Open Letter To All Americans Who Can Vote

Open Letter To All Americans Who Can Vote

Open Letter To All Americans Who Can Vote,

For those of you who don’t spend time on politics let me bring you up to speed and tell you everything you need to know. It is an election year so it is important that you read this.  Obama and Hilary are orchestrating the complete undoing of America and our foundational beliefs of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Make no mistake about it.  Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Harry Reid, and John Kerry are all out to dismantle America from the inside out.  America has been absorbing a sustained attack from within for 8 years and most people don’t even know it.  Read the justification for this claim below, but in the interest of time and short attention spans I will offer a solution to end this madness.

So what can we do?  Vote in November!  I suggest you cast your vote for Trump.  Don’t let the liberal and illegal alien goon squads intimidate you or keep you from exercising your God given right.  We need the Governors of all 50 states to mobilize their National Guard troops to protect voters and prevent fraud on election day.  Nothing short of a full alert will be enough to block the aggressive hate groups such as anarchists, black lives matter, Black Panthers, and the enormous amount of illegal aliens who will try to fraudulently vote for democrats and cause confusion and recounts.  Especially in California, Texas, Pennsylvania (remember the last election), and Florida.  If the Governors don’t mobilize our best local patriots to protect our most fundamental responsibility as Americans, then our democracy will succumb to Thug-ocracy.  Don’t let these punks intimidate you. 

Now for the justification and an explanation of why we must all vote for Trump.  Even if you have to plug your nose to do it.  Simply put, a vote for Hillary is a vote to accelerate America’s implosion.  The pendulum that swings between conservative and liberal beliefs must swing back towards conservative Constitutional principles.  If Hillary is elected the pendulum will fly off into liberal progressive outer space, and thanks to the progressive liberals we don’t even have a space program that can go and retrieve it.  Maybe we can pay the Russians to go get it for us.

Orchestra conductors use the power of each band member to make music.  In Obama and Hillary’s case, they have skillfully used their powers to undermine the many departments in our government and create a cacophony of destruction.  For example:

Department of Defense:  Obama’s military strategy is horrible.  His idea of using drones instead of troops is idiotic.  It is like sending a mosquito over the enemy while they completely take over the hearts and minds of the people in country after country.  We don’t win battles.  We don’t even fight battles.  We just spread ourselves ultra-thin around the planet and sit on our mini bases while the enemy takes and keeps ground.  Our entire military force is weaker than it probably ever has been.  Obama has methodically and selectively fired and retired many of the warriors in all branches of government.  McChrystal and Petraeus are both examples that come to mind.  Both Army General officer warriors who were fired for ridiculous reasons.  He then replaced our best and brightest men and women with unproven women and gays people.  I am sorry, but you don’t send the gay guy out to fight the Chinese airborne brigades.  You protect the gay guy with the warrior guy.  You don’t send the dog catcher to fight a fire.  We all have our place in society.  It is common sense.  The consequences are already being seen.  Both Air Force and Navy jets had crashes last week, our infantry soldiers don’t even know how to dig foxholes, and suicide rates for our servicemen, servicewomen, and vets are off the charts. The military exists to win our nation’s wars.  That is all.  It is not a social studies lab and it should not be used to facilitate or dictate social change.  Obama and his administration also ruined our space program by cutting funding, forfeiting our hard earned scientific lead in space, and replacing a flagship of human achievement with a Muslim outreach initiative. 

State Department:  Remember when Obama whispered in the Russian diplomat’s ear prior to the 2012 election and promised Putin that he would give more leeway once he got re-elected.  Well he kept his word and has allowed Putin to run rampant in the eastern bloc while rebuilding the Soviet military capability.  Obama and Hillary paved the way for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon and allowed the Middle East to completely collapse in on itself.  Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Iran are all in utter disarray – as planned by Obama and Hillary.  Iran will soon have nuclear weapons thanks to Obama and Hillary’s deceit and media manipulation. When our Embassy was attacked, Obama undoubtedly gave the stand-down order in Benghazi, and then used Hillary to create the cover story and bury the bodies by lying and blaming the attack on a videotape from California that nobody ever saw.  Anyone who shrugs this off is complicit in the murders, and by extension culpable in all future Muslim attacks because we signaled our indifference to the world.  Hillary Clinton lied to the world and gave the Muslim world the “green-light” to take up arms and engage in violence and mayhem.  Additionally, Hillary used her position as Secretary of State as a way to take monetary donations from around the globe for the Clinton Foundation which is against the law.    One has to wonder why Obama and Hillary allowed Benghazi to get overrun.  What are they hiding?  As everyone knows, the Clintons have a track record for discrediting and/or disappearing any opposition that dares to call a spade a spade.  Not only that, but this administration turns a blind eye to Christians and Jews being forcibly rounded up and killed by Muslims.  They are both totally biased towards Muslims, they have left the entire Middle East in the worst shape it has been in millennia, and they have left Israel hanging in the wind. We didn’t even get to China or South America or Africa.  At least Obama and the State Department made it to Cuba.  What else could he and Hillary been doing other than securing more spring break beaches for our college kids?  And what of Hillary’s illegal mishandling of classified material?  She blatantly stood above the law, ignored it, and jeopardized American sources and methods for collecting vital intelligence above the Top Secret level.  If one of her 69,000 State Department employees had done what she did, she would have fired and prosecuted them right?  But the safe guarding American secrets apparently doesn’t apply to her.  She had her own server installed in a closet in Denver but somehow doesn’t know anything about it. 

