An open burning of my dead body will be the best sacrifice during a national confessing ceremony to erase all our collective shames and sins.
Dear Comrades,
1. Revolution days were over and our missions had been reached in 1949; knowingly and unknowingly; CCP had done lots cruel and rude things between 1949-1976 and caused over 80+ millions domestic killings; that's a big shame and anti-humanity sins in human history.
2. After adapted Bolshevik Socialism and then Western Capitalism; we now have completed most wishful plans of Dr. Sun Yet-San (who is the Father of ROC and the Granduncle of PRC; and his wife Song Qian-Lin is the Mother of PRC).
3. The unfinish business is to sustain and glorify Chinese Civilization; if CCP can.
4. As the (psychopath) leader of CCP and the Father of PRC; I sincerely believe that an open burning (or removing from Tiananmen Square) of my dead body will be the best sacrifice during a true national confessing ceremony to erase all our collective shames and sins; to cut the bond of our rascal/cult spirits off from those of Devil/Satan/Lenin/Stalin; and to remove all nightmares within minds of all Chinese people. In other words, this collective confession is able to set my twisted soul free as well as bring back self-respect and confidence of all Chinese.
5. The "3rd-Generation Analytical Philosopher and Lead Maker"* is so right that to build future modern China, we don't need more revolutions but indeed require continuous mutations in order to sustain and further polish Sino-Civilization; if CCP still can.
Actually in general, these Overseas Chinese (who're born since 1937 after war with Japan started in China; raised in Taiwan/Hong-Kong/Macau/Singapore; and then further trained/working in North America and Europe) are really the best Chinese Elites ever in whole 2800+ years Chinese History.
They'll greatly inspire and facilitate the progressions of future Chinese Civilization; and make my (Mao's) dead body rest in no peace in that glass coffin at Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
Compared to them, current CCP members in Mainland are as low as mud (i.e. Tu-Bao-Zi/Lan-Nee/Hillbilly), cults, and gangsters.
PS: Have to speed up this "to confess to become a Buddha" operation sooner; because I'm afraid of that next enlightened 4th- and fifth-generations of Chinese elitists will not let me get away so easily again; and they will not allow my pickled dead body lying down in this glass-coffin anymore longer at Tiananmen Square. Anyway, I don't deserve. After all, I'm at most a passionate, down-to-the-earth, tricky revolutionist plus a political cult; you guys will all end up trapped into muddy swamp if CCP follow me too close and too long.
Dr. John Lee (Retired Industry Engineering Chemist, Part-Time Political Historian, Analytical Philosopher, Elitists Maker, plus Organization and Religion Optimizer)
Retiree / Stock Holder / Thinker / Fixer / Organization & Religion Optimizers / Philosopher / Writer / Lead Maker
9 个月5. The "3rd-Generation Analytical Philosopher and Lead Maker"* is so right that to build future modern China, we don't need more revolutions but indeed require continuous mutations in order to sustain and further polish Sino-Civilization; if CCP still can. * Actually these Overseas Chinese (who're born after 1937 after war with Japan in China, raised in Taiwan/Hong-Kong/Macau, and then trained/worked in USA and Europe) are really the best Chinese Elites ever in whole 2800+ Chinese History; compared to them, we CCP members are as low as mud (Tu-Bao-Zi). Listen to them as much as you can.
Retiree / Stock Holder / Thinker / Fixer / Organization & Religion Optimizers / Philosopher / Writer / Lead Maker
10 个月4. As the (psychopath) leader of CCP and Father of PRC; I sincerely believe that an open burning of my dead body will be the best sacrifice during a truly national confessing ceremony to erase all our collective shames and sins; cut the bond of our rascal/cult spirits with those of Devil/Satan; and remove all these nightmares within minds of all Chinese people. In other words, this collective confession is able to set my soul free as well as bring back self-respect and confidence of all Chinese.