Open Letter About Ad Blockers
Hi there, advertisers. Let me first say – I like you. Generally. Advertising introduces me to products, services, places, and experiences that I might not otherwise recognize. Ads can be incredibly useful, and a very smart way to introduce me to that which you’re offering. For that, I thank you.
But I’m not turning off my AdBlocker. Sorry for the buzz kill.
Actually, I’m not sorry. If you’re one of the majority of publishers that use advertising responsibly, I recommend that you direct your frustration at a target outside of ad blockers and the people, like me, who use them. It’s a very easy target to locate. That target is the publishers who so completely abuse their advertising platform and destroy the user experience in an extraordinarily maddening fashion that I occasionally want to throw my computer or mobile device into a metal shredding machine.
But that would only hurt my bank account. So instead, I use an ad blocker.
What activities have so turned me against web-based advertising? Here’s a few.