Homeland Security:  Obama and Hilary have put the Homeland Security people in an impossible position.  They are not allowed to enforce the existing laws which means our country is being flooded with illegal aliens.  This has directly resulted in an increase in disease, an increase in drug trafficking, an increase in crime, and in November we will likely see unprecedented increases in voter fraud and voter intimidation like we are seeing in California.  (These thugs are bankrolled by the money holders who control the democratic party).  Illegal entry into our country has also resulted in long lines at airports and a decrease in American jobs.  Letting in all these illegal aliens is like inviting terrorists over for dinner.  All they need are a few drones at airports or a platoon of suicide bombers in some stadiums and we have a giant deadly mess to contend with.  It is almost like we are asking to be hit.

Heath Care:  We are from the government and we are here to help.  Yikes!  America is suffering from cirrhosis of the country.  Did you get your mandatory immunizations for your perfectly healthy non-autistic kids yet?  Free healthcare is resulting in more abortions.   What a waste of good genetics and American life.  Just to be clear, abortion is murder.  Premeditated legalized murder.  Now it is government sponsored premeditated murder.  Not good if you happen to be a fetus.  Or a tax payer who doesn’t want to be complicit in such a disgustingly horrible practice. Obamacare (really Hillary-care if you recall, she failed in her first attempt to legislate socialized medicine) has put a huge drag on the economy and full time job creation. Not to mention the drag effect it has had on innovation and the confusion it has created in the reimbursement sector of healthcare.  Legalizing drugs has increased the number of addicted which creates double dependence by way of increasing the drug-crime-institutions-jails-death- cycle and by adding more stress and cost to the judicial and law enforcement system.  Our healthcare system is a nightmare and we will all eventually pay for it both physically and financially.

IRS:  Obama has weaponized the IRS and it is being used as a political tool to go after political opposition.  This is against the law.

Justice Department:  Obama and the liberal democrats have used the Justice department to increase incarceration rates of both Americans and illegal aliens.  This is a form of socialism.  “Three-Hots and a Cot” fosters dependence on government.  Obama and Clinton are also using the justice department to cherry pick certain cases in order to control the media and distract Americans while they work their plan to dismember the country piece by piece.  Travon Martin, Occupy Wall Street, the Guns-Rights Private Property people in Oregon, and the transgender bathroom debacle are all examples.                  Meanwhile Chicago is a gang infested warzone.  Our border patrol plays hide and seek with the same illegal alien offenders over and over, and the police can now use your own cell phone to track your location without your consent.  More and more Americans are going to jail to the point that it is almost common, like a right-of-passage now.  Once you get into the justice system’s computers you are very likely going to go back to jail sometime depending on who is in power and what your particular opinions are.  You will even be issued your own ID card – like a driver’s license or social security card.  Sadly, the way things are going it might be safer to be in jail if/when the economy collapses.  Did you know that police can look up your tags as they drive behind you and instantly have your entire life to include texts, and social media posts pop up onto their computer screen?  They know everything about you before they come to your door.  Technology is useful for catching bad guys, but it can just as easily be used to track down and incarcerate innocent people.  The last example of how unjust our justice department is can be found in their handling of Hillary and her homemade internet server hidden in a closet in an apartment in Denver.  She compromised American security by using her own server to read and send classified information.  It is unbelievable that a person who was married to a President, a former Senator in her non-home state of New York, and the Secretary of State would not understand what she was doing.  Why hide it in Denver?  Maybe because she was siphoning $700 million dollars from countries like Saudi Arabia for her shell company the Clinton Foundation.  That is two laws broken right there.  And the FBI and the justice department do nothing.  This is downright dangerous.  She should be in jail.  Americans are looking into their phones too much.

The Fed:  China lends and the U.S. spends.  We don’t own our country anymore.  It is being propped up with paper, and when it can no longer continue, it will end.  Imagine when your credit card doesn’t work and you can’t get gas to go to your job (if you have one), and then you can’t get food or pay your car insurance or your mortgage or your utilities.  Have you noticed that everything costs at least $5.00 now days?  Everything.  It is unsustainable.  Have a plan and stock up while you can.  Cash is king.  The canary in the cage is on his last gasp of air and the whole country is heading towards bread lines, unemployment, and homelessness.  Don’t believe me?  Just consider that the tools that the Fed has to use have already been used.  Interest rates going negative?  Most Americans are overextended living paycheck to paycheck and the slightest hiccup could sink the individual ship.  How many hot meals do you have in your food supply?

