Wind in Open and Closed Systems
John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes [θ?λει?(thelei) - To will, wish, desire, be willing, intend, design.], and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Aramaic Bible in Plain English [Glenn David Bauscher]
John 3:8 "The Spirit [RUKHA - breath or wind - the understanding here is that the breath of our body and the wind of nature, is one combined - polymorphic - entity - and this is implied as our connection to God as spirit] breathes where he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where he comes and where he goes [RUKHA is independent and free = not encumbered by a script]; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.”
From: Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages.; -
By the talking heads concept - the mind is capable of switching languages depending on the nationality of talking heads in the room or vicinity. We all can do this if we live in a culture of, or commonly experience groups that are of, different languages.
Jesus, when growing up, would experience a cacophony of different talking heads in the nearby cosmopolitan city like Capernaum. He probably knew Aramaic, Greek, Hebrew, and maybe some Latin. There could have been a common (or perhaps several common) pidgin or cajun language(s) that were used for mixed groups being present. Living and growing up there, he would be privy to understanding much of this cacophony.
That is why the young man in Trinidad switched to cajun when he gave his story. There were many languages in the group and he intuitively wanted everyone to understand. Our problem was that we did not live or grow up there and only understood English.
It is under Harmonics that the wind does blow where it decides to blow. That means it is independent of a strict "Newtonian" cause and effect. We all actually recognize that but might not like it because it means God throws dice. The meaningfulness of the free will of the wind is enhanced by the fact that even though the winds movement is probabilistic, the actual choices of the wind are affected by constraints of the system. But the input and output is still both probability distributions.
The Harmonics of Wind Acts Like Tall Buildings (and Canyon Walls) are Attractors
Originally Published on April 16, 2019
The "attraction" is not a force but rather a change in the distribution course of the air [wind] due to a constraint - the tall building (or canyon walls). This is like wind in a narrow canyon (like Oahu's Palolo) with tall almost straight up walls (like a building). The walls constrain the wind like it is "attracted" to the surfaces. There is no real attraction as the constraint causes the wind to bend [by harmonics] to the presence of the constraint - and look "like" attraction.
Ground Effect Harmonic "Attractor" (the Solution to the Schroedinger Equation)
The tall building in the center of the background is on Date. It just happens to be close to the path of wind from Palolo Valley to Liliuokalani Ave. When Palolo winds are active, they most often appear to pass by to the right and close to this Date Street building (as a Harmonic Constraint) and head down Liliuokalani (our building is also tall and also acts as a Harmonic Constraint). We can feel the strength of this wind when we are walking on Liliuokalani. We also often hear the wind - it sounds like a blizzard. The building on Date is obviously the only large building in the area. This is a key to its effect on winds.
Amazing Grace Cherokee Version +?
Wind in Open and Closed Systems
From the Ala Wai Canal to Palolo Valley
Large Date Street Building - a Lone Large Building has a Large Effect on the Wind
Note the fact that you can see a house or building (including the large building on Date) in this picture means that house has a good view of Waikiki. You will pay for that.
Waikiki Map with Highlights
This is our neighborhood in Waikiki. Walina is an important street to us - along with Liliuokalani - because we walked down Liliuokalani to get to Kuhio and then walked over to the Food Pantry (the red X) to get groceries. Then we went back up Walina to the Ala Wai Canal to walk home.
Most days the Palolo winds were blowing down Liliuokalani but many days there would be no wind on Liliuokalani but, often instead, a strong wind would be blowing down Walina. There is about four blocks between the two streets and the wind does not seem to choose any intermediate routes - just Liliuokalani or Walina.?There are two constraint factors that affect this: the large (and tall) building on Date St. that could make the Palolo wind choose sides of that building based on trade winds at that moment; and the area along the Ala Wai between our building and the building just past Walina has a lot of (mostly) short buildings (many are only 2 and 3 stories) [and mostly golf course on the other side of the canal]. I call it an Inter-nodal Region, since it appears, because there are no strong constraints (large, particularly tall, buildings), the wind “waves” form short periods of amplification with lots of nodes. I can see this in the fact that there is little wave patterns on the Ala Wai which shows up on the Canal surface being a mirror, which then shows large areas of mirror-like reflections (the surface is flat). These mirror areas of no waves on the Canal is why I call this inter-nodal. Sometimes the non wave area is more or less in the center of the Canal. This is because the sides (as constraints) of the canal produce enough of a wind effect to have some wave action near the edges of the Canal but these are not strong enough to affect the whole width of the Canal.
Note: with open systems (like in this wind example) the constraints seem to create a (one) unique path for the harmonic process. The actual path could change (a Harmonic Leap) with other contexts, like Trade Winds changing (perhaps, also, you could have two or a few harmonics active, which depends on the energy available). With closed systems the constraints develop a set of solutions that could be called harmonics, theme and variations, or eigenfunctions, like an organ pipe. In a closed system, all or most, of the solutions are present at all times.
