Open to Desire.
Do you find yourself resisting the small voice within that is urging you to move in a new direction? Often, you may feel that everything must be in place before you move; after all, no one is anxious to invite "failure" into their lives.?The truth is that, if you wait for all to be in order, you might be waiting forever. New frontiers are just that---lands which, for you, are unexplored.
Your job is to be clear about what you want. Allow yourself to open up to your heart's desire. What is it that you believe would feed your soul??Surrender the need to know how you might make it happen; begin by knowing what it is that you would like to manifest in your life. If you find yourself resisting an answer to the question (for fear that you might be wrong), begin with what you DO NOT want. Then go back and ask yourself, "if this is what I don't want, what DO I want?"
Once you have an idea, simply conclude on three things that you might do this week to move you closer to the goal. They may be very small steps and a long way from achieving your dream, but movement (of any kind) is key.? Do what is within your reality to do and then make room for the unexpected. Keep your eyes open for answers to the questions that remain unanswered.
Success or sabotage? Success is an elusive animal, if you do not take the time to study its appearance. What does it look like for you?
Is this going to be an incredible day??Are you open to the experience of the unexpected in your life or are you married to routine?