Op-ed: The need to combat homogenous landscapes and embrace the local context 专æ :对抗趋åŒæ™¯è§‚并èžå…¥å½“地环境的必è¦æ€§
丹米尔 éœå¯†æ–¯ Damian Holmes
Founder & Editor - World Landscape Architecture (WLA)
Op-ed: The need to combat homogenous landscapes and embrace the local context
专æ :对抗趋åŒæ™¯è§‚并èžå…¥å½“地环境的必è¦æ€§
Over the past two decades, landscape architecture has grown in importance and stature across the world. More and more landscape architects are taking on projects in their local areas and abroad. However, over the same period, we have seen an increase in the design of spaces that are homogenous, with many designs imitating or drawing upon ideas that are not suited to the site or place.
This trend may reflect globalisation, a greater connected internet world, or simply the proliferation of ideas through Pinterest and Instagram. It may also be that clients and designers often being attracted to the bright new shiny trend. However, trends have existed from the dawn of the profession, from plant collections to arboretums to follies to conservatoriums to city gateways to reusing railway viaducts (in no particular order). These are not the disturbing trends; what troubles me is that there seems to become a palette of programs, functions, materials, water features, public art, lighting and super graphics that are applied as a toolkit on any site across the world without reference or understanding of the site context and culture. I (and others) often refer to this trend or typology as the?international design style.
è¿™ç§è¶‹åŠ¿å¯èƒ½åæ˜ äº†å…¨çƒåŒ–ã€æ›´ç´§å¯†çš„互è”网世界,或者仅仅是设计想法通过 Pinterest å’Œ Instagram çš„ä¼ æ’。 也å¯èƒ½æ˜¯å®¢æˆ·å’Œè®¾è®¡å¸ˆç»å¸¸è¢«å…‰é²œäº®ä¸½çš„æ–°æ½®æµæ‰€å¸å¼•ã€‚ 然而,这些趋势从景观建ç‘行业的åˆæœŸå°±å·²ç»å˜åœ¨ï¼Œä»Žæ¤ç‰©æ”¶è—到æ¤ç‰©å›ï¼Œä»Žå¤å…¸èŠ±å›å»ºç‘到音ä¹å¦é™¢ï¼Œå†åˆ°åŸŽå¸‚门户,å†åˆ°é“路高架桥的å†åˆ©ç”¨ï¼ˆæŽ’åä¸åˆ†å…ˆåŽï¼‰ã€‚ 这些ä¸æ˜¯ä»¤äººä¸å®‰çš„趋势; 令我困扰的是,似乎有一个包å«ç¨‹åºã€åŠŸèƒ½ã€ææ–™ã€æ°´æ™¯ã€å…¬å…±è‰ºæœ¯ã€ç…§æ˜Žå’Œå‡ 何图形的调色æ¿ï¼Œå®ƒä»¬ä½œä¸ºå·¥å…·åŒ…应用在世界å„åœ°çš„ä»»ä½•åœºåœ°ä¸Šï¼Œè€Œæ— éœ€å‚考或ç†è§£åœºåœ°çš„环境和文化。 我(和其他人)ç»å¸¸å°†è¿™ç§è¶‹åŠ¿æˆ–ç±»åž‹ç§°ä¸ºå›½é™…è®¾è®¡é£Žæ ¼ã€‚
In recent times (before COVID), I had travelled to projects in China, the USA, and Australia. Upon entering the space and then closing my eyes, clearing my mind of the urban context and opening my eyes, I was hard-pressed to determine the location (city or suburb) I was standing in. This is a disturbing trend that is driven by many factors.
æœ€è¿‘ï¼ˆåœ¨æ–°å† ç–«æƒ…ä¹‹å‰ï¼‰ï¼Œæˆ‘去å‚观了ä¸å›½ã€ç¾Žå›½å’Œæ¾³å¤§åˆ©äºšçš„项目。 进入这些空间,é—上眼ç›ï¼Œæ¸…除脑ä¸çš„城市环境,ç开眼ç›ï¼Œæˆ‘很难确定自己所处的ä½ç½®ï¼ˆåŸŽå¸‚æˆ–éƒŠåŒºï¼‰ã€‚è¿™æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªç”±å¾ˆå¤šå› ç´ äº§ç”Ÿçš„ï¼Œä»¤äººä¸å®‰çš„趋势。
Some may say that homogenous landscape design only occurs in residential and commercial landscapes due to short-term trends and global development companies creating projects across various geographic regions and their need to create international brands and experiences. This may be true; however, we seeing this aesthetic (palette) extend beyond commercial landscapes into the public spaces due to designers and clients drawing inspiration from the same design palette.