The waves on the water are harmonic in nature as the waves show quite complex patterns consistent with “harmonic” overtones.. From normal observation, these waves could never be considered simple “geometric sin” waves. The local production of these waves is a closed system (locally closed system). That seems to be due to the internal cyclic behavior of the waveform itself in water. One result of this is swells vs waves. But then swells are ultimately beyond a local system.
My process of analysis and development in these articles on various subjects are described here: Book Writing Philosophy That is the impetus for the development of archaeological layering and ultimately formation data context. The goal is to discover algorithms in various (any) system. Algorithms [eigenfunctions defined by the Schroedinger equation] in parallel with constraints [the constraints coax the algorithms from a probability distribution] are the building blocks of the universe.
A Clash of Winds Produces a Clash of Waves
Video of Crossing Winds (note the strong sound of the wind in the video - this is the sound of the notorious Palolo Wind when it is strong)
This video shows crossing waves that are reflecting the crossing winds above the water. There is a Michigan Avenue effect here from the relatively tall buildings along the Ala Wai Boulevard. The right to left cross wind in this video is the result of a strong trade wind acting harmonically in a probability distribution of trade winds, constrained by the height of the buildings along the Ala Wai.The harmonic effect is similar but here much stronger in the up and down direction in the video, which is coming from the mountain pass [sometimes called the Chinook Winds] from Palolo Valley. This produces wave patterns on the water that reflect the conditions of the harmonics in the air above the water.
The waves moving right to left in the video are reflecting the Chinook effect winds from the row of buildings that follow the Ala Wai Canal like the row of building along Michigan Avenue in Chicago. The effect is also referred as ground effect - a large surface will change the wind flow pattern near it. This also allows Eagle to soar near the edge of bluffs [the Eagles wings are showing the ground effect considerations while soaring].
The vertical (cross wides) wind here (up and down in the video) is caused by a Chinook effect (the probability distribution algorithms {eigenfunctions} of gusty winds constrained by the height of Palolo Valley walls) through Palolo Valley that is just mauka of us in the Koolau Mountains. The wind is very strong in both [right to left and downward in the video] directions this day and the vertical wind is headed from here [straight] down Liliuokalani Avenue; see the red arrow on the second and third map below.
Palolo Valley and the Ala Wai Canal (the?border of Waikiki)
The video of wind caused waves, above, is pointed approximately at the East edge of the 18th green of the Ala Wai Golf Course. The Rainbow is a bonus (the Rainbow could not be here when the Palolo Valley winds are as strong as in the video).
The picture is of the golf course with a large rainbow from a mist in the foothills.
The video I showed (above) is taken in the Direction towards the Arrow (Palolo Wind Direction) from the boulevard side of the Canal but only Captures the Canal itself [pointing towards the edge of the 18th green].
Another View of the Scene (For the video I was Standing on the Bank Opposite the Golf Course, about where the arrow Meets that Side of the Ala Wai)
The two wave patterns cross. Note there is some special action at the the exact center of the crossing point for each crossing wave. I cannot explain this without more detailed study. But at this point, with Newtonian logic, the waves should cancel each other. Both waves are using the same molecules to produce the wave. But under the harmonic processes involved here we have both waves continuing after crossing with very little change. My take on this is that this is an example of harmonic tunneling.
An Alternate route for the Palolo Winds
Walina is an important street to us - along with Liliuokalani - because we walked down Liliuokalani to get to Kuhio and then walked over to the Food Pantry [the red X marks the entrance to the Food Pantry] to get groceries. Then we went back up Walina to the Ala Wai Canal to walk home. A nice walk.
The Grocery Store Loop (Red X Marks the Food Pantry Entrance)
Most days the Palolo Winds [there are some days when there are no Palolo Winds - that is when the Trade Winds are more from a South Eastern direction] are blowing down Liliuokalani but many days, when there is a Palolo Wind [but not on Liliuokalani], there would be no wind on Liliuokalani but, instead, a strong wind would be blowing down Walina. There is about four blocks between the two streets and the wind does not seem to choose any intermediate routes - just chooses between Liliuokalani and Walina.?There are two constraint factors that affect this: the large (and tall) building on Date St. that could make the Palolo Wind choose sides of that building based on Trade Winds at that moment; or the fact that the area along the Ala Wai between our building and the building just past Walina has a lot of (mostly) short buildings (many are only 2 and 3 stories). I call it an Inter-nodal Region, since it appears, because there are no strong constraints (large, particularly tall, buildings), the wind “waves” form short periods of amplification with lots of weak nodes. I can see this in the fact that there is little or no wave patterns on the Ala Wai in this area, which shows up on the Canal surface as large areas of mirror-like reflections (i.e. the surface is flat). These mirror areas of no waves on the Canal is why I call this inter-nodal. Sometimes the non wave area is more or less in the center of the Canal. This is because the sides (as constraints) of the canal produce enough of a wind effect to have some wave action near the edges of the Canal but these are not strong enough to affect the whole width of the Canal.
