OPEN EVENT: Regions4 High-Level Session
Regions4 invites you to?attend the High-Level Session “Regions towards a Resilient Future: delivering multi-level action on the ground – Preparatory event towards the UN?Climate Change Conference?COP27?(UNFCCC)"
The recently published IPCC report on impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability (2022) highlights the urgency to act to both mitigate and adapt to climate change.? It stresses that solutions exist for a safer future for all, but not without fast emission cuts - and significantly boosting spending on adaptation and resilience. It also stresses that political commitment, persistence, consistent action across scales of government, and upfront mobilization of human and financial capital are key.??
Local and regional governments are first impacted by climate change and have become natural leaders in some of the necessary transformations, particularly due to their direct connection with their citizens and capacity to mobilize and engage with all local actors at a territorial level.??
National governments will only be able to reach their climate targets (including those affecting all SDGs, and notably biodiversity) if states, regions, and local governments bring in their full potential.? As the 2021 CDP states and regions report reveals, a majority of adaptation actions are implemented at the subnational or local level, and many regional governments are already delivering ambitious and innovative solutions that can be scaled up.??
The COP26 launched the two-year Glasgow–Sharm El-Sheikh work programme, which represents a significant step forward in defining the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) outlined in the Paris Agreement. The adaptation goal aims to set an ambitious target and allow parties to measure progress and ensure adaptation to climate change is effectively reducing vulnerabilities and building resilience.??
Given the critical role that regional governments play to adapt to climate change, implementing the sustainable development goals, and protecting our natural habitats, it is thus important for them to be represented in this process, to influence the development of global processes and allow for the reporting and recognition of sub-national actions to inform their progress.???
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP27 will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from the 7th to 18th of November 2022. Representing the role of African regions within the convention, their main recommendations for the adaptation goal and other relevant processes, and assessing the possibility for them to access the financial opportunities arising from a further political priority on adaptation and resilience will be more than ever a priority.???
The COP27 will also be a moment to take stock, through the global climate stock take, on progress in the implementation of climate commitments from parties and non-party stakeholders, on both mitigation and adaptation. Regional governments, through Regions4, will be present to share their messages, input in the dialogues, and underline the key enabling conditions and successes experienced at the regional level that can be replicated in other regions or at the national level, to move the needle towards a resilient future.?
Considering this context, Regions4 is organizing on June 16th a High-Level Session "Regions towards a Resilient Future: delivering multi-level action on the ground - Preparatory event towards the UN?Climate Change Conference?COP27".?
This is a hybrid event open to all partners and stakeholders?that takes place in the framework of Regions4 20th Anniversary General Assembly in?Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, Morrocco.
The event?will be held on Thursday 16th of June?2022?at 15:00 – 16:30 WEST (UCT+1)?| 16:00 – 17:30?CEST (UCT+2)?Check your time?here
Register here?no later than?June 10th, 2022.
Registered participants will receive instructions on how to connect by e-mail.
Please note that this event?will be recorded.
English, French, and Spanish interpretation will be provided.?
Questions and Media Inquiries: please contact Ms. Analice Martinsson, Head of Communications & Members Engagement at?[email protected]
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