The Media:  Social media, Google, Facebook, and cell phones have turned Americans into a bunch of apathetic screen addicts with no attention span.  The talking heads on all sides are like lap-dogs and will cover any story that Obama or Clinton see fit.  The important news is swept under the rug.  If you want to get actual news you can read Drudge Report (or wait for the talking heads to read Drudge Report to you), but to get real journalism you have to go to the BBC.  It is shameful.  How ironic that a whistleblower like Snowden has to flee to Russia in order to tell truth to power.  Unfathomable.   The only thing that will wake Americans up is when their cell phones run out of power and/or we can’t find a Wi-Fi hotspot.  People won’t know what to do.  At that point we may as well live in caves again.  That is a tragedy in itself but there is more.  The media – guided by Obama and Clinton - attacks American traditions using race and political correctness to stir up problems and cause groups to self-segregate.  This is how they divide and conquer us.  Topics such as Black Lives Matter, Global Warming, Christmas, transgender bathrooms, sympathy for Muslims, and even the gorilla in Cincinnati all serve to distract the masses from the meticulous deconstruction that is really going on while we are busy not looking.  What is John Kerry doing this week?  What did he do last week?  How about Biden?  Obama goes to Hiroshima, Japan to create a controversy and distract everyone thereby preventing the media from actually doing their job as the fourth branch of government.   The media is horribly, outlandishly biased, and Obama and Clinton are masters at deception and manipulation.  Take away the teleprompters and they are both completely lost.  Stuttering and coughing away the time so they don’t have to answer questions.  Obama and Hillary are masters of using the media and technology to weed out opposition.  One by one.  Click by click.  Welcome to Censorship and say goodbye to your Right to Bear Arms.  Gun control is yet another way to take power away from the people. 

This could go on forever.  Bottom line.  Obama and Hillary had their chance.  They really screwed things up on many levels and it is time to go the moderate way.  So why Trump?  Trump can fix the economy, he can handle the pressures of the big stage, and he has moxie.  I would follow him.  I wouldn’t follow Hillary down a grocery store aisle.  Trump is not a puppet to liberals or to conservatives.  He is independent minded and he leans pretty much right down the middle. That is what America needs.  Leaning down the middle of the road.  Trump is not racist towards Blacks or Latinos or Gays and he is not anti-Women.  Not one iota.  He runs hot sometimes and his tongue can out run his brain occasionally, but he is not a hateful soul.  He likes the back and forth of negotiating – not unlike a merchant in an open air bazaar.  He is almost insulted if there is no push back because he wants the best deal.  He will tackle problems the same way so he will always come to the best possible course of action.  He is pro competence.  He got that way because he is a true New Yorker and he has carried the bag and risen through the ranks on effort and hard knocks.  He had a boost from his family but he grew what he was given and made it better for his own kids.  That is the American dream personified.  Compare that to Hillary who was a handed a Senate seat because she married well.  If I was a woman Hillary would be the last person I would want representing my gender.  Really?  She is the best America’s got?  Condi Rice runs circles around her.  Hillary is certainly no Margret Thatcher.  She is a tired old lady who knows how to change her voice inflection as she reads what the teleprompter tells her to say.  Why doesn’t the person who writes her thoughts run instead?  Take out the middleman.   

Trump is like most Americans in that he doesn’t like abortion but he is not going to upend the status quo and take away a woman’s right to choose.  I hope he will help educate women about adoption and other options.  Trump is good for America’s social fabric.  More importantly, we need somebody who will put politics aside and get the most qualified people into the toughest jobs imaginable.  There is so much work to do and so much needs to be fixed, improved, or stopped.  Trump can stop the madness and get us back on track to reaching our incredible potential.   He abhors war so he won’t squander our military the way Hillary and Obama do.  He will build it up and only use it for the purpose it was created for.  To win our nation’s wars.  And he will win decisively so we can get on with living and doing things we enjoy.

We Americans are tolerating ourselves to death.  For 8 years the ingredients for the downfall of America have been masterfully orchestrated tightly together into the pan of internal collapse.  All it will take is one or two shakes and for something or someone to turn up the heat, and America will go up like Jiffy-Pop popcorn.  Catastrophic break down.  We all know what Hilary does when the heat gets turned up.  She tells everyone to “stand-down” and goes back to sleep.  (If your eyes are closed or if you are looking into your phone you don’t see the arms smuggling by Egyptian Muslim brotherhood from Libya into Syria or whatever was going on over there.  Who knows what happened.  She won’t tell us but instead cackles at the committee questioning her and says, “what difference does it make anyway?” 

It makes all the difference.  Your vote makes all the difference.  Vote for Trump.  He is pragmatic and practical, and he puts American freedom and our self-interest first.  That is the American way.  We take care of ourselves first so that we can then take care of others. 

America needs him.  The free world needs him.  Even the non-free world needs him.  He will help make the American dream possible again by taking the politics out and putting competent people in to rebuild what has been broken.   With Trump the world will once again look to America as an example of self-sufficiency, freedom, strength, and kindness.

Don’t forget to vote.  Block off your calendar and make sure you register.  This is important.  Urgent even.  God Bless America! 


Greg McHaas

Doug Lieberman

Medical Equipment Planning

8 年

Wow - That's putting it out there, Greg!



