Open Conversation with We The People NTWR Confidants
Formatted dialog
Me -Plain Text
T - Bold Text
K - Italics
Me- Regulators mount up
Me - T, in case you are still minus Facebook I’ll copy and paste the text below.
I got my legs back m-effers... and I'm using every last bit of strength I have to provide a future to our children worth living.
What am I doing? I'm fighting corporations like Lemonade , State Farm , Auto-Owners Insurance , Uber , Lyft Checkr, Inc. , Inc., 沃尔玛 , Farm Bureau Financial Services , Vanguard , BlackRock and small fries such as United Restoration Disaster Services , Maddin, Hauser, Roth & Heller, PC , Baker Tilly US , Kurt Siebenaller, CPA , etc., that steal from us. Companies that make the spreadsheet their god and are now using AI to abuse humans to steal our civil liberties and livelihood. Companies supported by both the democrat/republican-two-party-regime, that most of you will be too cowardly to not vote into power in November.
Give Me Liberty and Equanimity, or Give Me Death
I threw my complacent cowardice in the dumpster fire with these two thieving, disgusting excuses for leadership, the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee. WHAT ARE YOOOO DOING????
PS - I don't give a f____ about your emotions or feelings in this regard. I care about our children. Grow some bravado and empathy for them and #vote4anythingbutthe2?
ATTN: Michigan Department of Attorney General , Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services , Jeff Bezos Elon Musk , U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission , Ontario Securities Commission , Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office
T - Vince. In a few sentences can you tell me what this is about? Guess it's late my brain is toast.
Me - We the people NTWR campaign Vote4Anythingbutthe2
A vote for either of the two-party regime is a vote for the desecration of our children's future. Vote for anything but the two
T - America actually has 46 major political parties, most people who feel as you do align themselves as libertarians
Me - This is just a short-term play to show that the people have the power
K - I feel you Vince though I'm voting for Trump this time. JD Vance and the assassination convinced me. I'm a Crypto Guy first and foremost and so is JD. Kent , I know we spoke about this before.
Me - Could we do a poll asking people, “if you knew your neighbor and everyone else's neighbor was going to vote for somebody other than one of the two parties, would you place your vote elsewhere as well?” Then couldn't we use that poll, if it worked to prove self-sovereign identity come November 2?
With a break from the two-party-regime, we could implement our demand for a cap on campaign spend, a ban of financial lobbying and a move toward block chain voting. We, the people, would own the vote for the first time in our history. The two-party-regime would have to literally go dictator and become violent to try to take the power back from us at this point.
JD and Trump will implement nothing. They don't have the power.? The RNC does. Anybody who plays the two-party game will get annihilated by the game. They will do nothing to serve crypto because crypto stands against the banking puppet masters that control both parties. If they do anything, it will be against crypto, and they will centralize it.
That assassination attempt was staged. It's a page from the Antichrist playbook for the fanatical religious right, where the person who stands against the antichrist gets clipped in the ear. This is textbook wag the dog.
All of that being said, could we do what I just asked? Is it possible, I'm asking?
A vote for either of the two Parties to maintain power is a vote for the draft that they just reinstilled that’ll put mine and your children at war. We're voting to kill our children if we vote for either of these two parties to maintain power.
Say Trump were to stand against the will of the banking puppet masters, the military industrial complex, big pharma, big insurance, you and I know he goes the way of JFK. He knows that too.
He's too much of a coward to do that so he'll play their game. I'm not trying to skew you right now. Everybody has bought into this faux assassination attempt so attempting to skew anybody at this juncture is pointless. Even somebody as intelligent as you. I’m just speaking facts. ?Aside from who you're voting for could we do what I just asked?
K - You make some really good points. I really really like RFK. I'm honestly still vacillating between RFK and Trump. I don't know if my vote is more than just my commentary on the world, though it seems that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I was originally for RFK and may switch back to RFK before the election.
Me - Vance and Trump are patsies. What happened to Hitler when they brought him back to power before World War II and he thought he was the reason he had risen back to power?
What happened when he said he wanted to have his own currency? They woke the sleeping giant.
What happened to John F Kennedy when JFK thought his rise to power was his own?
What happened when he said he wanted to create his own currency, go back to the gold standard and refused to entertain Vietnam?
It's the same thing that will happen to Trump and/or JD Vance if they start thinking that they had anything to do with this rise to power after the staged assassination attempt. This is wag the dog and if we don't see past their bullshit we can kiss our kids and their futures goodbye. Concentration camps and indentured servitude for our young if we vote either of these two parties to continue power
K - I mainly want a stable economy and for my kids to not have to deal with trans BS. I didn't leave a fucking Mormon polygamist cult that made me a slave to be enslaved to yet another cult of priests or "experts ".
Me - All that trans bs is a distraction. It's a device of division to keep us fighting while they steal what's left of our civil liberties. While we've been fighting, both Democrats and Republicans voted for the draft to be law from the ages of 18 to 36. There's nothing more detrimental to our kid’s future than that.