Most days, when there are Palolo Winds, the wind goes down Liliuokalani Avenue. But some days there is no wind on Liliuokalani, instead, if there is a wind from Palolo, the Palolo Wind is going down Walina Street. I refer to this as Harmonic shift or leap like a quantum shift or leap. This kind of large shifting from small changes appears to be the cause of gusty winds in urban areas [especially with the Michigan Avenue effect in Chicago].
Note: with open systems (like in this wind example) the constraints seem to create a (one) unique (present) path for the harmonic process. The actual path could change (a Harmonic Leap) with other contexts, like Trade Winds, changing [perhaps you could have two or a few different harmonics active depending on the energy available]. The main constraints are the size (height) of the buildings (i.e. similar to the height of the valley walls).
With?closed systems the constraints develop a set of solutions that could be called harmonics, theme and variations, or eigenfunctions, like an organ pipe.?Then, under closed conditions, all (or most) of the solutions are present at all times. This is what changes the characteristics of a hurricane in comparison to a tropical low. On closing, the storm demonstrates all kinds of additional eigenfunctions [like it were magic].
My process of analysis and development of these articles are described here:?Book Writing Philosophy
Ground Effect Harmonic "Attractor"
Here thus is a graph of a wave equations that determine the flow of moving air (molecules). (This is not the same as stationary waves in water [or swells].) The constraints cause the air motion to follow a path that is harmonically predictable [harmonically predictable still means it remains a probability distribution]. There are nodes of canyon walls, tall buildings, the ground, or of eagles wings to inform the wave equation. Here the wind appears to be attracted to a node because the probability distribution of the harmonics, here, makes it more probable, under these constraints, to be located [or better passing by] near the node.
The emphasis needs to be on the fact that these activities are part of a population distribution. The statistically driven results for such populations follow the rules of large numbers [harmonics is truly statistically driven - harmonics is the recognition of statistical properties that have always been there]. The rule of large numbers is my first line of proof of the degrees of freedom uncertainty rule. The rule of large numbers is like the photographic negative of the degrees of freedom uncertainty principle. They are the same rule but two sides of that coin.
The Gedanken Experiment failures of proposals to accomplish the Maxwell's demon process extend this line of proof. The point is that you cannot pick out one molecule in a large population of molecules. Extending that kogic further, ihe demon action assumes you can easily set aside a very small number of molecules in order to override the entropy rule of large numbers. They assume in the Gedanken Experiment that something like the rule of large numbers is true because it looks like [and it is] true. You can visualize this issue [the degrees of freedom uncertainty rule] here [Brillouin does a lot of characterization of this without developing any specific proof].
As entropy rules are statistical they don't apply to small numbers of molecules. Entropy does not apply to small groups of molecules. But you never have a small number of molecules. A drop of rain has quizzillions. Saying it more accurately entropy rules are subject to the rule of large numbers. The "easily set aside a small number of molecules" is the killer of Maxwell's demons. And the uncertainty rule specifically limits or destroys the ability of Newtonian processes to predict the result of a process for "large" populations. The populations processes [including harmonics] are guided by the rules for "large" populations and not by the equal and opposite reaction rule for extremely small populations. We trade basis for how we know and what we know as the population proceeds toward large numbers..
These same statistical factors [that the resulting system is a probability distribution, and not just an object, so the result cannot be traced to an action/reaction process because we are working with distributions and not singular objects and properties] are what makes wave mechanical rules [harmonics included] cause populations and processes to have characteristics of a rainbow rather than being something like solid objects. See: Making a Rainbow And: Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
All this is describing things from the Copenhagen School view; as they apply wave mechanics to the physical level.
Open or Closed Wind Systems
Accept in a closed canyon (that is mostly closed) [Palolo Valley] wind is an open system. Should we consider a dense city with many - many large buildings (like Waikiki) a closed system; acting somewhat like a canyon? It may depend on specifics in defining the equations.
The Ala Wai Canal as the edge of Waikiki. From:?
The golf course, and golf course parking, to the right of the canal. Our building is the [tall] tan building about half the way down [in the picture's perspective] which is across the Ala Wai from the first green visible here [which is the last green on the golf course - the 18th].
