Prof. Lora Levitchi
Open to Global Financial Transformations roles; Ex SVP Citi; JPMorgan Chase; New York Life; Author/Writer
The one who loves his woman, will subdue her by love / Not by hitting, denigrating, slandering, humiliating / The one who loves his woman puts the bridle of ego and lust for magnification / The foot on the neck of the partner marks the lost of the Saint hasty iniquity./ How radiant, bright, gentle and pleasant / May remain the woman who is hit everywhere? / How can the mother continues to smile tenderly with her baby at the window / When the villain's hand breaks the master bird's flight ?! / How can the scarred virgin not scream that it hurts / When the one who was supposed to protect her / He scolded her and left her prey to other more able-bodied monsters ... / The black curtain of the world carries deadly sins / The woman is the life-giving one, Satan in the body of a man decided to mock her./Their monopoly stretches like a plasma everywhere / You are not a well seen man if you have no mistress, a vessel with cold champagne on board / The involution of the world upsets nature / Trembling, it muffles it's scream in the waves of the deep ocean / It cries through the dark green of the leafy forests / Through the wings of eagles It throws itself into the void from the highest peak / The sunrise has the traces of the women hit by the vine / The sunset brings the call at battle / He changed his amber cloak with the purple one / Where did the deity flee from Earth ?! / How are the crosses still standing and not falling one by one / The tender children are transformed into playful dolls for pedophile hands / Parents are searching for them because of the pain that drives them crazy / The waterfalls are crushed by rocks so they will stop the sadness for/ The sacrifice of the fallen angels in the claws of beasts / All that is fragile, soft, of an inhuman beauty / It is taken by barbarian men and trampled on / The petals of women are torn off so that they can never laugh again / The wings are also torn apart, the dream their flight was killed / Many women with swollen faces / They choose to become barricades defending their possessed children, so-called life partners./ The petals continue their journey in the air / The spirit cannot be killed / The woman wears on her shoulders starfish / God decided that only she can give birth to future men / Those who will subdue their wives through too much love / At their roots they will pour living water / With untouched nectar they will feed them / They will take the clouds in their arms / The moonlight in silver will clothe them / The body of milk taken by the valiant man in his arms / Kissed seventy times seven will be / The perfection of its roundness smells the velvet of pleasures, / Leaves the wind in ecstasy clinging to the branches / Makes the belly of divine lightning until the refusal / The ocean breeze feels need to speak the tongues of forgotten civilizations / The redness of her lips stir rebellious stallions in the man / The nobility of her forehead, demands the first kiss of Fates blessed / The silk of her hair, hidden from the eyes of the man who came from the battle with tears in his eyes / The softness of her skin / It bears passions fulfilled by its worthy ally in life / The sweetness of its flesh, a fruit stopped by many desired to be tasted / The fragrance of the body clothed in night veils / The fruit of the crossing of peaches with anemones, of pomegranates with grapes of the rainbow with buds / The exact science of love has a unique formula / Couple souls live their love in flames / When others long ago burned completely, the ideal of happiness long ago gave up./ The armor of woman's love opens in onyx flower / Love is not for everyone / Diamonds are admired by all / The process of making them is known by very few / The pleasure of the desire to possess them / It is done by becoming not a collector but a seeker in the depths of the predestined brilliance./ The petals of the woman subjected to trauma / They unite in the column that goes to God / The virtue of the whole woman is a precious treasure / What only a true awakened one can cherish not an atheist./ The eternal kingdom will be of those who know to protect one another/ Shine the petals of the flower neatly next to the proudest man / Endowed with the power of onyx he will be able to overcome any struggle in life./ It is the covenant that the soul made a convention with God / Before to come into the world / That he will be a voluntary protector of the beautiful one who will make him happy / Giving her the candor of her beauty and happy joyful babies.. "By Lora Levitchi