Meanwhile, they have us arguing over trans rights. I know some trans people. They're like what the fuck are people even talking about.
I know a lot of alphabet people. lol. I use that term lightly. The LGBTQ etc folks that I know use that term too. Real people know identity politics is a divisive tool to keep us at war with each other. My friends in that community are like what the fuck are people even talking about.
I grew up in Detroit.? I’m friends with a lot of black people and they're like, what the fuck are people even talking about?
This is divide and conquer at its most detrimental.
I realize firsthand the suffering a person has to endure to step completely away from that grid and not be an indentured servant. I'm just getting back on my feet right now.
I refuse to take the opportunity to assert myself free from captivity lightly. I may have to die for my kids’ future, but I'm willing to do so.
We definitely don't do anything to serve our kids future if we allow the power mongers the opportunity to control us any longer.
K - My family are indentured servants now. I was an indentured servant before I left the cult. I lived through what exactly you are talking about. I am trying to make the best decision that I can.
I am against an American CBDC and it appears that Trump and Vance are against that as well. I know the surveillance state and CBDC with AI is the biggest threat to our futures.
It doesn't matter if Trump and JD Vance win and then get assassinated when they try to make a new currency. That will only inflame the crypto war to critical heat. The true enemy is the global banking, cartel and pharmaceutical and military industrial cartels who are stealing our futures. I am trying to make the best decision to disempower them and empower local economies and local militias. All that matters to me is getting pieces on the board that will slow down my enemy.
I have to maintain dogged focus on slowing down and eventually out competing my enemy.
Me - That's the thing K. They already did this. Twice. The most notable time was during World War II. Hitler was a patsy. So was JFK.
And yes, you're correct. Everyone, most Americans who haven’t taken that stand yet and removed themselves from their grid, is an indentured servant. I have been my entire life, unbeknownst to me. ?But today, give me equanimity and liberty or give me death.
When I speak now, I only speak from that perspective with all of our future’s in mind.
I like Robert F. Kennedy a lot too. He's had to live the trauma of real assassination attempts that were successful. His response to the staged attempt, which anybody who knows intelligence and how security details of that magnitude operate, knows it was staged. RFK knows it was staged. His response was the best and the most well thought out and compassionate under the circumstances.
RFK has chops to run this country and stand against the powers that be. That being said, if he If he were to run Democrat or Republican, in essence, play the game to achieve the office, then pivot on the people that got him the office, he'd be assassinated, and with ease. People don’t seem to realize that as long as we’re playing their game, it’ll always be stacked for them to win.? Always. I won’t vote for anyone choosing to play that game, thereby validating it as the way things are. ?I won't enable that. I won't vote for his death.
I won't vote for Trump's death either. If trumps intent is to stand against the powers that be once he gains power again, he's a dead man, as long as the RNC and DNC are still in power. If Trump is worth his weight and he sees the people moving in a direction outside of the two-party-regime and his goal really was to drain the swamp, he’ll recognize this as his only real opportunity to do so. Any candidate with a real desire and drive for change needs to disavow these two parties until the power monger have been put in check.
I'm not villainizing Trump. I don't think he's the guy by any stretch of the imagination, but that's neither here nor there. One doesn’t have to look further than Trump’s demeanor, his personality, his flip-flop fanaticism and use of propaganda to achieve power, to see that. He's nowhere near RFK.? But if he were to jump ship and show that his allegiance is not to the power mongers and he was the only one to take that stance, he might get my vote.
We can all justify how disgusting and dishonest this system has become by saying, that’s just the way it is, but we should take responsibility for how dishonest that statement is.? It’s not how it is.? It’s how we the people made it by buying into their fearmongering, their lies, the scraps they throw us promising a better life, yet for some reason it never seems to manifest.? One thing is absolutely true about the two-party-regime; Life has gotten progressively worse under their governance.? The land of dreams has become the land of nightmares. We can choose to dream lucid and make simple attempt to alter the course, or we can go along for the ride.?
Any government that would implement a draft from ages 18-36 has plans for the future, and we’re not included in them. Neither are our kids. I’m not going along for that ride, and I damn sure ain’t driving my kids there.
All we need is basic logic to ascertain, unequivocally, what we all know to be true; that it’s time for a change.? If you own a business and you had an employee whose work consistently sunk the company deeper into the hole, you fire them.? Plain and simple.? What you definitely don’t do is promote them with better pay and benefits, along with more unencumbered decision-making power for the company.
If the RNC puts Trump in power, Trump isn’t jumping ship.? He’s going to protect what is his at all costs. He owes a lot of favors globally to some pretty bad people. Repayment is going to come at our expense. Unfortunately, it's pretty apparent to me that he was in on the staged assassination attempt. That makes him part of the evil. I just wouldn’t be able to look at my kids and tell them that I care about their future knowing that I cast my vote to keep this machine in power.? The madness must stop, and only the people can stop it.