The wall of condos causes the wind [Trade Winds and sometimes Kona Winds] to be funneled down the Ala Wai Canal towards downtown. [This is similar to the Michigan Avenue affect,] The Palolo Valley [chinook] wind crosses this wind flow, or may turn and join it, near where the picture below was taken [the specific wind directions depend on different issues, related to the force and specific direction of each wind].
Inter-Nodal Areas
I have, also, found what I call inter-nodal urban areas. In such city areas the wind is “very low” because there are too many quite small buildings (1 to 3 stories) together, and there are no really tall buildings nearby. There, the wind is just not “attracted” to anything special [no special nodes]; so the wind is not as apparent. Any significant wind and the surface of the Ala Wai, below. would be rippled and the mirror disrupted.
Note: The Ala Wai is like a mirror, here, and for now
This is in an inter-nodal area of smaller buildings on the Waikiki side. The larger buildings, on the golf course side, are a couple of blocks away - on University Avenue.
08/22/2021 - Enough loss of closed-ness of a quantum system from physical systems activities and all quantum eigenfunctions can be voided by the system becoming an open system and there, and then, no or a minimum of quantum eigenfunction activities can occur [the collapse of the eigenfunctions]
Discussion About Gravity
Ground Effect Harmonic "Attractor"
Harmonic Attrector? Is gravity explainable by harmonic considerations - could it be a probability distribution curve that dissipates slowly and evenly over distance? Anything that has mass would be a node. Solidly positioned masses will feel the attempt to draw them to the other mass; while unattached masses will be drawn by some not yet defined wave equation based on some not yet defined constraint that is a rule of all the universe. The Degrees of Freedom Uncertainty would be based on the fact that everything in the universe is part of the system involved.
Gravity would also be a definite "einander" process since both masses would exert the same influence on the other.
Suggested Gravity Harmonic Solution
The graph shown here is just a suggested type of wave equation solution that might explain how gravity could be the result of harmonics. This implies a harmonic solution to gravity - the questions about how, and why.
My answer to Einstein on gravity is that his solutions to these issues are more like hunting for Robin Hood’s barn. The use of Harmonics processes is a much simpler way to explain of a lot of physical things; and gravity problems are certainly part of those. Occam’s Razor is always on the side of Harmonics for this kind of problem. You must also recognize that Newton Only does not explain how gravity works, only that it exists.
Harmonics has a different approach as there are probability distribution of various kinds and constraints on those systems. Some of those constraints are "universal" like being in the basic dimensions everything else is in. Other constraints are local and even some are specialized for the system. That light is affected by gravity (or some other issue in the mix) looks like the distribution of light in a slit experiment. There is no reason why a "particle" of light would be refracted from going near a solid surface of the slit. The prime explanation is that light, as much as it acts like a particle when involved in a direct hit on a physical object, is actually a probability distribution as some kind of wave (in 3 dimensions). We don't need to go around Robin Hood's barn. The answers we seek are based on the Copenhagen School thinking and not relativity. Sorry - God does throw dice.
How does it go? I shoot my arrow in the air and if it hits Robin Hood's barn, then space-time becomes bent. So then gravity becomes a lens. The bends in space-time does that to gravity. I am waiting for that lens so I can put my frozen dinner under the lens and cook it. Then I am saving money and saving the world from global warming; all at the same time! I think the Harmonic solutions pass the Occam's Razor test with flying colors; rainbow colors.
We want to describe things from the Copenhagen School view as it applies wave mechanics to the physical level. The processes of Harmonics are probabilistic and are not "Newtonian" determinism. The ultimate actors at this level are molecules. In the Harmonic world - which we live in; whether we want to or not - that world is not coming to an end because of probabilities in everything. The probabilities combined with the limited but often infinite set of solutions to most Harmonic problems guarantee meaningful results. This set of solutions (eigenfunctions) provides the probabilities in such a way that natural solutions will involve pattern or patterns, which equals meaning.
The Harmonic universe is an intelligent universe. The Newton Only universe cannot possibly be intelligent. It is ultimately the intelligence of an East Germany that forces everyone to think exactly alike. Isn't that the goal of our present education system?
My process of analysis and development of these articles are described here:?Book Writing Philosophy
See also:?Harmonics and Weather.
A Florida Hurricane Loop, Showing Harmonic Processes in the Rainbands
The rainbands go up and the rainbands go down; but they seem to be making sense of it all.
NWS Melbourne Storm Surveys
Spiral Galaxy
Now, that has to be Harmonics. Other solutions, to such pictures, sound a lot like hunting for Robin Hood's barn. See: Dark Matter
This is My Father's World
Swell Swells of Hawaii
Palm fronds swaying in the breeze.
See also: Harmonics of Nature Website.
And: Harmonics of Nature Book.
Return to: Wind as an Open System,
You are loved by Da Big Guy, Da Boss.
This Light of Mine
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