OP ED: No Border, No Wall, No USA at All!
The title of this article? A chant by the Democrats Antifa on agenda? Both or a COUP?
There are some fundamental truths about the world that no matter the religion or the location on the planet are true. Man (Humans) are evil by nature. They will always fall to the lowest denominator, the easiest path and seek to rule over the neighbor. Man can kill for no reason, hurt family for drug money and lie and steal “just because”. This is all kept in check by the “Law” that was put into place by the Constitution and Bill of Rights to create a “civilized” society. Obeying the “Law” creates civilized society and “force” is only needed for those who break the “Law”. This no longer holds true in my opinion.
The country has been dividing along party lines and ideologies for many years. In the 2016 Presidential Election it reached its zenith of “my side, your side”. When Hillary Clinton lost after 8 years of Obama the left collectively snapped. They had become so delusional of reality for the country as a whole they could not see the damage the policies they embraced and were forcing down people’s throats was destroying the country. But when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, a true referendum on the Obama years, they started shooting at the bottom of the boat, delusional seeing Russians and Trump everywhere that caused their loss and in the process started the destruction of the country from within.
But now the damage has reached dangerous levels. My analogy of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” of a person standing in a row boat in shark infested waters with a gun shooting at the bottom of the boat because they see “Trump” everywhere is what the Democrats are doing to the nation. The problem is that we are all in that row boat, Republicans, Independents and so on. The sump pumps will only handle so much before they give out and a decision has to be made. What do we do with the deranged Democrats who think that shooting holes, ie., Hole; illegal aliens who rape and murder are more important than American citizens because they can be tricked to vote Democrat, Hole; Capitalism is the evil that socially divides us when in fact it is “effort” that can make or break you in America, Hole; The Constitution and Bill of Rights are just pieces of paper in the way of true happiness, Socialism. Hole; The Rule of Law only applies to me if I am not elite and so on. "America was NEVER GREAT " (Como), Holes!
The choice America will soon come to face is what to do about the “left” who is shooting holes in the USA boat. The choices are to allow them to keep shooting until the boat sinks and they can replace the boat with a Socialism boat that we row for them as they tell us we are all working together for the greater good BS or we can push them off the boat into the water and let the sharks do their thing. With the latter we live in peace and quiet once the screaming dies down. This is called a Civil War, and I do believe this is where we are headed come November.
This November if the “left” looses again at the voting booth, between Muller not finding anything on Trump, the truth about the DOJ, FBI and many others attempted what amounts to a COUP to take control of the Government away from the duly elected President, Donald Trump, and give it to one of their cronies, Hillary, an all out shooting civil war will erupt as “people” will not accept the destruction of private property and violence from Antifa or others as acceptable. Real Americans do not see a “Trumped up” investigation about Russians as fruitful and see it for what it is, a waste of time and money to make Democrats feel good that they lost. Real Americans see that we have to regain control of the boarders and remove ALL of the criminal illegal’s and then have an honest and open discussion about the balance of people here. If you do not want to have an open discussion and only know how to demand like a child, then they all need to be removed. Real Americans stand for the flag and the national anthem because Real Americans can see the flag draped coffins of the sons and daughters who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be free each and every day. Real Americans have respect for the Rule of Law, Respect for Law Enforcement and those who each and every day risk it all to keep us safe.
Are there problems that need to be addressed? Yes. But the way to solve a problem is to have an open discussion about the issue and find a resolution that BOTH sides are not happy with but can agree too. The other solution is Civil War. Your choice America…….