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Romanian translation:
Cel ce-si iubeste femeia, o va supune prin iubire/ Nu prin lovire, denigrare, calomniere, umilire/ Ce-l ce-si iubeste femeia pune capastrul ego-ului si poftei de marire/ Piciorul pe grumazul partenerei marcheaza a pierdutilor de Sfant grabnica nelegiuire./ Cum radianta, luminoasa, gentila si placuta/ Sa mai ramana femeia ce-i peste tot lovita/ Cum mama sa zambeasca duios cu pruncu-n glastra/ Cand mana ticalosului i-a frant zborul de pasare maiastra?! / Cum oare fecioara pangarita sa nu tipe ca o doare/ Cand cel ce trebuia a o ocroti/ A pangarit-o si-a lasat-o prada la alti musterii mai cu stare.../ Cortina neagra a lumii cara pacate de moarte/ Femeia e cea datatoare de viata, Satane in trup de barbat decis-au a o oropsi./Monopolul lor se-ntinde ca o plasma peste tot/ Nu esti barbat de vaza de nu ai amante, vas cu sampanie rece la bord/ Involutia lumii supara natura/ Frematand isi infunda urletul in valuri de ocean adanc/ Plange prin verdele inchis din ale padurilor frunze/ Prin aripi de vulturi se-arunca in gol de pe cel mai inalt pisc/Rasaritul are urmele femeilor lovite, de vinetiu/ Apusul, aduce a chemare la lupta/ Mantia de chihlimbar si-a schimbat-o cu cea de purpuriu/ Unde fugit-a indumnezeirea de pe Pamant?!/ Cum de mai stau crucile-n picioare si nu cad pe rand/ Copile fragede sunt transformate in papusi de joaca pentru maini pedofile/ Parintii le cauta pan ce de durere innebunesc/ Cascadele se zdrobesc de stanci sa nu mai simta / Jertfa ingerilor cazuti in ghiare de fiare/ Tot ce-i fragil, suav, de un frumos neomenesc/ E luat de barbatii barbari si calcat in picioare/ Petalele femeilor sunt smulse sa nu mai poata niciodata a rade/ Aripile la fel, visul lor de zbor a fost ucis/ Multe femei cu fete tumefiate/ Aleg sa devina baricade aparandu-si copiii de posedati, asa zisi parteneri de viata ai lor./ Petalele isi continua drumul in aer/ Spiritul nu le poate fi ucis/ Femeia poarta pe umeri stele de mare/ Dumnezeu a decis ca numai ea sa poata naste viitorii barbati/ Aceia ce isi vor supune femeile prin prea multa iubire/ La radacinile lor apa vie le vor turna/ Cu nectar neinceput le vor hrani/ Nurii in brate le vor lua/ Lumina de luna in argint le va imbraca/ Corpul de lapte luat de vajnic barbat in brate/ Sarutat de saptezeci de ori cate sapte va fi/ Perfectiunea rotunjimilor ei mocneste catifele de placeri,/ Lasa vantul in extaz agatat de crengi/Rascolit ii e pantecele de fulger divin pan peste refuz/ Face briza de ocean sa vorbeasca limbi de civilizatii uitate/ Roseata buzelor ei rascolesc armasari rebeli in barbat/ Nobletea fruntii ei, cere sarutul dintai de ursitoare binecuvantat/ Matasea parului ei, ascunzis pentru ochii barbatului venit din lupte-nlacrimat/Moliciunea catifelata a pielii ei/ Rodeste pasiuni pan atunci netraite de vrednicu-i in viata aliat/ Dulceata carnii ei, un fruct oprit de multi dorit spre a fi gustat/ Parfumul trupului imbracat in voaluri de noapte/ Rodul incrucisarii piersicilor cu anemonele, a rodiilor cu strugurii si-a curcubeului cu mugurii /Stiinta exacta a dragostei are formula unicat/ Sufletele pereche isi traiesc dragostea in flacari/ Cand altii demult au ars integral, idealul fericirii demult au cedat./ Armura iubirii femeii se deschide in floare de onix/ Iubirea nu este pentru orisicine/ Diamantele sunt admirate de toti/ Procesul facerii lor stiut de foarte putini/ Voluptatea dorintei de posedare a lor/ Se face devenind nu colectionar ci cautator in adancuri a briliantului predestinat./ Petalele femeii supusa la traume/ Se unesc in columna ce merge pana la Dumnezeu/ Virtutea femeii integre este o pretioasa comoara/ Ce numai un adevarat trezit o poate pretui nu un ateu./ Imparatia vesnica va fi a celor ce stiu unul pe altul a se ocroti/ Straluce petalele florii ingrijite langa cel mai mandru barbat/ Inzestrat cu puterea onixului el orice lupta in viata va putea birui./ E pactul ce sufletul l-a facut cu Dumnezeu/ Inainte pe lume de a veni/ Acela de a fi protector benevol frumoasei ce-l va ferici/ Daruindu-i candoarea frumusetii ei si prunci veseli, zglobii." De Lora Levitchi