Oof...Empathy or Lack Of It...! The Perfect Employee or The Employer..?
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Oof...Empathy or Lack Of It...! The Perfect Employee or The Employer..?

It is said that a great employee feels for the company.

It is said that a great employer feels for his employees.

Which of this needs to be true especially in respect to a Startup?

I believe that employing someone and working for someone is a handshake between two entities, the employer and the employee leading to a win-win for both. Needless to say there are many variables to consider on both sides but finally what speaks is results on both ends once the terms are agreed upon and confirmed by both the employer and employee.

I have seen many mention that an employee need not get emotional about a company. It is just a job. Similarly the contrary point of view is that an employer of a Startup need not get emotional about the employee because the employee is replaceable.

I completely disagree on both the above paragraphs especially when it comes to Startups....if they are to succeed.

In its infancy, a company or a business needs the best effort from all since new businesses are usually underfunded and need good cash flows to sustain themselves until they become eligible to receive capital.

Good cash flows are usually the result of good sales and good sales depend upon the business working cohesively bringing results to its clients on a regular basis.

Therefore both the employer and the employee are spokes of a wheel that cannot be underestimated or undermined.

What both need to understand that they both need to give their best for the business because both need it to earn the living and lifestyle that they seek. Maybe the employer seeks more than just a lifestyle and gains more if the business grows but employees that have a great track record of delivery and discipline along with loyalty have high value because talent and delivery does scream it's own music.

Therefore both cannot and should not give less than 100%. I have been an employer and an employee and I know how painful it is when you are taken for granted on either side of the table.

Do you know what happens to those that do not take their work or relationships at work seriously - they fail. I'll tell you why, success is always a result of practice and every effort you put into doing super work and that shows and makes you better as skillful resource.

Therefore neither the employer or employee can take each other or even the business for granted as both are working towards a larger goal. I have been blessed with great employees in different company's that I owned or managed during my lifetime. I could do more because of them and I have always thanked them for it.

Even today, I am always on the lookout for talent (even if fresh and with basic education) that is loyal, devoted to their work and looking to grow, hungry to grow even so that we could spin them off as future managers or even management after their initial tenure with us in our ventures.

There is so much potential out there amongst certain individuals and so much that they can do that a little synchronization, guidance and support from the employer along with a great deal of respect does change an employee's life forever.

Similarly an employer is blessed when his employee provides timely results with focus and discipline, and exhibits the capability to learn and grow, a potential to be realized and further polished to take up more responsibility - maybe partial ownership of the business in the future.

An intelligent owner would like nothing more than to convert his business into a 'true business' and that to me means that my 'business' leaves me free to do whatsoever I want without being bound to it.

This freedom can only be found if the employees are capable of handling the Company by themselves and it cannot happen unless an owner understands the capability of his team and is open to gradually allowing the transfer of power and management to the right person or person's - a core team.

It is necessary that the employer and employee discover and understand each other, focus not on using each other for their temporary needs but rather becoming one and focusing on growth and leveraging each other's strengths to grow the company.

It is only this mindset that can set a company apart and give it a maturity to survive and grow.

The rest is all theory and great for debate but if you do not think of each other and for each other. Neither one of you is going anywhere in life and nor is the Company..!

This is my personal belief however I'm sure there are other schools of thoughts that may completely disagree with my belief's mentioned in this Newsletter.

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Raj Sukheja is the CXO of Red Mammoth Ventures LLP., Mumbai and consults for?#business?and?#finance?for small to large company's worldwide. He is an?#author?#writer?#speaker?#mentor?calls himself?#evolutioncatalyst?#evocat?and is a?#thinktank?cum?#financialconsultant?offering?#consultingservices.

Disclaimer of Liability. The Author shall not carry any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages arising in any way out of the use or distribution of this article as this article is a perspective of the Author and not to be deemed as any or specific advice to anyone from the Author.?The Author is neither directly or indirectly implying any person, community, business or organization. All articles are meant to educate and examples are simply examples, any coincidence is incidental and purely that - a coincidence.

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Godwin Dagadu

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