Open Horizon on the conference circuit
Open Horizon makes it way around the conference circuit

Open Horizon on the conference circuit

We been getting out y’all. We asked trusted confidants for guidance about which philanthropy conferences we should attend and which like-minded communities we should nuzzle up to- and we are delighted that we listened. In April and May, we ventured out to join in community with ABFE, NAP and GEO.? Our Co-founder Lisa and Executive Director D’Lynn had an incredible experience at The Change Philanthropy Unity Summit in November 2023 and recommendations to attend ABFE and NAP were loud and clear.??


Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP) Conference (April 22-25, 2024)?

Courtney had the opportunity to attend #NAPCON2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Native Americans in Philanthropy 2024 Annual Conference brought together a community of leaders, practitioners, and learners at the intersection of philanthropy, Native advocacy, and Tribal sovereignty to collaborate on ways to be involved in the movement to Indigenize Philanthropy (NAP).?

As Open Horizon continues to deepen its understanding of the need to expand funding to support tribal communities and Native-serving organizations, this conference provided Courtney with valuable context on why and how philanthropy can center the needs of these communities in their funding decisions. Several key takeaways from the sessions attended resonated with Courtney and have prompted further exploration. Below are a few of these takeaways:?

  1. Holistic Approach to Funding: Recognizing the interconnectedness of issues facing tribal communities, including health, education, economic development, and cultural preservation, and the importance of addressing these areas comprehensively.?

  1. Community-Driven Solutions: Emphasizing the need for funding strategies that are informed and led by the communities themselves, ensuring that initiatives are culturally relevant and sustainable.?

  1. Long-Term Commitment: Understanding that meaningful support requires sustained investment over time, rather than short-term or one-off grants, to allow for genuine progress and impact.?

  1. Capacity Building: Highlighting the importance of investing in the organizational capacity of Native-serving organizations to enhance their ability to manage programs, secure funding, and achieve their goals.?

  1. Equitable Partnerships: Advocating for partnerships that are based on mutual respect and equality, where tribal communities are viewed as equal stakeholders and collaborators.?

These takeaways underscore the necessity for philanthropy to adopt practices that are not only inclusive but also empower tribal communities to drive their own development. ?

Aside from attendance at the conference, a highlight of Courtney’s time in Minneapolis was connecting with Natasha LaRose of American Indian College Fund . Open Horizon partners with American Indian College Fund and Courtney has been on several email exchanges and Zoom meetings with Natasha but had never met in person. You can read more about AICF through a past write up we did or by visitng their website. Based on the conversation and ease in connection, you would have thought Courtney and Natasha were long time friends! Courtney appreciated the additional information and context Natasha provided regarding supporting native communities which added to learning that occurred at the conference. ?

ABFE 2024 Harambee Conference (April 24-27, 2024)?

Community is good. Cousin energy is nourishing. Upon reflection, we now realize why so many peers messaged us when tickets were available and registration was open; with 760 attendees selling out the in- person event, and an online registration that boasted 75 virtual participants, we could have been jealous had we not scooped up our ticket early!? Harambee is the largest annual gathering of Black professionals in organized philanthropy. ABFE, leading the annual gathering, promotes effective and responsive philanthropy in Black communities. Open Horizon Executive Director, D’Lynn Jacobs, attended and connected with peer Black EDs, Black-led social change organizations, and new cousins representing diverse corners of the philanthropy sector from across the nation and overseas.??

?Our ED was affirmed one year into her tenure by the joy woven throughout the formal conference theme of Igniting Transformative Change and the informal theme of empowering networks. The unique sessions that ranged from expanding resources to the South to healing justice programming to collaboration lessons and visions about guaranteed income programs were immensely aligned with the commitments and culture we are building at Open Horizon.??

?Harambee means “All Pull Together” and the commitment to improve outcomes for Black communities and the country as whole was palpable among the organizers, speakers, facilitators, Black vendors, and other participants. The opportunity to engage in affinity-based reflection, connection, and renewal for our ED was invaluable. Highlights of time in community included meaningful connection with partner leader Jenice Fountain , the Executive Director of Yellowhammer Fund, meeting a cohort two graduate of Ignite the South, and having an in- person session with Kelli King-Jackson, ACC , D’Lynn’s coach! ?

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) (May 19-22, 2024)?

GEO’s 2024 National Conference, held in Los Angeles, was an opportunity to explore equity-centered and community-driven grantmaking practices. As Open Horizon matures (nearing our 5th birthday at the end of this year – woot woot!), we particularly appreciate the opportunity to walk among and alongside our elder siblings in this work.??

Executive Director D’Lynn Jacobs and Co-founder Lisa Cohen attended GEO and found inspiration, learning, and community in plenary sessions, small group workshops, and affinity spaces. An example of a plenary speaker that we can’t stop talking about is Alok. They are an internationally-renowned gender nonconforming writer and performance artist. Their brilliance putshines light on the tremendous (and unnecessary) challenges to trans and gender non-binary folks in our nation (and world) today.??

?Small group sessions were rich. One highlight was a session on reparations for Black Americans which affirmed that our nation has done this work before, specifically offering financial reparations to Japanese -Americans interned during WWII. It was also sobering to realize that localities, like Washington, DC, offered financial reparations at the end of the Civil War but not to formerly enslaved Black people; rather, they were given to the former slave-holders. Affinity spaces included a CEO gathering that D’Lynn attended and the welcoming Neighborhood Funders Group (NFG) reception that both attended, offering the opportunity to connect with like-minded leaders and funders, focusing on advancing racial and social equity via our work.?



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