有人å¯èƒ½ä¼šè¯´ï¼Œç”±äºŽçŸæœŸè¶‹åŠ¿å’Œè·¨å›½å¼€å‘å…¬å¸åœ¨ä¸åŒåœ°ç†åŒºåŸŸåˆ›å»ºé¡¹ç›®ä»¥åŠä»–们创建国际å“牌和体验的需求,åŒè´¨åŒ–景观设计åªå‡ºçŽ°åœ¨ä½å®…和商业景观ä¸ã€‚ è¿™å¯èƒ½æ˜¯å¯¹çš„ï¼› 然而,由于设计师和客户从相åŒçš„设计调色æ¿ä¸æ±²å–çµæ„Ÿï¼Œæˆ‘们看到这ç§ç¾Žå¦ï¼ˆè°ƒè‰²æ¿ï¼‰ä»Žå•†ä¸šæ™¯è§‚延伸到了公共空间。
The?international design style?palette often includes clean lines and surfaces, three shades of grey, terraced landscapes, water play features, clipped evergreen shrubs, perennial meadows (not local species), supergraphics, and mural art. Sometimes these are placed all together or two elements to create the design. Over time, each new design is a pastiche (imitation) of the previous version.
å›½é™…è®¾è®¡é£Žæ ¼çš„è°ƒè‰²æ¿é€šå¸¸åŒ…括干净的线æ¡å’Œè¡¨é¢ã€ä¸‰ç§ç°è‰²é˜´å½±ã€æ¢¯ç”°æ™¯è§‚ã€æ°´ä¸Šæ¸¸ä¹è®¾æ–½ã€ä»”细修剪的常绿çŒæœ¨ã€å¤šå¹´ç”Ÿè‰åœ°ï¼ˆå¹¶ä¸æ˜¯å½“地物ç§ï¼‰ã€å‡ 何图形和å£ç”»è‰ºæœ¯ã€‚ 有时它们被糅æ‚在一起,或两个一起使用。 éšç€æ—¶é—´çš„推移,æ¯ä¸ªæ–°è®¾è®¡éƒ½æ˜¯å…ˆå‰ç‰ˆæœ¬çš„仿制å“。
There is a need to combat this trend and embrace site context, including the local environment, culture, topography, issues, materials and ideas. The “international design style†needs to be put to the side, and we as designers need to use our design skills and abilities to draw inspiration from the site context. The local landscape and people can provide learnings about the site and its context that you cannot ascertain during a single site visit. The people of the area have years of experience and knowledge. Local knowledge is not limited to the people connected to the site (or attend consultation), but also those in local institutions, organisations and governments.
我们有必è¦ä¸Žè¿™ç§è¶‹åŠ¿ä½œæ–—争并èžå…¥åœºåœ°çŽ¯å¢ƒï¼ŒåŒ…括当地环境ã€æ–‡åŒ–ã€åœ°å½¢ã€é—®é¢˜ã€æ料和想法。 â€œå›½é™…è®¾è®¡é£Žæ ¼â€ éœ€è¦è¢«æ置一æ—,作为设计师的我们需è¦è¿ç”¨è‡ªå·±çš„设计技巧和能力,从场地文脉ä¸æ±²å–çµæ„Ÿã€‚ 当地的环境和人å¯ä»¥æ供有关场地åŠå…¶èƒŒæ™¯çš„ä¿¡æ¯ï¼Œè€Œè¿™äº›ä¿¡æ¯æ˜¯åœ¨ä»…一次的实地考察ä¸æ— 法被摸é€çš„。当地的居民拥有多年的ç»éªŒå’ŒçŸ¥è¯†ã€‚本土知识ä¸ä»…é™äºŽä¸Žåœºåœ°ç›¸å…³ï¼ˆæˆ–å‚åŠ å’¨è¯¢ï¼‰çš„äººå‘˜ï¼Œè¿˜åŒ…æ‹¬å½“åœ°æœºæž„ã€ç»„织和政府人员。
We now have the ability through the internet to draw upon the vast amounts of contextual information complemented with the insider knowledge of the local people. However, this should be used as a starting point, and there is no excuse for not seeking out information and drawing upon local knowledge through consultation.
我们现在有能力通过互è”网获得大é‡çš„当地信æ¯ä»¥åŠå½“地人的内部知识。 但是,这应该作为一个起点,并且我们没有任何借å£ä¸åŽ»å¯»æ‰¾å’Œå’¨è¯¢å½“地知识æ¥å¸®åŠ©æˆ‘们设计。
Some may say that this assertion limits the ability of designers to create inspiring designs or that the local ideas, materials or plant palettes are too limited and don’t suit the client’s needs. The challenge is to use what is available to create locally inspired design and question your design narrative and intent. Is an international artist (or commercial catalogue art) needed to provide the public art or wall mural? Are there local plants that could be used to create a similar aesthetic to a meadow of imported perennials? Can we change the design typology or styles across the site based on environmental conditions? This challenge also extends into the technical aspects of the project. Do we need imported soil? Can we use local stone? What is the microclimate? What local and indigenous plants are commercially available, or can they be contract grown?
