Open Door supports the Virtual International Colloquium on Military Sexual and Other Forms of Abuse”
Open Door Initiative
Improving the wellbeing of veterans and public safety personnel and their families.
The Australasian Services Care Network, together with its partners and supporters extend an Invitation?foryou?to?join?them?for?Session?4?in?the?“Virtual?International?Colloquium?on?Military Sexual and Other Forms of Abuse”.
This?Colloquium brings?together a range?of?International?Thought?Leaders to help participants to explorethe?issue?of?Military?Sexual?and?Other?Forms?of?Abuse?and?its?impact?on Military?Service Members, Veterans and their immediate Family across the 5 Eyes Countries.
The?aim?of?this?conversation?is?to shine?a?light?on?the?issue?and?to share?what?we?know?about it and evidence informed responses and interventions to address the issue and support those affected by it.
SESSION 3:????????“Good?Soldiers?Don’t?Rape:?the?stories?we?tell?about?military sexual violence”
(Dr?Megan?MacKenzie,?Professor?and?Simons?Chair?in?International?Law?and Human Security at Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Outline:?????In?this presentation Dr?Mackenzie will?share?the?findings from?her?forthcoming?book?‘Good SoldiersDon’t Rape:?the?stories?we?tell?about?military?sexual?violence.’?This?book?includes?an?analysis?of 30 years of media coverage of military sexual violence in three case countries: Australia, the US, and Canada. The presentation will map out some of the key myths, tropes, and rhetorical tools identified in media coverage.
Date:??????????Tuesday?18th?of?April?2023?(The?US,?Canada,?The UK?and?The?Netherlands)?/ Wednesday 19th?of April 2023 (Australia & New Zealand)
The?UK?10.00?pm?London, Tuesday?18th?of?April
The?presentation?will?be followed?by?an?interactive?Session?that?will?allow?participants?to?ask?questions about points raised in the presentation or other issues related to the topic.
To?participate?in?Session?4?of?the?Virtual?International?Colloquium?on?Military?Sexual?and?Other Forms of Abuse with Dr Megan Mackenzie Register at:
If?you?have?any?queries?regarding?the?Webinars?or?Registration,?Email?the?ASCN?(New?Zealand) Secretariat at?[email protected].
Dr?Megan?MacKenzie?is?Professor?and?Simons?Chair?in?International?Law?and Human Security at Simon Fraser University, Canada.
She is a feminist scholar interested in war, security studies, post-conflict recovery?andreconstruction,?and?military?culture.?Her?work?is?broadly?focused on the ways that gendermatters in understanding war and insecurity and the ways that experiences of war and insecurity are shaped by gendered norms and sexism.
Megan has been studying military culture and gender integration in the military for over a decade, which includes projects on military sexual violence, the integration of women into combat roles, and military suicide.?She?also?hasworked?on?issues?related?to?post-conflict?transitions?and?feminist?solutions?to?ending war.?This work includes projects on disarmament programs, amnesty provisions in peace agreements, truth and reconciliation commissions, and a series and edited book on feminist solutions to ending war.
Her most recent book is Feminist Solutions for Ending War (Pluto 2022), co-edited volume, with Nicole Wegner. She?is?also?the?author?of?Beyond?the?Band?of?Brothers:?the?US?military and?the?myth?that?women can’t fight (Cambridge 2015).
This series of real time education and information sharing webinars has been developed by ASCN an Australianand?New?Zealand?Not For?Profit organisation?in?collaboration?with?its?partners?in?the?each?of?the 5 Eyes Countries (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom).
The?Webinars?in?the?series?are?being?presented?by?International?Thought?Leaders?and?Researchers?from each of the 5 Eyes Countries and Robert Lippiatt from ASCN is the chair of the series.?Robert has had significant international experience chairing and facilitating Defence and Veterans Forums
Each?Webinar?is?intended?to?share?key?issues?and?insights?on?Military?Veteran?and?Families?Transition?and post service life gained through research and other ongoing work with military members, veterans and?their families in the relevant country and to stimulate ongoing conversations and collaborations leading to enhanced Wellbeing outcomes.
ASCN?(New?Zealand)?in?conjunction?with?ASCN?(Australia)?form?the?Trans-Tasman?Australasian?Services Care Network (ASCN).
This Not for profit Network acts as a neutral and independent hub for discussion and action by Government,Research,?Service?Providers?and?Advocacy?on?health?and?wellbeing?questions?and?issues that impact military, veterans, public safety officers and their families in both countries.
It?is?committed?to?improving?the?life-long?health?and?wellbeing?of?current and?former?members?of?the Defence Force (Regular and Reserve), Public Safety Organisations and their Families
ASCN?is?pleased?to?partner?with?organisations?from?Australia,?New?Zealand,?the?UK,?Canada?and?the?US todevelop?and?present?its webinar series on?Military,?Veteran?and?Families?Wellbeing?which includes the “Virtual International Colloquium on Military Sexual and Other Forms of Abuse”.
ASCN wants to thank our Financial Partners who support our work and make the webinar series on Military,Veteran?and?Families?Wellbeing?possible.?We?also?want?to?recognise the?organisations?that have provided financial support for the Virtual International Colloquium on Military Sexual and Other Forms of?Abuse.
Financial?Supporters?Virtual?International?Colloquium?on?Military?Sexual?and Other?Forms of Abuse
Open Door: Understanding and Supporting Service Personnel and their Families
Separating from the military and other first responder services is a challenging time. Returning to civilian life and family and friends is exciting but can also be a time of uncertainty. Coming from a highly scheduled life to a life that is open and maybe initially without clear direction requires reorientation across the domains of employment, housing, education, justice, health and the community. If one has health issues the transition can be even more challenging.
At Open Door we recognise that opportunity and support are two great scaffolds to making the journey across the civilian-military culture gap. Open Door is an Australasian multi-disciplinary research hub that exists to disseminate research information to academics, practitioners and veterans interested in the research policy and service provision for veterans and first responders.
Our networks extend to New Zealand, The United Kingdom, Canada and the US.?Our aim is to conduct applied and blue sky research that demonstrates what works for veterans in transition.