I think most people who get to that level of office and rise to power think they'll change it... and then they get into office. Then they realize what they're up against. Then they do what's best for their families and play the game and try to skate out unscathed. I can’t say I blame them.
We have to get rid of the two-party regime.? We know they hijacked our declaration, our constitution, and two most notable parties and created a system designed for perpetual conflict.? Divide and conquer.? This is fascism disguised by the illusion of choice.? What more do we need than that to not cast a vote for either one.?
To vote for anything but the two is by far the simplest and safest show of power we can exercise as a populous, but we don’t do it.? It’s like an abusive relationship.? They beat us in four-year cycles, promising to do better while campaigning, and we take them back every time, knowing they’re lying, while they’re laughing at us.? The beatings keep getting worse, and we keep taking them back, to the point where the talk of civil war, of killing family members, neighbors, etc., seems more logical to people than to just not fucking vote for them.? We’ve gone insane.
Have you ever noticed that they haven't allowed anybody who is unattached to the opinion of others, like John F. Kennedy, to get near that office ever since him. He had a family, but he wasn't so much of a family man. ?He was a known player. Known to be having affairs with Marilyn Monroe among others. People function differently in those power dynamics, and he never crumbled under the weight of the shame prison.? I’m not justifying his infidelity, but he had no problem standing in his fallibility.?
When you recognize your own humanness, you can see it clearly in others, and you only want the best for them.? When you validate the shame prison, you point fingers and create scapegoats. The former is a dangerous man to the banking cartels, the military industrial complex, big pharma and big insurance, each of which have grown exponentially at the allowance of the two-party regime.? Do we need more than that knowledge to not cast a vote for either of these parties until the corruption has been removed?? I don’t.
Somebody who can stand in their fallibility, despite all of the pressures that that office brings, is someone who recognizes that their works far outweigh their speech or any fa?ade of public perception. When a person’s contributions to humanity outweigh the instant gratification of public perception, there’s no weapon formed against them that will sway them from their purpose.? It’s very rare for a person like that to achieve power in modern politics.? After JFK, you can rest assured that they’ll never let it happen again.?
Donald J. Trump For President, Inc , the man, is the perfect patsy, equally loved and hated by the people, which gives plenty of motive, yet confusion around a successful assassination, should he go the route of, say Hitler, and start believing his rise to power was by his own volition, and start talking crazy talk like actually wanting to help the people by implementing unencumbered currency.? World War II was lost when Hitler’s supply chain was cut off.? Hiroshima didn’t need to be nuked, but what an excellent economic play that was.? The same players are the two-party regime.? Do we really need them to see another day in power?? That’s rhetorical.
As it pertains to Trump, on the flipside, the perception of his prized children and their lives are the only thing of true value to him.? I’d bet my life that he is far more controllable, than he becomes assassinatable.
So I digress, have you noticed that nobody remotely matching JFK’s character has come close to that office since? The powers that be know that using a man or a woman's children as pawns works, especially a man who vies for public perception instant gratification.? A man who allows propaganda to be his central campaign focus is the prefect puppet. Trump under the Republican nationalists is a puppet.? Nothing more, nothing less.? And he offers plenty of controversy for distraction away from real issues.
As long as they, the two-party regime, maintain power, their agenda will remain in effect, our civil liberties and income will be stripped, the corporations will become more and more abusive and allegiant to the spreadsheet and all humanness in AI will be superseded by numbers, thereby making humans expendable at best, a detriment at worst. The stories that we call prophecies in the bible are their fail-safe.? When the bubble bursts on their ponzi scheme, humans will call their annihilation Revelations, complacent in blind faith waiting for a savior to arrive, never realizing that, all along we were the only saviors we had.? And we did nothing.? In fact, we voted for it.
Nobody who rises to power at the behest of the two-party regime will make notable, long-lasting changes.? The powers that be know the psychology of these four year cycles like the back of their hands.? They are completely confident that anything me, you or anyone like us is saying in regard to the removing of their power will be viewed as the incoherent rumblings of a crazy person.? Because of that, we have a real opportunity right now that we may never have again; to exercise the power of the people without violence, virtually and in plain view.? Nothing covert, no physical protests, no attacks, just matter of fact pragmatism and a show of? unified dissidence with solutions in tow, for the people, by the people.
If we pull this off, it would become the greatest humanitarian effort the globe has known in our observable history, and is easily globally for populations with the willpower to do it..? That’s what this could be brother.? We have to get the power mongers out, non-violently, with the only show of power that can have any long-lasting effect; Our allegiance to our own humanity through one another.
?Let me know if the test and poll I’m speaking of is possible in this short amount of time.? I know you have the tech for it, but I imagine infrastructure could be an obstacle.? Unless we bring Elon Musk Tesla Automotive Inc in.? Just sayin…
6 个月 teach children political vocabulary in humorous way