OPINION: Re-imagining Cultural Tourism - The potential of urban cultural tourism.

OPINION: Re-imagining Cultural Tourism - The potential of urban cultural tourism.

Tourism has the potential to be a major driver of economic growth in developing countries. However, research shows that only 3-5% of income generated through tourism stays within the continent of Africa due to several factors. One major reason is that tourism in Africa is currently more alike than different, with homogenous offerings that center around safaris and eco-tourism resulting in tourists travelling elsewhere. In addition, the industry is not evolving and reflecting the present-day society, nor is it meeting the educational or entertainment needs of cultural tourists. Furthermore, Africa still lacks the necessary infrastructure and ICT advancements to fully harness the industry's potential, coupled by ?lack of collaboration between policy makers and other key stakeholders.

However, re-imagining cultural tourism could help to address these challenges. Cultural tourism is critical to the tourism industry, with 40% of the annual global GDP contribution of tourism ($8.9 trillion) being directly linked to cultural tourism.[1] Cultural tourism encapsulates the essence of a people, promoting uniqueness and authenticity. It also contributes to cross-cultural education, helping to conserve culture and address stereotypes and misrepresentations of indigenous cultures. Cultural tourism is people-centred and community-inclusive. Therefore, investing in cultural tourism in African cities could be a game-changer for the tourism industry in the region. It would diversify tour experience and promote sustainable development, expand the global representation of Africa to a more contemporary and modern experience, and attract a broader range of tourists. Culture is people-centered and open to individuals, youth, and others, making it an excellent opportunity for social and economic development.

Moreover, investing in cultural tourism in cities has additional benefits for residents and the cities themselves. Cultural investment enables well-being, innovation, and even economic growth, making cities more liveable.[2] Prior to the Covid 19 pandemic, it was estimated that the cultural and creative industries generated US$2,250 billion in revenue, supported 29.5 million jobs, and employed approximately 1% of the world's active population.[3]

At Andani.Africa we believe in the power of the creative industries to drive development. We also believe that there is merit in re-imagining cultural tourism in African cities as this is essential for diversifying the tourism industry, promoting sustainable development,????attracting a broader range of tourists while positioning the continent as a hub for creativity and innovation.????Furthermore, investing in urban cultural tourism has additional benefits for residents and the cities themselves, enabling well-being, innovation, and economic growth.[4]

With the right investments and collaborations between stakeholders, the tourism industry in Africa can reach its full potential and contribute to the economic growth and well-being of the region.

[1] https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/cutting-edge-bringing-cultural-tourism-back-game

[2] https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000377427

[3] Ibid.page 10




