An Open Letter to Attorney General Nessel
(cc Gretchen Whitmer )
Thank you for your response.
In the name of full transparency, I need you to understand what I'm offering your department this election cycle, by way of making you aware of the crimes that were committed against me and the type of company that now stands in my absence, run by the wannabe corporate criminals who continue to lie and manipulate the judicial system, their customers, their employees, insurance carriers and the very foundation of integrity that the company was founded and operated on for the seven years I ran it.? In fact, they have plagiarized everything I wrote to grow the company into what it was on the foundation of integrity, but now only use the word integrity as a buzzword to increase sales.?The Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office and Oakland County, Michigan Government Executive, David Coulter, have been virtually ineffective thus far in providing any assistance to bring the people who have committed the crimes to justice, but I assume that will change with your intervention and when they understand how they will gain in this election cycle. I'll keep this email as brief as I can, for the sake of honoring your time, while still providing context and details that will offer significance for why publicly holding a group like this accountable for their actions, under the premise that any person or entity that intentionally violates and infringes upon another’s unalienanble right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, will not be pawned off as a civil case, simply because the crimes are white collar in nature .
I used to own and operate United Restoration Disaster Services .? I was begged by my ex-partner and coup participant, Patrick Stemmler, to start this company with him. I was sympathetic to his disabled veteran status.? I agreed to do it under the premise that integrity would never be infringed upon.? He agreed.?
I realized within the first month that 85% of all business operations, all the risk and all of the success and all of the failures rested firmly on my shoulders.? Sympathetic to Patrick's inability to manage himself properly and again, his status as a disabled vet, I built the company despite his inadequacies to be a force in representing policyholders against big insurance.
When millions were on the table I realized quickly that to Patrick, and the new partners, who consider themselves takeover artists, investors who fund ventures they see on the brink of failure so they can take the company over for pennies on the dollar, Kurt Siebenaller, CPA , who was our accountant at the time and illegally invested in his wife's name, and Scott McKenna, his client and takeover business partner, that integrity was just a buzz word; a sales tool for making money. I blocked all of their sleazy boiler room tactics for increasing revenue every time they attempted to enact a policy that even remotely resembled that of a boiler room.? I thought their reckless profiteering tactics would end there, in the name of integrity.? I was wrong.
Patrick never should have earned the same salary as me on any level, but I mirrored our salaries for my entire existence at that company. I also kept our salaries the lowest in the company.? I did this so we could grow the company with the money saved through our sacrifice.? The year prior to the coup to remove me was carried out, I was being pushed by Kurt to fire Patrick.? This was a reasonable push because Patrick was a detriment to success.? I refused.? I kept Patrick on. I did end our commissions on our jobs, though.? I did this because I was projecting a cashflow surplus in our next busy season and I wanted to increase staff.?
Patrick liked the increase in staff because it allowed him the ability to pawn his responsibilities off to the other staff.? He disliked it because it meant he had to sacrifice his pay to grow the company.? I need you to understand that this is a man who believed he should have been commanding a $250,000.00 salary in the third year of the company’s existence, just pre-pandemic.? When I provide you with the proof and details of everything I’m stating here, you’ll see the delusions of grandeur I was up against, as Kurt Siebenaller made his divide and conquer move to convince Patrick that I was misusing funds.? I will say in Patrick’s defense, he’s very easy to manipulate and guide down a path, where shiny things are situated at the end of the path for him.
I’m going to flash forward now.? There was no misuse of funds on my part.? If there were, it would have been accidental, and a simple meeting where it was brought to my attention would have stopped it.? When the accusation was made, I put it to rest immediately with proof to the contrary, internally.? Everyone at URDS had access to QuickBooks.? I ran the company with an iron fist of integrity.? Even though there was no proof, Partrick continued with his accusations, to the point it became impossible for me to maintain my duties as CEO.? I held my footing until Patrick, Kurt and Scott committed the bank fraud, which pulled me off the company bank accounts that I started at 美国银行 , which still had my social security number attached to them.
Patrick was only a signer on the bank accounts.? He was basically a ghost on all bank accounts until the fraud started.? A rep at Bank of America Business informed me that Patrick had signed a document stating that he was 100% owner of the company.? I was always curious how Patrick, Kurt and Scott were able to pull me off my account with a fraudulent document only.? I found out on January 19th, 2024, when I cross examined Patrick in the Honorable Judge Michael Warren’s courtroom in Oakland County 6th Circuit Court, that Patrick, with the help of his friend, Jordan Segal, a Maddin Hauser attorney, the firm that now represents and is also co-conspirator to the coup against me, that they manufactured a resignation from me that I was completely unaware of and presented it to Bank of America to defraud them into removing me from my account.? Bank of America is liable for not performing its due diligence in this regard, but I have yet to launch that suit.? I’m one person representing myself against a machine that has all but stolen the American citizens’ unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.?
