An Open Letter to Angels in The Name of Justice for All

An Open Letter to Angels in The Name of Justice for All

Vinny and Sofie,

I'm going to tell everyone a story. You're both familiar with it because you lived it and we're currently living it now. The thing with this story is that there is no story to it. It's all truth, to the letter.

I’m writing this in the name of truth—a gift I’ve always given you both and taught you to uphold. It’s the one thing no one can take from you unless you let them. Everything else—material possessions, comfort, even freedom—can be stolen, but your truth remains untouchable. I refuse to let the lies drowning me or the liars Maddin, Hauser, Roth & Heller, PC , Andrew Creal , Jordan Segal, and United Restoration Disaster Services Patrick Stemmler, John Pipkin, Kurt Siebenaller, CPA and Scott McKenna surrounding me drag me down to their level.

I once thought the worst pain imaginable would be to know that I would never see you two again. I was wrong. There’s a deeper agony: the mere thought of staying silent or complacent when anything—however small—threatens even a fraction of harm to either of you. I miss you both terribly, and I’m fighting hard to keep anger from consuming me and taking justice into my own hands, since the justice whose offices and salaries the people pay for, Oakland County Board of Commissioners , Oakland County, Michigan Government , Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office , Judge Michael Warren , Oakland County Sheriff's Office City of Troy (Michigan) , Police Department, decided to abandon justice in favor of corporate masters.

Redefining Love

Love isn’t just a warm, fleeting feeling. Most people misunderstand it, shaped by a pop-culture version that’s selfish—focused on how one person feels in another’s presence or what they expect the other to provide. When that feeling fades, so does the “love,” often replaced by blame, disdain, or hatred. That’s not love; it’s a flawed, human construct—binary and outdated.

Real love lives in what you feel for another. It’s unbreakable, no matter how hard they or the world try to strip it away. It’s not fragile or changeable. It’s all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful. It’s God.

Meeting God Through You

I met God when Vinny was born. This was the male version—a protector and provider fueled by unconditional love. Your birth, Vinny, pushed me to confront and heal the wounds in my soul, to be better for us both. My goals were simple: escape poverty and avoid breaking myself further. I succeeded. Then came Sofia.

I met God again with you, Sofie. This time, it was the female version—a presence that seemed to descend from above, as if you were born an angel destined to become human. You arrived with all the answers, and I absorbed them. Your birth, Sofie, demanded I become the best version of myself—a version I didn’t know existed but had to discover to earn the privilege of being your dad. Ours was a reciprocal bond.

Our Sacred Agreement

The three of us shared an unspoken pact: to protect and be honest with each other. We understood innately that truth and growth mattered above all, alongside a love that couldn’t be questioned. Everything else would fall into place. Our bond had a gentleness the world desperately lacks, and I felt a duty to embody it as fully as possible while still human. This love—often reserved for the afterlife, contingent on worthiness by our most cherished religious and spiritual doctrines—was ours from the moment I held you both. Through you, I learned that heaven on Earth isn’t just possible—it’s our birthright. Through this plight, I know now that our birthright was intentionally stolen from us; from all of humanity. I intend to get it back... Give me equanimity and liberty or give me death...

I didn’t fully see it then—just felt it, guided by what I now know as my higher self, God’s voice, infinite consciousness. That moment locked in my resolve to follow that compass, no matter the cost. You gave me the map, and here’s the beauty of our struggle: I’ve never been surer I’m on the right path—the high road, less traveled, but true.

Oneness and Responsibility

Through you, I’ve come to understand oneness. I am you, and you are me—nothing can alter that. Beyond the spiritual lift of unconditional love, I felt a duty to protect it at all costs. That meant recognizing our unity. To nurture the quality of your inner lives, I had to cultivate it within myself too. As above, so below. I had to live the world I wanted for you—a world where truth-guided, unconditional love creates heaven on Earth—even if the surrounding chaos resists it fiercely.

Humans, unshackled from indoctrination, are this love. They are one with God.

The Lies We’ve Been Told

We’ve been lied to our whole lives about who we are, convinced we’re less than everything. They’ve caged us in shame, making us question every move. This disconnect from our spiritual and physical selves breeds confusion and pain. Suffering people are easy to control with fear. Indoctrinate them, and you’ve got slaves. Build systems that profit off their misery, and the machine never stops. The orchestrators might face their own hell, but here, their profits soar.

