon which laws and standards of the society are based. The “gossip” that women spread through societies provided the linear-male with a ‘beta’ interpretation of the world and community. Lobbying in Washington fill the same function as the “gossiping” hens in explaining the ‘woes of the world’ to those in ‘Power.’ See my blogs for the IMF/WB Spring Meetings 2016, Men, Women & Violence in All its Forms, Men, Women & Sex Ed for the Feminists, Lawlessness & Femicide in America. Additionally, I quote Sylvester Stallone, as I entirely agree, 

Remember the mind is your best muscle…BIG ARMS can move rocks, but BIG WORDS can move mountains….Ride the brain train for success.

While ideologies of democracies may have developed in the past centuries, NO ONE has been able to implement theory and rhetoric into Reality for the People—because the alpha-linear thinking is incapable of understanding the world from an intersectional approach, and women in the work-force have adopted the same alpha-linear thinking as the men. All the feminists and ‘upper-class working women’ have been so intent on demonstrating that they could “make it in a man’s world,” that they failed to realize that they, should have been trying to see if men could "make it in a woman’s world.” The character assassinations and bashing between the candidates and members of Congress during the US Presidential election exposed the elevated level of “cackling” and ‘witch-huntery’ that has been enculturated into the American political system since the Reagan Era.

The American democracy of the past, was the closest the world has seen to an attempt at “democracy.” However, this was due to the Puritan work ethic, frugality, and community involvement in the USA, rather than a “superior” legal framework—or superiority of any race or gender. In fact, one reason I propose a new Constitution, using the Spanish model, is because it is far superior to the American one—noting it was written 200 years after the American one. However, since the ‘80s and Nancy Reaganism of laissez faire, along with the “urbanization” of the USA, with the influx of ‘Millennials’ so all the ol’ grey-haired men in Power would have a fresh supply of “meat” for their “amusement,” has been the dominating social model in the USA, and exported globally. Donald Trump and his misogynistic rhetoric, and admitted sexual assault on women, is typical of the mind-set of those in Power within the business community, as well as the political arena, and even international development community. The only “fight” for “women’s rights” in the courts in the past decades has been for sexual assault in the workplace designed to enrich lawyers and victims, with no one in the legal community or women’s rights movement concerned with advancing the rights of women (and children) in a holistic manner. The feminists are too busy advancing their own careers to bother with the challenges and problems their constituency face.

Trump won the female white vote, because these are the wives of either the privileged women whose ‘white’ husbands have a monopoly on the cushy, six-figure “expert” PhD and MBA jobs (which are milking citizenry of their hard-earn money), or wives of working-class men in the “Bible-belt” who are losing manufacturing jobs to other countries, where labor is cheaper. What is so ridiculous is that there is a DEARTH of jobs in service industries, along with a serious problem of allocation of resources by the business community—with too much concentration on the production of high-tech, luxury goods for the ‘urban elite.’ The USA does not need to “bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA.” They need to stop consuming so many superfluous manufactured goods, and concentrate their resources into the service industries, such as early childhood education, etc. When I left the USA, and DC in the late ‘80s, the USA had some of the highest grades in reading and math of its young. Since then, the USA has lost THAT competitive edge, as well as its competitive edge in customer service. Fancy technology and robots cannot provide the same quality of service as a REAL LIVE people.

The ludicrous extremes of high-tech liberalism was highlighted in a recent blog on Linkedin, Sex with Robots is Almost Here. When I saw the blog I thought OMG. Why would anyone want to have sex with a robot?!? This is nothing but a high-tech, blow-up doll! Societies, and businesses, need to promote healthy people (physically and emotionally), and not promote the dysfunctionalities in our societies. We needs schools, clean water, clean air, etc. NOT more "toys" for dysfunctional, rich men. This is CRAZY. And, a perfect example of why Trump won the elections!

One of the negative trends which started in the USA, and exported abroad are charter schools. Countries need to develop good public educations systems, with access for EVERYONE, from early child-hood care, all the way to higher education—noting the world needs less PhDs, and MBAs, who never went to kindergarten, and more hard-working people with emotional intelligence. The idea that EVERYONE should aspire to be a billionaire, or at the minimum a “professional” in the corporate world, political arena, or development community,” living a life of luxury in expensive suburban homes, or ivory-tower high-rises in the large urban centers, is extremely damaging to the social fabric of society. The social model in the USA, created by 4 decades of Nancy Reaganism, and alpha feminism, has produced a rift in the USA; between the East and West Coasts, where urban centers are concentrated, and Middle America, and the bible-belt which have been “forgotten” by Washington. 

Decades ago, Americans were RECOGNIZED as the most efficient, along with customer-service friendly, population of ANY country in the world. The techy liberalism that has permeated American society, along with empowerment of Millennials who only know how to party, while the country falls apart, has destroyed the competitive edge American previously enjoyed. Instead of protecting American jobs, Americans need to get to work in making American workers competitive in global markets. That is the only way ‘America,’ or any other country, can be ‘Great.’ The tide of right-wing extremism, and protectionist trade policies, MUST BE REVERSED in the USA, as well as Europe. If NOT, the world is facing WWIII, and the end of the human race. I have been observing (with great concern) the rise of right-wing extremism in the USA and Europe since the early ‘80s.

