OPAL STAR Pavilion highlights Certified Institutes in Oil and Gas Sector at GHEDEX2022

OPAL STAR Pavilion highlights Certified Institutes in Oil and Gas Sector at GHEDEX2022

Oman Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL) is the first society in Oman’s petroleum industry to be officially approved and registered in the Sultanate of Oman under regulations governing the formation of societies with the Ministry of Social Development.?

It serves as a single place to promote competence and professionalism with the goal of enhancing the standards of the Oman Petroleum Industry to become world-class, internationally competitive, and optimize industry resources.

At the request of the operating companies, the OPAL STAR Provider was launched in 2017 to promote standards and quality in the private and public training providers who provide services to the oil and gas sector. The OPAL STAR Provider Standard creates a level playing field for training providers as well as provides quality assurance to employing companies.

Khalid Al Siyabi, Quality Mark Manager at OPAL, said: "OPAL noticed that a lot of students go to vocational institutes after graduation to get technical and vocational skills as there is a gap between the academic qualifications and the requirements of the job market." Therefore, OPAL worked closely with the Ministry of Labor to unify some of the skills required for the oil and gas sector to help employees and employers as well.

The OPAL Star Pavilion at TRAINEX - Technical & Vocational Education Exhibition which is a part of GHEDEX - Global Higher Education Exhibition will highlight many among the 51 certified institutes in the oil and gas sector on March 27-29 at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Center. This initiative will result in creating employment ready graduates and certificate holders, which contributes significantly to Oman Vision2040.



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