The Sustainable Rural Development Program (SRD/GIZ) works with businesses and the government to increase competitiveness and raise income in the rural areas of Albania. Together, we establish innovations in agriculture and rural tourism, scale them in the market and build a strong enabling environment. We focus on vegetables, fruits, dairy, and medicinal plants in agricultural value chains, and promote outdoor sports, agritourism, and destination management in rural tourism. We do this in the context of EU accession, promoting green growth, fostering digitization, and advancing diversity. In cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, SRD II is implemented by GIZ, on behalf of the German Government and co-financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation, between 2023 and 2026.
The GIZ Office Tirana invites registered companies/individuals with technical expertise in fruit sector, to express their interest in participating in the tender procedure for implementation of “Support the piloting and upscaling of Fruit interventions in Kukes, Diber and other regions of Albania” for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) II Program.
Registered companies and registered individuals with:
1)??? At least 10 years of experience in piloting interventions on fruits value chains
2)??? Expertise in training farmers and workshop development in the fruit sector.
3)??? Experience in developing policy papers in the agriculture sector.
4)??? At least 1 reference project in monitoring of pilots in fruit value chain in Albania in the last 5 years.
5)??? Financial Capability: Interested parties must demonstrate an average annual turnover of at least 10,000 EUR for the last three financial years
All legal entities interested in the application process should ask for the Expression of Interest ref. no. 83469134 to the address: [email protected], latest by 19.07.2024.
The due date for submitting the application (Expression of interest and CV ) is 26.07.2024.
The documents should be submitted in pdf format via e-mail to [email protected] with subject “83469134 – Application for prequalification: “Support the piloting and upscaling of Fruit interventions in Kukes, Diber and other regions of Albania
After the due date for submitting Expression of interest and CV, the process of prequalification will follow. The submitted CVs will be evaluated, and only prequalified candidates will be invited to answer to the bid. All written communication for this procedure and the following successful ones must be in English.