It is IMPERATIVE that executive and legislative branches start USING the CHECKS AND BALANCES afforded in democratic legal structures, instead of continually contending that the checks and balances DO NOT EVEN EXIST. If Bettinger-Lopez, along will ALL the other “top level adviser” on “women’s issues” in Washington were exposing the rampant corruption, and lack of accountability and transparency in legal systems to the “important” people, instead of bowing-n-scraping to them; Obama would have been more effective during his Administration—and Clinton would have won by a landslide. The quantity of “advisers,” “consultants,” and “coaches,” that permeate the work-force in Washington, who are doing NOTHING, but partying and schmoozing-n-cruising in order to promote their careers is of EPIDEMIC proportions. The TRUTH needs to be exposed to the “leaders” by all the “advisers,” instead of trying to “protect” them from the “un-pleasantries” in the world. It is these “un-pleasantries” which “leaders” have the legal, and moral obligation to “know about” and “prevent.” The world needs LEADERSHIP BY PREVENTION and NOT CONTINUAL CRISIS MANAGEMENT.

If leaders are misinformed and misguided by their advisers, then they obviously cannot effectively GOVERN. It is the thousands of PhD and MBA “advisers” that permeate Washington, who lack the emotional intelligence to understand what they are reading, as well as writing themselves, that must be removed from the Swamp. The quantity of window-dressing NGOs in Washington, covering-up for the criminal negligence of government agencies and civil servants, is of crisis proportions. A perfect example of this ‘window-dressing’ is the initiative of the Center for Public Integrity and office of Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton in calling for judicial transparency (see Congress moves to increase judicial transparency in D.C. Measure inspired by Center for Public Integrity report now goes to the president).

Other ‘smoking-gun’ case I have against ‘window-dressing’ initiatives by NGOs in DC, are the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas (FAWCO) in collusion with the American Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center (AODVCC), as well as the IMF Family Association (IMFFA), in collusion with World Bank Family Network (WBFN), and their domestic violence “assistance” program. Another more recent case is with the President of the Women’s National Democratic Club, Nuchhi Currier. Another ‘smoking-gun’ case is against George Washington University’s (GWU), domestic violence clinic, DV LEAP, run by Joan Meier in collusion with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, and the American Abroad Caucus. Please see below ALL of the staffers of all of the members of the American Abroads Caucus, who are as functionally illiterate as everyone else on the Hill, as well as the White House, and State Department, and perfect example of people who need to be “drained from The Swamp.”

Please see the list of Representatives through the appropriate staffers on Capitol Hill below, from whom I never received a response, even though I called each person individually to assure reception of my email. NO ONE in the Swamp cares about their constituency—just their pay-checks-n-pensions, and ladder-grappling. Everyone on Capitol Hill, and in the Swamp, needs to heed the words of Elis Presley, in the video below. 

Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Chair - [email protected] and [email protected]

Joe Wilson (R-SC) - [email protected]

Susan Davis (D-CA) - [email protected]

Michael Honda (D-CA) - [email protected]

Henry Waxman (D-CA) - [email protected]

Loretta Sanchez D-CA - [email protected]

Alcee Hastings (D-FL) - [email protected]

Janice Schakowsky (D-IL) - [email protected]

André Carson (D-IN) - [email protected]

Michael Capuano (D-MA) -[email protected]

James McGovern (D-MA) - [email protected]

Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) - [email protected] 

Gregorio Sablan (MP) - [email protected]

Lee Terry (R-NE) -[email protected]

Rush Holt (D-NJ) - [email protected]

Gregory Meeks (D-NY) - [email protected]

Mike Doyle (D-PA) - [email protected]

James E. Clyburn (D-SC) - [email protected]

Steve Cohen (D-TN) - [email protected]

Michael Conaway (R-TX) - [email protected]

Kay Granger (R-TX) - [email protected]

Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA) - [email protected] 

Jim Moran (D-VA) - [email protected]

Frank Wolf (R-VA) - [email protected]

Donna Christensen (D-Virgin Islands) - [email protected]

In my case alone, there are hundreds of government employees who need to be investigated for their negligence, and held accountable—see the right side bar on my website, noting that the correspondence found there is not even half of all of the ‘public authorities’ I have contacted in the past decade. ALL of these people need to be investigated for their negligence. All of these “experts” in the NGOs have hundreds of DV, women's rights, and children's rights cases, well-documented evidence, as well as the rhetoric under human rights standards, necessary to argue cases in national courts under constitutional law, as well as internationally under human rights law. However, all of the “experts” are too busy promoting their careers, and cashing paychecks-n-pensions to produce the needed jurisprudence. Progressive laws will NEVER be IMPLEMENTED without a legal community interested in taking cases to the courts, and producing jurisprudence.

During my entire ordeal with DC Landlord/tenant courts in the past 5 months, I have been flagrantly lied to by court-personnel, and lawyers in the legal clinics, who apart from NOT being able to answer simple questions on points of law, have NO UNDERSTANDING of the law under common law standards, and even less under human rights standards. All of the NGOs in DC who are supposed to be assisting local residence, need to be investigated for negligence, malfeasance, and corruption. The ONLY legal training I have, was a Commercial law course I took in college, which covered writs, torts, and contract law. I understand more about the law, than any of the ‘fancy’ lawyers I have encountered in the past decade. It is not even a question of understanding the law under human rights standards, but under common law standards. The gobbledygook, and witch-hunt tactics, one finds in the courts has rendered the entire judicial system, no different than the Salem Witch trials. The UN report, Indepth Study on All Forms of Violence Against Women explains how women who are no longer considered useful to society are marginalized and even killed. This same phenomenon is occurring in the west, sanctioned by family and domestic violence courts. 

Older women, including in particular widows, are subject to harmful practices in a number of countries, which can involve both the family and the community. A study conducted in Ghana, based on data collected from news reports and interviews, found that many poor, often elderly women were accused of witchcraft. Some were murdered by male relatives and those who survived were subjected to a range of physical, sexual and economic abuses. Violence directed against widows, including sexual abuse and harassment and property-related violence at the hands of relatives, mainly in-laws, has been reported from a number of countries including India..


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