Ontario's Welfare Reform Plans - A Helping Hand The People of Ontario Cannot Afford

Ontario's Welfare Reform Plans - A Helping Hand The People of Ontario Cannot Afford

I read an interesting article today about Ontario Government's proposed reform plans for the provinces welfare system. (you can check it out here: Source ).

Although I agree with the theory that there should be a minimum income to insure people’s basic needs, such as food and shelter, are met I nevertheless have some pretty major reservations to some of what is being proposed here.

“You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.”

Simply throwing more and more money at these very valid challenges is not a long term solution or something that will be self sustaining over the long run.

At best, throwing more and more money at these very real challenges, for very real people who need help the most, are no better than simply short term band-aid solutions.

Structural reforms and strategies are what’s really required to target the root causes of poverty in our province and to create solutions that address these instead of simply increasing hand outs to those who are truly in need.

Only then will there be any meaningful and positive changes to these challenges.

Only then can those in need get to live their lives in dignity and be provided with true opportunities to break out from the poverty negative feedback loop.

Unfortunately both the Ontario provincial and federal levels of of government still fail to see that it is their same poorly planned and implemented policies over the past few decades that has only exasperated these issues further.

Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, or lack of actions as the case may be, over the past several decades the new proposal is to simply throw more money at the problem and hope it gets fixed. It's like throwing gasoline over a raging fire, while pretending to ignore the fact that is not water, in the hopes of extinguishing it.

Worse, now the government is proposing adding dental and eye care benefits to those in need too. Make no mistake, I truly agree that those in need can truly use a helping hand here. However, the government is failing once again to consider some far reaching “unintended consequences here!”

For someone working full time in the Province of Ontario at or below today’s minimum wage of $11.40/hour, like hundreds of thousands of people in the province are today, the total annual income would be somewhere between $22,000 to $24,000 per year, or just over the arbitrary poverty line of $22,000. Yet most of these people get ZERO health, vision or other benefits which are planned to be offered to those on social assistance.

So let me address the 800lb gorilla in the room, for the Ontario government: What then is the point for anyone working a minimum wage job to keep on working?

As very rational economic people, based on the proposed provincial plans, why would anyone in this province ever want to or indeed need to work a minimum wage job ever again?

Instead these same minimum wage workers can instead go on social assistance, get paid nearly the same, without working at all, PLUS get dental and vision care benefits PLUS several other subsidies for housing, training, etc, etc. that they can only dream of while working they continue working in their minimum wage jobs.

Indeed, when taking these additional proposed benefits into consideration, even some who are currently working above minimum wage may find it economically more prudent to quit their job as well and still come out ahead!

More importantly, how is the government planning and expecting to pay for all this?

If less people are working, this means less tax revenue for the government, which means less money to fund government programs, including social assistance.

With less people will to work minimum wage jobs, the cost of labour will have to move higher for businesses that are currently relying on minimum wage workforce. This could then lead to falling business profits, which could further result in significant business losses, which can then lead to businesses closing their doors and laying off even more workers.

This means even less tax revenues for the government.

The province is playing on a very slippery slope indeed.

I suspect that once again, such plans are only now being mulled by the province to garner votes for the next provincial election at the risk of causing even more pain for those who need it the most.

That's right, those very same would be voters.

To our elected officials:

I truly fail to see any dignity in that!


Felix Vortsman, Chief Millionaire Maker的更多文章

