OOH Insider - What's New and Next? And An AdScout Update
Credit 718 Outdoor, Glenn Murdocco

OOH Insider - What's New and Next? And An AdScout Update

Well, here we are, another Friday and the first Friday of summer so, congratulations...you've earned it. Enjoy some rest and relaxation this weekend.

A Quick Update On OOH Insider

It has been an absolutely incredible push for the podcast since coming out of the conference in Nashville. In fact, since then, we’ve released some of our most-listened-to episodes of all time.

So, I figured I’d share the Top 5 episodes since April with you here, in order of release date (and a quick update below on what’s new, what’s next, and what’s happening):

If you’ve already listened to those, a couple of personal favorites that are flying below the radar are this episode on Web3/Metaverse and how it can be used for presenting OOH campaigns before they’re sold, and then the inverse of that, hand-painted art and a show loaded with great soundbites, The Concrete Canvas.

cc: Jason Shuster , BizzTech and Benjamin Fishlock ???? , Global Street Art

All right, so what’s new and what’s -

We’re going to take a couple of weeks off from Guest Spotlight episodes because admittedly, I’ve been busy building and onboarding folks to AdScout.

Being busy building means that sometimes other things have to take a back seat, so recording new episodes the past few weeks in an effort to build up a backlog…well…it just didn’t happen. Sometimes, there isn’t enough time to do everything.

BUT, we’re back and recording as of tomorrow and this next series of guests is going to turn the heat up another level. Over the coming weeks, I’m interviewing multiple VPs of Marketing, Heads of Growth, and fractional CMOs who are from completely outside of the “OOH Industry” yet are some of the most staunch advocates and enthusiastic personalities when it comes to the opportunities for performance-minded, digital-first, born-online brands, to unlock new growth from offline media.

Frankly, I was speaking with one of those folks yesterday and left that call absolutely invigorated because I genuinely did not know I’d ever meet a performance marketer who was as excited, if not more than me about using OOH as a predictable, scalable growth-lever.

So that’s what’s coming, a series of conversations with the leaders of modern marketing organizations in an effort to bridge the gap that still exists - true buy-side dialogue. Conversations with the decision-makers of tomorrow of the brands who are not already spending in OOH. That’s what’s coming.

It will be a couple of weeks before those start to drop, but that’s what’s coming.

In the meantime, I intend to release a mini-series on Retail Media Networks In The Real World which will be a solo project but something I know is on everyone's mind and will be a tune-up for an OOH Insider appearance on a very special webinar presented by Placer.ai with the one-and-only Ethan Chernofsky on that topic later this summer.

Placer.ai is an AdScout Exclusive partner too, by the way, so two things...

1) If they haven't been on your radar, they probably should be.

I recorded this podcast after attending an event hosted by Placer in December in NYC and it's a great primer on why I believe that to be true.

2) If they have been on your radar, we're teaming up to bring you a ton of bonus value and if you're interested in what that looks like for you, feel free to schedule time directly with me and we can talk through it. From there, it's white glove the whole way.

OOHired.com Update

In other news, OOHired.com continues to grow. Here’s a snapshot of user activity comparing the last 28-days to the 28-days before that:

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28-Day Traffic Comparison For OOHired.com

So, if you’re hiring or looking to get hired, check out the only career marketplace for OOH at OOHired.com

Closing Week 3 Of AdScout

The purpose and intent of everything that I do is to grow the pie. Extend the conversation. Cross the chasm. Whatever you want to call it, my goal has always been to break out of the echo chamber and to be an ambassador for OOH to marketers who are discovering the channel for the first time.

In pursuit of that, this week has been a significant turning point in that, connecting with not one, not two, but THREE different marketing leaders from performance marketing backgrounds, that is scaling startups with media and marketing deployed with the explicit objective of returning an exponentially positive return, who were all singing the praises of "the undervalued performance of OOH advertising done right".

"Measurement" in this case does not have to do with impression counting. Rather, measurement for these marketers means "did it make me money?".

And that, to me, is the great uncharted. That is the conversation I am feverishly in pursuit of unlocking. And this week has been a major milestone in that pursuit.

By The Numbers

Multiple high-value introductions, to the tune of approximately $125K in the next 12 months, have been made. What's interesting is the heightened rate of direct inquiries with messages that look or sound like...

"Tim, who would you recommend personally for this?"

It's interesting that in ways, AdScout has become a vehicle to facilitate more collaboration within the industry quite quickly, which is obviously exciting.

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AdScout KPI Scorecard Since Launch

New Verified Companies

This week, we welcomed Brian Hands and Crosswalk Media , Judah L. and Nickelytics , Bob Johns and BOLDSITE Media , Troy Dilla and The OOH Squad , and Regis Maher III and do it outdoors media .

Have you worked with any of them? Leave them a review on AdScout! ?????

I am fired up to get back in the seat Monday, so for those of you subscribed to Insider Daily Brief, I'll see you bright and early. For everyone else, why don't you get subscribed? Craig Andrew Cook can probably give you a couple of good reasons why.

In fact, there are a lot of media and marketing executives like Julie Folkers who find immense value in the broad view of coverage and density of high-value content included, so you may check that out before you signoff for the weekend.

Until next time,

TRowe, out. ?

Good Job Tim! Great catching up with you this week, it had been too long since the last time! Street Media Group here in Colorado looks forward to being apart of AdScout Platform!

Good newsletter, from a good person ????