That’s humanity now: 99% blind to their divinity, 1% desperate to keep it that way while cashing in on our pain.

Seeing Clearly Through Love

Thanks to you two, I see it all now. And the beauty? This clarity didn’t come from anger or distrust—it came through love, through Sofia Mae and Vinny V. You showed me what the world could be, what I want it to be for you: pure, brave, compassionate, endlessly curious, shameless. My only agenda is to steer us—and the world—toward that truth.

Since love revealed this, my fight must mirror the world I envision: no normalized wars, understanding over judgment, truth, justice, and liberty above all.

The Unfulfilled Promise

That’s the nation we were promised—the one people died for. We’re taught we won the Revolutionary War, that our Declaration of Independence and Constitution would reign supreme. But no war is ever truly won. Humanity’s mental decay and the gutting of our civil liberties—like what we just saw in Oakland County, where Judge Warren ignored clear proof of guilt (see this document link) Oakland County Corruption Case—show the lie. Any layperson can read it once and see the plaintiffs and their counsel are guilty.

Oakland County Corruption Case

Judge Warren, for reasons unknown—greed or corporate loyalty—joined Maddin Hauser to greenlight the theft of everything we owned. One proof wars aren’t won? The casual contempt from oath-takers like judges, attorneys, and politicians who twist our founding documents for selfish gain.

There are no victors in war, only seeds for future enemies. War spawns bigger problems and tougher foes until we outgrow our humanity and collapse. If I want to earn the title of “good father,” I have to stop that self-destruction from touching you. Logically, escalating wars come from leaders who don’t represent or care about us. How tragic to die at the whims of those who don’t speak for us? A true representative would see most people hate war—it’d be a last resort. Yet we’re perpetually trapped in it. The last president to resist this slaughter was JFK. The system I’m fighting now was built by his killers.

The System’s Truth

Today’s system has no trace of America’s founding ideals. I suspected this when I conceived of We The People NTWR but I didn’t grasp its depth. After all I’ve endured—and what’s still ahead—it’s no theory; it’s fact. This system sees us as subjects, at best, or property to exploit en masse. That’s their lens on humanity.

Pretending I don’t see your future—servitude and endless war—would be my biggest lie. Distracting you with freedom’s mirage so I can coast to my grave, leaving you burdened, isn’t fatherhood; it’s betrayal.

Facing the Obvious

Like Judge Warren ignoring plain facts for his own ends, denial has a limit. If you can walk, talk, and breathe unaided, claiming ignorance of the truths in that corruption link is a lie. Knowledge, insight, resources, a hunger for justice, and a drive to lead by example demand action—action I’ve taken, sparked by resistance. If Warren pleads ignorance, he’s defying what makes a judge worthy. If I didn’t use my gifts, I’d be a bad father and person. When this is over, I’ll still have my truth.

I don’t judge those who don’t fight—most are blinded by indoctrination and battered by the ruling class’s mental games, designed to divide, profit, and enslave us.

The Contradictions We’re Fed

Calamity looms, and with enough conditioning, people accept doom to avoid discomfort. You see it in abusive relationships: it starts at home, embedding a false “truth.” Even knowing better, we chase familiar poison. We’re born good, drawn to truth and love—our divine core—but the ruling class feeds us contradictions. The Bible touts an all-loving God who damns His creation to eternal fire for free will He granted. Jesus says, “What I do, you can do and more,” yet churches peddle shame and intermediaries. It’s a control tool—a narcissistic deity crafted to bind us.

The King James Bible, gutted of empowering texts, is mass manipulation. A moment’s logic exposes it: obey, feel lesser, beg mercy from your betters, hope for heaven post-mortem. Our judicial system mirrors this, built by the same minds. It waves the Constitution, then buries us in legalese and corporate rules masquerading as law, convincing us we need proxies for truth. Attorneys chase profit, not justice, pleasing judges who treat lives like widgets. Most incarcerated are there for nonviolent, victimless “crimes.”

My Fight

I can’t stomach what I’ve faced or what’s coming. I can’t stand that Patrick Stemmler profits off my work, funding sleazy attorneys with my money. I can’t stand Judge Warren’s slide into corruption—I once believed in him, now see the “good ole boy” club choking our nation.