有人å¯èƒ½ä¼šè¯´ï¼Œè¿™ç§è¯´æ³•é™åˆ¶äº†è®¾è®¡å¸ˆåˆ›é€ 优秀设计的能力,或者当地的概念ã€æ料或æ¤ç‰©è°ƒè‰²æ¿å¤ªæœ‰é™ï¼Œä¸ç¬¦åˆå®¢æˆ·çš„需求。这个挑战在于使用现æˆçš„事物æ¥åˆ›é€ å—当地å¯å‘的设计,并考é‡ä½ 的设计å™è¿°å’Œæ„图。是å¦çœŸçš„需è¦å›½é™…艺术家(或商业艺术)æ¥æ供公共艺术或å£ç”»ï¼Ÿ 是å¦æœ‰æœ¬åœ°æ¤ç‰©å¯ä»¥ç”¨æ¥è¥é€ 与外æ¥çš„常绿è‰åœ°ç›¸ä¼¼çš„美感? 我们å¯ä»¥æ ¹æ®çŽ¯å¢ƒæ¡ä»¶æ”¹å˜æ•´ä¸ªé¡¹ç›®çš„è®¾è®¡ç±»åž‹æˆ–é£Žæ ¼å—?这一挑战还延伸到项目的技术层é¢ã€‚ 我们需è¦è¿›å£åœŸå£¤å—? 我们å¯ä»¥ä½¿ç”¨å½“地的石头å—?设计里å˜åœ¨å¾®æ°”候å—? 哪些本地和本土æ¤ç‰©å¯ä»¥ä¹°åˆ°ï¼Œæˆ–者å¯ä»¥é€šè¿‡åˆåŒç§æ¤ï¼Ÿ
Taking up this challenge and asking questions about every design decision creates a better-resolved design and inspires locals to have pride in their local environment. We often hear clients, government officials, and others justify their design decisions by successful precedents (from other cities) or new shiny ideas in the current world. We as designers can flip homogenous design on its head, and state that local innovation and ideas are just as valid as international ideas and that using local ideas and talent can create a more successful project as local people and visitors will take greater ownership of the space.
接å—这一挑战并对æ¯ä¸€ä¸ªè®¾è®¡å†³ç–æ出问题,å¯ä»¥åˆ›é€ 出更好的设计,并激å‘当地人对当地环境的自豪感。我们ç»å¸¸å¬åˆ°å®¢æˆ·ã€æ”¿åºœå®˜å‘˜å’Œå…¶ä»–人通过æˆåŠŸçš„先例(æ¥è‡ªå…¶ä»–城市)或当今世界的新创æ„æ¥è¯æ˜Žä»–们的设计决ç–是æ£ç¡®çš„。作为设计师,我们å¯ä»¥æŽ¨ç¿»åŒè´¨åŒ–è®¾è®¡ï¼Œå¹¶è®ºè¿°æœ¬åœ°çš„åˆ›æ–°å’Œæƒ³æ³•ä¸Žå›½é™…æƒ³æ³•ä¸€æ ·æœ‰æ•ˆï¼Œä½¿ç”¨æœ¬åœ°æƒ³æ³•å’Œäººæ‰å¯ä»¥åˆ›é€ 一个更æˆåŠŸçš„é¡¹ç›®ï¼Œå› ä¸ºå½“åœ°äººå’Œæ¸¸å®¢å°†èŽ·å¾—æ›´å¤§çš„ç©ºé—´æ‹¥æœ‰æƒã€‚
It will take education and many conversations to make this happen; Site considered (contextual) design is not the easy way and will require more involvement, thought and time than merely putting together a Pinterest or Miro board. However, it will need designers to draw upon the local context to inspire and create the design (project) narrative, which is key to gaining decision-makers confidence to make the change.
å®žçŽ°è¿™ä¸€ç›®æ ‡éœ€è¦æ•™è‚²å’Œè®¸å¤šå¯¹è¯ï¼› 考虑本地环境的设计并ä¸ç®€å•ï¼Œå®ƒéœ€è¦æ›´å¤šçš„å‚与ã€æ€è€ƒå’Œæ—¶é—´ï¼Œè€Œä¸æ˜¯ä»…ä»…å°† Pinterest 或 Miro åˆé›†æ”¾åœ¨ä¸€èµ·ã€‚然而,它需è¦è®¾è®¡å¸ˆåˆ©ç”¨å½“地环境æ¥æ¿€å‘å’Œåˆ›é€ é¡¹ç›®çš„å™è¿°ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯è®©å†³ç–者有信心åšå‡ºæ”¹å˜çš„关键。
Article written by Damian Holmes, Founder & Editor of World Landscape Architecture.
Chinese (Simplified) Translated by Terren Shi
æ–‡ç« ç”±WLA的创始人和编辑Damian Holmes撰写。他åŒæ—¶ä¹Ÿæ˜¯ä¸€ä½æ³¨å†Œæ™¯è§‚è®¾è®¡å¸ˆï¼Œåœ¨æ¾³å¤§åˆ©äºšï¼ŒåŠ æ‹¿å¤§å’Œä¸å›½æ‹¥æœ‰ä¸°å¯Œçš„ç»éªŒã€‚
ä¸æ–‡ç”±Terren Shi翻译。
Architects 10X their design productivity with The Design Warrior resources.
2 å¹´To me, getting references from regions outside my local context gives me some insights on how to come up with interesting design proposals. I can tell that I'm a designer that takes international inspiration and blends it with the local site conditions.