I am fighting the fight right now, in the American Judicial system, that every American wishes they could fight; The fight that calls this system to accountability for its people and changes it to the system it was promulgated to be, which, in concept from its inception stood upon the foundation of truth justice and liberty for all. ?This system has somehow become a greed driven cess pool of corporate bylaws and technicalities where truth goes to the highest bidder.?
I, now from experience, understand full well why most won’t stand their ground in this regard.? Once URDS and Maddin, Hauser, Roth & Heller, PC were able to pull me off my accounts via corporate manipulation, I was powerless to defend myself financially.? They then had free range to spread rumors to friends, family and colleagues to attempt to discredit me as they commenced with their financial duress tactics to destroy me financially.? I told them if they wanted my truth, they were going to have to pry it from my cold dead hands. When one lives in a world where manipulation and lies reign supreme, a statement such as that is easily brushed to the side as lip service.? They didn’t realize that I don’t exist in their world.
What I’m giving you Attorney General Nessel, Oakland County Prosecutor McDonald and Oakland County Executive, David Coulter, is a group of easily prosecutable, wannabe corporate criminals, homophobic, misogynistc and self-righteous in their commission of these crimes, which is exeplified by their own words and the very fiber of their being. They’re small-time manipulators of the judicial system, attempting to commit the big-time crimes that have all but desecrated the very foundation of America, yet failing miserably to cover their bases. They exist in a system where they’ve seen and revere the big-time players who’ve committed these crimes time and time again and walked away from the consequences unscathed.? They exist on a small-time level, but their confidence in walking away from a situation like this is not unfounded.
The system that we exist in currently, for ease of use and to appease the greed base who’ve mandated how our judicial system should function, chooses to call their crimes civil, which makes people of moderate to lower incomes virtually powerless to contest it. The bottom line is a crime is a crime, no matter who commits it and the difference here is that they committed the crimes against me, and for the sake of all of our children’s futures, I’m not stopping until they step into integrity, pay for what they stole, apologize publicly for their crimes and set new precedent for how business matters resolve themselves by enacting a mutually agreed upon integrity decree, or until the alternative.
By exposing the current system in this manner, via admission and accountability, all parties should be able to move forward on the foundation of integrity and enjoy success moving forward for making the historical move to resolve a dispute and carve out a mutually agreeable path forward, utilizing the system itself, but all moving forward interdependent of one another.?? Minus the admission and move to expose the weakness in our system and display the possible path forward, the system must bring them to justice, against the manipulators of the system’s will.? This will set precedent for dealing with the larger white-collar criminals who are currently making their move to enslave our next generation of children.
I’m a person who is dead set on changing the system so that my children aren’t walking into a system of indentured servitude, concentration camps, or slavery. What does the politician have to gain by involving themself in this case? ?For the attorney general, county executive and prosecutor, you can convict, easily, and make examples of people who represent the microcosm of these major crimes. Convicting these men will not affect your donor base in any major way and will only aid in your re-election. In my humble opinion, the press would gobble up your dedication to ending this type of corruption through this example, should the perpetrators of these crimes make this example necessary.
Your publicly visible best shot at re-election and the chance to set precedent in how we take our country back as citizens is what I’m offering you here.? I want to make it very clear, for the record, that I’m not giving this to you because I support the Democratic National Committee . I don’t.? I don’t support the illusion of the two-party system in any form or fashion.? Both parties are equally toxic under the current guise of only two parties. What I do support though is the example that can be made here so that’s what I’m handing you. Consider this the beginning of a rescue mission for the good politicians trapped in both parties who also feel imprisoned by the greed base.?
Let’s make this happen.?? They committed crimes. I have the proof.? It’s time for the American people to see that politicians actually care about the fact that people like this are stealing from them on a big level every day, ripping right away at their right to life, liberty and pursuit happiness.
You have my contact info. I have all the evidence you need and will cooperate at the drop of a dime and upon request. I’ll wait to hear from you.
Vince Orlando
We The People NTWR
(no taxation without representation)
#noviolence #nodivision #notwopartysystem