Judge Warren’s power grabs have wrecked more lives than any criminal he’s sentenced. His daily ruin—cloaked as justice—blames our founding documents for his ego-driven, profit-chasing acts. Trust me, Warren, I was illegally jailed because of you. If you had your unethical way, I’d still be there. You and Oakland County owe me for those days, the pain, and the public shredding of trust in our judicial system.

While locked up, I spoke to others you’ve wronged. They weren’t there because of the Constitution—they were there despite it, like me. This fight wasn’t my plan, but letting cowards win while I represented myself exposed enough to ignite We The People NTWR—a movement for a future worth living, free of greed-fueled wars you didn’t start.

What Makes It Worth It

When I saw fighting meant losing everything, I turned to you two. I said: “I’ve got a million on the table—comfort’s ours if I take it. The bad guys are out, but I’d have to buy them out, and that gnaws at me. I can swallow my pride if you say so. But here’s the catch: this system abuses people daily with legalese meant to confuse and gatekeep justice, bogged down by corporate bylaws posing as law. I can beat it. No one’s more driven—by love for you—to see it through. Comfort’s nice, but if I step back, thousands suffering under this might lose their shot at a real win—for the people, by the people, no agenda. I get why others don’t fight, but I’m their huckleberry, and they ain’t daisies. We’ll lose the house, and I don’t know how deep this goes, but once I’m in, I can’t quit. Fold or fight?”

You—teens in a tech-drenched age, facing the loss of all you’ve known—chose in 15 seconds: “We fight.” I said, “Pack it up. You’re my only cheering section.”

Where We Are Now

We’ve been battling this injustice for nearly two years, technically homeless since October 2023. A friend’s loaned car—my lifeline ‘til this ends—was totaled when I hit black ice, launched off a guardrail that might’ve saved me from worse. I should’ve gone to the hospital; I knew the car was done. Alone on an icy road, I wanted a breathalyzer for insurance, but Warren’s weaponized warrant loomed. I couldn’t risk jail over his nonsense—I’ve got too many people and entities counting on me for the criminal side.

I skipped my health, killed the car’s salvage odds, and checked the law: clear the road if possible, report it prudently if unsafe. Done. No standing on ice, no jail for a corrupt judge. From Warren to the bank fraud crew, they’ll pay—for the car, the PTSD spike, the back injury. My chin’s iron, my soul’s Kevlar. Bring it.

Warren and his circus hoped I’d miss the appeal, thinking their flimsy January 30 judgment mattered beyond proving their malice. They thought I was some street fool poking the bear. But from January 19, 2023, when I steamrolled them in court and Warren ignored Stemmler’s confession—after he let Creal quash damning Bank of America evidence Troy Police needed for charges—I knew a fair trial was off the table. I caught Warren’s smirk early, clocked his abandonment issues, tested his authority, and mapped his game. Short of bowing to his corporate bylaws or hiring counsel, I had no shot.

I could’ve taken the shortcut, but that’d validate their system—spiritually, viscerally, subconsciously. I reject their corporate bylaws, built by liars for liars, shielding bureaucrats, oligarchs, and a corporatocracy that hijacked our post-Revolution nation. They twisted our Declaration and Constitution, preyed on our pride, and—via John D. Rockefeller’s education overhaul—bred workers, not thinkers. Twelve years to indoctrinate a mind, praising our founding words while stifling curiosity with rote memorization. A binary system at war with the American Dream, designed to confuse and enslave.

Warren’s system leans on those documents to exploit our goodness, then treats us—the republic’s heart—like dirt. It’s a machine to stagnate the masses, contradicting everything our founders bled for: liberty or death against tyranny. The corporatocracy infiltrated education to dull bright minds like Warren’s, binding them to corporate protocol over common or constitutional law.

I’ve got what I need to nail the plaintiffs and their counsel—class-A simpletons outmatched from day one. I believed in Warren once, thought his e-file system gave us a voice. Then he tipped his hand: it’s about conviction rates, not people. I’m full steam on lawsuits and charges—maybe federal now. Technology’s impartial; it’ll serve truth as easily as tyranny.

The Struggle and Hope Making money’s easy, especially under fire, but this system—built for liars, with legalese and bylaws—is a beast. Even law grads with souls intact buckle. Without you, my guardian angels, I might’ve cracked. You’ve kept me alive.

I love you both. Lies are flimsy. I’ll be home soon.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) U.S. Department of Justice Elon Musk


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